Sentences with phrase «other population groups»

Researchers found other population groups that are more likely to be uninsured also had difficulty understanding health insurance terms.
The findings indicate that the average dietary GI of Australian adults is similar to that of other population groups, with a large proportion of starchy and energy - dense nutrient - poor foods that contribute to a high GL.
The demand for reproductive information and contraceptives still exceeds the supply in dozens of developing countries, according to the report and separate assessments by other population groups — meaning that tens of millions of women are probably having larger families than they want.
«These findings support previous reports, based on studies in other population groups, suggesting that small dense HDL particles are protectively associated with risk of coronary heart disease.
Other population groups that seem to be bitten more often are adult males, who are far more likely to suffer a bite than adult females.
«Quite often under a United Nations definition, Indigenous peoples» identity gets lost in other population groups and they're not identified as Indigenous — they're identified under other sub-groups,» they said.
Limitations include sample size, sample composed of mostly males, and generalizability to other population groups.
Limitations include lack of control group and generalizability to other population groups.
They include the objective of reducing health disparities by improving health outcomes for Maori and other population groups, and to reduce, with a view to eliminating, health outcome disparities between the various population groups.
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