Sentences with phrase «other possible benefits»

Other possible benefits include penalty - free required minimum distributions, extended care benefits, and terminal illness benefits.
Allan says other possible benefits of vitamin D covered in the review were not borne out or are still unproven.
Other possible benefits included sexual gratification, increased happiness and elevated mood, increased understanding of one's self and of romantic relationships, perceived control in a relationship, and the unique fulfillment of needs by that relationship.
Other possible benefits of apples include anti-cancer and anti-asthma properties.
For instance, if your spouse died, you'll want to locate a will, if there is one, and obtain a death certificate so that you can begin the process of claiming any life - insurance death benefits and other possible benefits.
Although the majority of over 350 research and review articles published about cranberry have focused on the berry's effect on urinary tract health, emerging science shows cranberry may have some other possible benefits including: cardiovascular health, reducing oral diseases including cavities and gum disease, and gastrointestinal health.
The process to sign up for Amazon family is incredibly straightforward and easy, here are the steps involved along with the other possible benefits:
The research into HIIT shows that using this energy system seems to have a whole list of other possible benefits, and many researchers believe that the hormonal changes that occur during HIIT make fat burning more efficient and effective after the exercise session is finished.
While the ultimate goal of attaining certification is to improve student learning, both Schoch and Kiefer feel there may be other possible benefits, namely, increased funding opportunities.
We have to weigh the short - term upheaval against the academic and other possible benefits of ending up in better schools.»
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