Sentences with phrase «other observational research»

Other observational research reveals plants have visual capabilities we just do not understand yet.

Not exact matches

It appears that other types of protocols are utilized by the WHO, such as for the newly released Intrapartum Care for Positive Childbirth Experience, which includes all types of quantitative research, for example observational studies, and is not limited to RCTs.
«William Borucki, of the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California,» won the astronomy prize for «conceiving the observational technique of transit photometry that raised the tantalizing prospect of sighting Earth - like planets orbiting other stars, and [for] leading the 25 - year - long development of the Kepler mission.»
For the new research, the scientists were able to tap databases from two well - known ongoing observational studies that collect data on diet and other lifestyle factors and various health outcomes.
Do some research, find out what other «products» (inexpensive astronomy courses with an observational component) are out there that might serve the same purpose.
William Borucki, of the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, has captured the astronomy prize for two achievements: conceiving the observational technique of transit photometry that raised the tantalizing prospect of sighting Earth - like planets orbiting other stars, and leading the 25 - year - long development of the Kepler mission, which in 2009 placed a telescope in space to make those observations.
«Results from our observational study in young adults with normal kidney function may not translate into a clinically meaningful difference and may be insufficient to inform decision - making concerning marijuana use; however, it is possible that the association between marijuana use and kidney function could be different in other populations such as older adults or patients with kidney disease, so additional research is needed,» said Dr. Ishida.
The joint research team led by graduate student and JSPS fellow Takuma Izumi at the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo revealed for the first time — with observational data collected by ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array), in Chile, and other telescopes — that dense molecular gas disks occupying regions as large as a few light years at the centers of galaxies are supplying gas directly to the supermassive black holes.
In other words, optogenetics allowed the possibility to move the entire neuroscience research field forward from the observational and correlational stage to the causality era.
Don't take the words «research» and «study» without a grain of salt: It's often hard to draw «news you can use» from certain experiments — for example, those that aren't peer - reviewed or published in a credible journal, those that are performed on animals, or those that are purely observational — which means that other factors could be involved in the outcome.
Some schools used well researched observational tools (Danielson, 2011), others tried to make judgements against the APST, and others left the decision to an individual supervisor.
In the end, what can be more fairly and appropriately asserted from this research report is that the Marzano model is indeed correlated with value - added estimates, and their correlation coefficients fall right in line with all other correlation coefficients evidenced via other current studies on this topic, again, whereby researchers have correlated multiple observational models with multiple value - added estimates.
Moreover, the research suggests that value - added scores may be more effective as incentive tools when they are combined with observational and other measures that can give teachers information on practices.
Complex and cross-disciplinary in nature, these research challenges require involvement and collaboration of US CLIVAR observational, modeling, and prediction activities with research efforts of other Earth science communities.
Increasingly, in complex public health evaluation research, there are questions about whether all relevant benefits can be captured in a single summary outcome measure such as QALY or unit of «effectiveness» or net benefit approach17 which is why the use of a cost - consequence analysis (CCA) framework is being recommended for such economic evaluations.18 Other outcomes from the trial such as the Parent — Infant Relationship Global Assessment Scale (an observational measure that is independently rated blind to group allocation) will be included in the CCA so that all costs and outcomes from the trial can be displayed transparently for decision - makers to consider trade - offs themselves.
However, self - report measures of maternal — infant relationship quality are poorly correlated with observational measures [46] and thus observations of are much preferred [47, 48], yet much ignored in the research on AD or other atopic diseases.
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