Sentences with phrase «other research directions»

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Pentland's research has shown that the effect works in the other direction, too: A speaker who subtly mimics his or her conversation partner is rated as more interesting, honest, and persuasive.
But then for some reason, some people go one direction, others go another direction,» Jim Ray, head of research for the Neurodegeneration Consortium at MD Anderson told Business Insider.
Zilca also notes that other research points in the same direction, with several recent studies showing that «being in your twenties is often confusing and lonely.»
That's because a wide number of variables, many of which can't be predicted, can make the markets move in one direction or the other and render useless even the best research and analysis.
But even as he does so, the underlying science may well move the politics of stem - cell research in the other direction.
Bultmann incorporated what he regarded as the results of these previous inquiries, but his own scholarly interests took him in other directions, for he was not moved by the old fascination with historical research, the life of the church in society, or the life of Jesus.
Looking primarily to models based on quantitative research methodologies to provide a clear direction for policy in regulating media and violence can also distract policy makers from coming to grips with other difficult but more important value questions that impinge on the issue of media and violence, such as the purpose of broadcasting, issues of ownership and control of media, the international context of Australian media, the dominant economic nature of most of Australia's social communications, the distinctive ways in which the media reproduce and reconstruct myths and symbols of violence from within the culture, and how audiences use and respond to media myths and symbols.
Apparently I'm not much for following directions, because while doing research for this recipe I started reading several others and discovered most recipes have you add the fruit after baking.
I will add here that I also am pro-life and Kims comment was a good one for that because as I'm new to all of this I have wondered what the «peaceful» factions views are on that, because I will not be associated with anything to the other direction, not even a mild advocate, so thanks for bringing that up Kim, I am going to be doing some research.
Hawkins said Cuomo's renewable energy proposals to increase the cap in net metering to six percent, to promote shared renewable energy microgrids, invest in renewable energy in the Southern Tier and upstate cities, invest in research on battery storage for renewable energy, and others are good but only baby steps in the right direction.
The grand jury indictment said he used that position to mask bribes and kickbacks, including more than $ 3 million earned for referring asbestos sufferers to the firm from a doctor whose medical research secretly received $ 500,000 in state funds at Silver's direction, as well as other benefits.
One step the authors have taken in this direction is setting up an online petition for other young scientists and research organizations to comment on and endorse the declaration.
«It's not as much as we hoped,» says Future of Research Executive Director Gary McDowell, noting that the National Academies and other groups have recommended that postdocs be paid a minimum $ 50,000, «but it's certainly a step in the right direction
Other directions for future research, Liu said, include looking at the role of CLOCK in more forms of the disease, learning more about exactly how CLOCK affects neural circuits to disrupt adequate inhibition of excitatory neurons, and examining whether any of the genes that CLOCK regulates are especially important in the disorder.
He agreed to let me expand my research program in the directions I wanted it to go, and I was offered more opportunities to represent and be recognized for my work at conferences and other public speaking forums.
«The risk calculator does not take into account treatment or other potentially supportive environmental factors that may reduce risk; this is a direction for future research,» Seidman said, adding that the power of the calculator lies in putting symptoms in perspective for patients and their families.
In addition, doing important, quality research, being socially responsible with loyal employees, having leaders who keep the organization moving in the right direction, having values that are aligned with employees» personal values, and treating employees with respect are the other important drivers selecting the best company.
The first tier contains items that many young scientists would expect from their supervisors: mentoring; communication; setting a direction and vision for the research group; providing opportunities to network with other scientists; providing funding for postdocs» research or giving them significant help in obtaining their own grants; training; creating a work culture and environment that encourages individuals to treat everybody with respect and encourages collaboration; creating an ambience that keeps group members satisfied and attracts talented scientists to the group; and offering postdocs opportunities to explore options for their careers once their fellowships have ended.
«But the majority of the research evidence supports the causal direction being lack of sleep leading to problems rather than the other way around,» says study co-author Adam Winsler, a psychology professor at George Mason University.
A survey by Roach and Sauermann of more than 400 graduate students at three Research I universities shows that some of the aspiring researchers do strongly possess what Sauermann and other researchers call «a taste for science,» which they define as a desire to do basic research, to determine the direction of one's projects, to publish in peer - reviewed journals, and to participate actively in the scientific coResearch I universities shows that some of the aspiring researchers do strongly possess what Sauermann and other researchers call «a taste for science,» which they define as a desire to do basic research, to determine the direction of one's projects, to publish in peer - reviewed journals, and to participate actively in the scientific coresearch, to determine the direction of one's projects, to publish in peer - reviewed journals, and to participate actively in the scientific community.
Now the trend may be going in the other direction with new data about ice sheets, although a lot more research is needed, he said.
Many respondents thought it was also very important for the supervisor to have direction and vision for their research (57 percent); to provide opportunities to attend scientific meetings and meet other researchers (56 percent), and to provide or assist in obtaining the financial resources needed to conduct their research (56 percent).
However, the grantee must obtain prior written approval from NIH for a change in the direction, type of research or training, or other areas that constitute a significant change from the aims, objectives, or purposes of the proposed project (hereafter «change in scope»).
The understanding of other groups may indicate new directions for research such as the identification of change in body fat distribution, which seems to apply cross-culturally, and its relationship with the local understanding of menopause and its population - specific chronic disease risk.
The objects of the Association are to promote intercourse among those who are cultivating science in different parts of America, to cooperate with other scientific societies and institutions, to give a stronger and more general impulse and more systematic direction to scientific research, and to procure for the labors of scientific men increased facilities and a wider usefulness.
In other cases, an immersive course may help provide a foundation for a new research or career direction.
Researchers can also apply for seed grants to initiate new research directions or discretionary institutional funds to attend conferences in other fields, initiate collaborations, and supplement institutional support for salary.
Another possible research direction is to look at a multivehicle situation where one vehicle can scout ahead and relay information to one or more others — they could possibly have a low shared energy cost by intelligently assigning goals and sharing information.»
As the first of several national laboratories that China intends to launch in the coming years — others will be devoted to brain research, physics, and environmental science — the Qingdao lab will also be a bellwether for efforts to persuade scientists to accept greater government scrutiny and direction in exchange for ample resources.
Howe speculates on the study's other implications and directions for future research: «Since ravens are important predators of young birds and eggs, and hawks are predominantly predators of adults, these landscape changes could shift ecosystem dynamics.
Under the new model — to which Stanford University, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and other major institutions agreed — nearly 300 researchers specializing in the white - hot field of cancer immunology across the country will be following the lead of this central steering committee in determining the direction of their research.
«This new research direction is extremely important because it also highlights why everybody makes somewhat different decisions, and why some people can make very good decisions, while others make very bad decisions.
«Advancing precision medicine with an NGS - based companion diagnostic test to support multiple NSCLC drug therapies» «Successes, challenges and future directions in other areas of clinical research»
Primary responsibility will be to work under direction of the Principal Investigator (PI) to complete testing and training protocols; evaluate and research participants for interventions, working with neuromuscular electrical stimulation and exercise using upper - and lower - extremity exoskeleton devices and treadmill training; and perform other related research tasks.
Stress resistance has not been assessed however and so the biological relevance of this finding is currently unknown.32 Several IER trials (75 - 85 % ER on restricted days) in overweight / obese populations have reported reductions in various markers of oxidative stress 37, 41, which in one study was accompanied by a complementary increase in the anti-oxidant uric acid.37 In a direct comparison of IER (75 % ER for two days / week) and CER, both ER strategies displayed equal efficacy in reducing levels of fast - acting advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) after six months, which displayed a tendency to occur earlier (i.e. at three months) in the IER group.41 Levels of slow - acting (i.e. long term) AOPP tended to decrease in the IER group and increase in the CER group which the authors proposed may have resulted from IER - induced activation of autophagy, a key homeostatic cellular process in which dysfunctional or unnecessary cellular proteins are degraded and recycled.41 On the other hand, a follow - up study using similar IER / CER protocols demonstrated comparable reductions in AOPP in both groups after three months.48 Summary and Future Research Directions
In other words, while the common thinking of adrenal fatigue proponents is to point to cortisol abnormalities as a causal factor in the disease, there is much research indicating that it may be a reversed direction of causation — that these symptoms and lifestyle factors (e.g. poor sleep, excess body fat, medication use, etc.) are causing the abnormal cortisol patterns, rather than the other way around.
The colors that are added are based on the latest research by the PANTONE COLOR INSTITUTE into market direction and trends — in other words, the colors you and your clients want.
Without much research other than putting directions to Hana in our GPS, we headed out.
Federal funding and direction routinely lead to research and development breakthroughs in science, medicine, and defense, among other fields.
What we don't reflect on enough is how some educators are connected to the global community, emerging trends and research, and larger conversations around reform and the direction of global education in general — and how so many other educators are simply not tapped into that world.
VB MAPP is important for educators because it provides a baseline level of performance, a direction for intervention, a system for tracking skill acquisition, a tool for outcome measures and other language research projects, and a framework for curriculum planning.
Other countries learned from our research while we allowed political ideology to takeover the direction of our schools.
Her work has been published in the American Educational Research Journal, Community College Review, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, and the invitation - only journal New Directions for Community Colleges, among others; the findings form her studies have also been widely cited in various news outlets including the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and other outlets.
Other changes moved in a direction that research would suggest was not beneficial.
If you can afford it, then I think there could also be some benefits to doing the kind of research that I mentioned above anyway — you know your book better than anyone else does, so it's worth being able to say to a designer which other books you see it sitting with to steer the design in the right direction.
He read just one article on my site (out of perhaps fifty) and «wondered if you could point me in the direction of any other relevant research that is currently being undertaken?»
Market analysis is essentially research into price movements and other technical data with the aim of predicting the direction of the markets.
While the bottom - up investor has to spend considerable time on research, I think the workload is manifestly lighter than it is for top - down analysts who have to worry about day - to - day price movements and who have to spend a lot of time studying and opining about «will - o» - the wisp» matters such as the historic behavior of markets (i.e., BETA), the direction of interest rates, and other things they can't possibly know much about.
Some funds that fall into this category actively tilt their portfolios in one direction or the other based on their economic outlook or opportunities they uncover through their proprietary research.
The trends on other sources of stress for polar bears seem to be in encouraging directions, with Russia introducing more control on hunting (illegal and legal) and research on potentially harmful industrial chemicals showing declines.
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