Sentences with phrase «other constraints of»

There are no other constraints of energy.
Other constraints of interior space made themselves apparent when we took the Juke NISMO RS on a shopping spree where we bought our kids» Christmas presents.

Not exact matches

the Company's share repurchase plans depend on a variety of factors, including the Company's financial position, earnings, share price, catastrophe losses, maintaining capital levels commensurate with the Company's desired ratings from independent rating agencies, funding of the Company's qualified pension plan, capital requirements of the Company's operating subsidiaries, legal requirements, regulatory constraints, other investment opportunities (including mergers and acquisitions and related financings), market conditions and other factors.
To get around this constraint, McDonald's employs a barbell strategy for pricing — Dollar Menu items on one end of the spectrum and premium items (the McWrap, Mighty Wings) on the other.
«The other two benefits would first of all be to low - income people, whose mobility would be improved, giving them access to jobs, health facilities and so on by removing financial constraints,» he added.
Talking for just shy of an hour, Trump's banter shows how little he knows and cares about the domestic politics and constraints other leaders face.
The owners of Ex Machina and other startups say they have succeeded despite the constraints of Greece's business environment.
Canadian producers would need Line 3 and at least one of the other pipelines to go forward or face indefinite pipeline constraints that would have an impact on Canada's well - being with consequences that extend well beyond Alberta, said Perrault.
The idea might sound crazily impractical (and for founders with kids in school or other common life constraints, without a whole lot of planning and prep it probably is), but Rustrum points out the benefits aren't just a tan and a lengthy break from your snow shovel.
If interest takes a larger share of the pie, that puts constraints on other choices.»
If the new set of reforms are to be truly effective, in other words, they must be designed directly to eliminate the balance sheet constraints on the economy.
Brokers and other advisors may have model portfolios developed for their clientele, with portfolio constraints adjusted as required to suit your book of business.
How can the customer journey, defined free of technology considerations or constraints, be optimized through the use of websites, mobile apps, beacons or any other technology?
If the authorities are willing to engage in loss - making activities to achieve the GDP growth target, there are two relevant characteristics of an economy like China's that change the nature of the GDP measure: first, economic activity is much less affected by hard - budget constraints than it is in most other economies; and second, bad debt is much less likely to be written down.
Forward - looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by BlackBerry in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that BlackBerry believes are appropriate in the circumstances, including but not limited to the launch timing and success of products based on the BlackBerry 10 platform, general economic conditions, product pricing levels and competitive intensity, supply constraints, BlackBerry's expectations regarding its business, strategy, opportunities and prospects, including its ability to implement meaningful changes to address its business challenges, and BlackBerry's expectations regarding the cash flow generation of its business.
The NAB survey reports that the overall proportion of business respondents citing the availability of suitable labour as a constraint on current output and profitability has been increasing, although the survey still places labour availability well behind other constraining factors.
Can i add here that one of the other reason why someone may appear unwilling to accept help from professionals like you is financial constraint.
To some extent, however, this comes at the expense of sales to all the other markets, an inevitable consequence of the reality of overall resource constraints.
Integrity requires, among other things, being honest and candid within the constraints of Company confidentiality, and dealing fairly and respectfully with suppliers, contractors, other employees, government officials or other third parties.
Among the factors that could cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those contained in such forward - looking statements are the following: macro-economic conditions (including fluctuations in housing prices, oil markets, jobless rates and other indicators), credit market changes and constraints, foreign currency fluctuation, the company's ability to manage its property portfolio, the impact of labor markets, failure to effectively manage costs or achieve anticipated expense and cost reductions, and disruptions in our supply chain or information technology systems.
It's quite hard to strike the right balance in our distant appreciation of the state, but Locke would likely suggest that it's a sign of poor breeding and inadequate education to complain too vociferously about the constraints on ourselves and others necessary to preserve our liberty.
The only constraint comes in limitations on actions when those actions would infringe on the rights of others.
Progressive legal theorists exploited this doctrinal disjunction to argue that the justices» opposition to economic reforms was fundamentally ideological and thus illegitimate: «If the public's evolving attitude towards liquor and lotteries had been sufficient to justify a rethinking of economic rights and federalism constraints, the argument went, then what else but the subjective policy preferences of the justices themselves could explain the Court's stubborn resistance to other, broadly popular forms of «social» legislation?»
Mankowski applauds the candor of Archbishop Weakland because he makes explicit the confession that the drafters fudge, namely, «that they uphold the Catholic teaching on the priesthood under constraint, and for no other reason.»
Chad, I would venture to guess that others are saying that you are trying to apply the yes / no, white or black constraints that you are able to «bucketize» for your theological notion of free will upon the informal notion from Hawking & Dawkins regarding determinism.
He is stuck in Lane's office, and burdened with his other constraints, for his sins, as if he had been reborn into SC&P as a Lane - like lower form of life.
Tell them that because they weren't virgins or examples of the «right» strict sexual constraints others tried to place on them that they were worthless, and should just be utterly ashamed of themselves?
Though blacks» tutelage has not been entirely self - incurred, the link between liberation and enlightenment is just as real for us: the black nonviolent disobedient realizes his own freedom by accepting the constraints of universal moral laws, by maintaining civility under strong provocation even when others do not.
In communal solitude, however, one stands clear of alienating social constraints and is steadily attentive to other human beings and to God.
Thus, the sorts of entities involved in the creative advance, the what and how of each process of synthesis, and the other metaphysical constraints governing each such process, are respectively rendered explicit in the Categories of Existence, of Explanation, and of Obligation.
For all of their ingenuity and their (perhaps considerable) merits, in other words, these accounts seem not to be talking about the same sort of thing that we have all along understood «morality» to be (or that we encounter when we feel ourselves subject to «moral» constraints).
HBB was really solidified 2004, and now it has passed the constraint test of rejecting all other theory while surviving.
While it is of clear value to derive theory from math, one must always keep in mind that math is based upon assumptions and conventions, or in other words, math is based on agreements that may or may not eventually be true, but always true within specific constraints.
Some want meditational disciplines to order their inner lives without the constraints of committed involvement with others.
In a work recently completed, but not yet published, I have explained how the adaptability of animal bodily systems, especially the brain, which Meredith and Stein have remarkably demonstrated in respect of the senses in their The Merging of the Senses and which is seen in infant language - learning in a way discussed by Meltzoff, Butterworth and others, reaches a peak in the case of the human use of language so that it is solely semantic and communicational constraints which determine grammar and nothing universal in grammar is determined by neurology.
Mr. Sullivan has no interest whatever in reconstructing a Catholic sexual ethic, or any other kind of ethic that might propose constraints or moral orderings on the satisfaction of sexual desires, apart from a few narrowly defined causes of possible «social harm.»
We are born with opportunities and constraints over which we had no original control, and some of this conditioning influences our predisposition to behavior toward others.
Many others are what she calls «spiritual entrepreneurs,» seeking creative ways to work with the tensions between science and faith outside the constraints of traditional religion.....
Simply thickening their protective membranes and emphasizing doctrinal constraints, or the normative superiority of one deposit of faith over the others, now leads only to an obstruction of informational flow.
It is not in the interest of the master to kill his slave, it is not in the interest of the master to go against all of Gods other constraints as to causing harm to another yet alone his own personal property (valuable asset).
Homeschoolers — ever the braver and more innovative of the two sets — have traveled farther down this road, but I'm guessing that fiscal constraint and frustration with disappointing educational results may lead brick - and - mortar school leaders to start living dangerously, too, and realize that each group has something to learn from the other.
Ignoring the constraints of Torah leads to undisciplined, godless existence, while a move to the other extreme, legalism, turns the religious and moral life into a sterile, rigid existence.
Consistently with its rejection of this doctrine, process theism holds that God necessarily and hence always exists in relation to «others» with their own power, whereas traditional theism's acceptance of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo means that God faced «no prior constraints apart from those of logical consistency.»
Some of these constraints are present because of the social context in which the sermon is produced, others depend on the way the sermon textualizes these elements, and still others occur as features of the internal structure of the sermon itself.
Saputo is desperate to manufacture and then demonstrate momentum in its run at WCB; the other muscled - up bull in this dairy shop, Murray Goulburn, attempts to anchor the Montreal - based group to the starting blocks while the local contender works at freeing itself of regulatory constraints.
The other constraint on the live trade with China is regulations from Beijing requiring all cattle shipped from Australia to be killed within 14 days of arrival, meaning there is no time for putting on extra weight through a feedlot.
The final volume of water recovered for the environment is dependent on the outcome of two work programs that may either increase or decrease the surface water sustainable diversion limits; one to remove river system constraints and the other to improve the efficiency of environmental water delivery.
The position of the major supermarket chains, particularly Coles and Woolworths, is such that there is a very significant constraint on the capacity of independent retailers to increase price or decrease other services without the likely loss of business.
The emergence of climate change and critical constraints on fossil fuel and other non-renewable resources as key limiting factors for the expansion or even maintenance of existing large - scale food production systems in Australia
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