Sentences with phrase «other than pumping»

Other than pumping more often, is there a way to increase my milk production?
You can do the math on that and figure out there's not much time for eating, sleeping, showering, or really anything else other than pumping and feeding.
Other than pumped - in crowd noise, there isn't anything inside of a dome that should impact the players.
Demand response and energy storage are also potential approaches, but the deployment of storage — other than pumped hydro — is essentially zero at this time.

Not exact matches

But there was no improvement in verbal functioning and language schools, other than the ability to order, without a trip of the tongue, that «grande, quad, nonfat, one - pump, no - whip mocha.»
The attack pumps more data into a buffer than it's designed to hold; the overflow corrupts memory nearby, letting hackers introduce malicious code there that can take control of servers and other systems.
all i see is passing judgement and alot of «im holier than thou» yall should really worry about your own path to salvation and perhaps offer a helping hand to your brothers and sisters instead of turning the other cheek at their «defiled bodies» i been inking my body for the Lord since 18... wont stop till my heart pumps its last.
Later in your comment, you seem to understand how smack - talk / playful ribbing of a rival / long - time opponent works: Both sides cherry - pick facts to either make fun of the other team, pump up our own team or make our team look better than the other guy's team.
He did nothing meaningful other than the left foot which he was no where to be found when we play properly drilled defensive team.we have better all round players at the left wing and even cazorla and sanchez are miles ahead of him behind the striker.he should on his futbol instead of painting wenger as a bad person.when he was pumping the goals in from the left, he was never dropped but got dropped when his performance was deteriorating bar his occassional screamers.
«Some coaches like to pump their team up more than others, and usually it's the ones that haven't been there,» says Hoak.
Of course, there are options for women to pump their milk to offer their child a bottle, but for women who struggle to even produce enough milk to keep their hungry baby satisfied, anything other than formula - feeding isn't always an option.
The advantage of this bra is that you do not require any equipment other than your bra and the pump.
Not only do I nurse her a couple of times a day (other than that she will not sit still long enough) I also pump so that she can have as much breastmilk as possible.
Other than an unfortunate increase in oversupply, and feeling more tired after pumping or nursing than ever, it's been smooth sailing.
The few times I've had to pump in places other than my house or my little room here at school have been extremely difficult.
Giving women a separate place to pump other than the bathroom is a blessing, but I am also afraid it sends a message of admonishing the breast to seclusion.
Lansinoh has a decent breast pump that sells for about $ 140, which is quite a bit less than others of reasonable quality.
Yes, it's important that women who work and want to breast feed get pumping breaks somewhere other than a toilet seat when possible, and many already do.
The U.S. Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), signed into law in 2010, requires employers to provide moms of babies younger than 12 months a reasonable break time for pumping and a private place to pump, other than a bathroom.
The most common complaint about this pump is that it has less powerful suction than other pumps, but this may not be a problem for everyone, as some women don't require a lot of suction to produce a lot of milk.
This isn't to say I'd be thrilled to join other pumping moms in a communal Mothers» Room, but if work culture continues to skimp on providing supportive environments for raising a healthy family, including flex time, paid leave, subsidized quality care and just the basic humanity that allows us to see each other as more than just workers boosting a bottom line, I'd take the company of other moms like me so I wouldn't feel so alone as a working parent.
More than once I cleaned spaghetti sauce or other meal remnants not only from Lucille's head but also from the breast pump.
One nipple is more sore than the other and remains sore to the touch between pumps.
Other than that the Spectra Baby is still one of the best hospital grade breast pump devices in the marketplace right now.
Other than a breast pump — which is obviously the most important thing that you need as an exclusive pumper!
I'm in the UK and whilst the support is much better than it was when my eldest was born and I tried to exclusively pump there's not really much advice for exclusively pumping Mum's other than the offical tag lines of drink plenty of fluid and pump at least 3 hourly.
Pumps that provide alternating double suction, where the suction is created on one side as it is released on the other, provide more stimulation and a faster pumping time than single pumps, but not as much stimulation or as fast a pumping time as a simultaneous double pump in which the suction occurs on both breasts at the same Pumps that provide alternating double suction, where the suction is created on one side as it is released on the other, provide more stimulation and a faster pumping time than single pumps, but not as much stimulation or as fast a pumping time as a simultaneous double pump in which the suction occurs on both breasts at the same pumps, but not as much stimulation or as fast a pumping time as a simultaneous double pump in which the suction occurs on both breasts at the same time.
For example, many women are able to pump more milk in the middle of the night than they are at other pumping sessions.
It's faster and more comfortable than any other breast pump on the market today.
There is no need to pump & dump milk after drinking alcohol, other than for mom's comfort — pumping & dumping does not speed the elimination of alcohol from the milk.
Other than standard breast shields, Medela also has PersonalFit which allows you to personalize your breastshield size for maximum comfort and pumping efficiency.
Sometimes there aren't places for women to pump other than the restroom, so have you had to come up with any creative ideas where a mom can pump if a lactation room is not set in place at her work?
Sound: Medela In Style Breast Pump makes relatively less sound than other competing electric breast pumps models.
Other than that, yeah, I just made sure that I ate healthy and I always washed my hands when I was handling the milk, cleaned my breast before I pumped, I just examined myself to make sure I was good.
I exclusively breastfed my daughter but pumped so my hubby could feed her.She would not take any other bottle than Adiri.
While it seems to be gentler than some other pumps, it takes more time to collect the same amount of breast milk.
We found that the wider pump handle was much easier to use than our other pick, and resulted in less hand fatigue after a while.
What pump are you using, some pumps are more efficient than others, and that can affect supply as well.
We wanted to like the Spectra dew as ultimately it's a hospital grade pump which is around 8 times cheaper than other brands.
My nipple bleed and I had no other breast to switch to while waiting for it to heal.I tried all kinds of breast pump but less than 3 ml came out each time.
Pumping is inevitable for many women, and they need a resource other than a Facebook group to get reliable guidance.
The «Abby» is one of the best breast pump bags of this year, roomy made from nylon, which can be cleaned more easily than other materials.
It felt comfortable to hold and ergonomically designed, and the soft edges on the flanges felt gentler on breast tissue than other pumps.
The other is a hospital grade pump which is pretty powerful, heavy duty, and way more expensive than a personal use pump.
With the evolution of breast pumps and other technologies, breastfeeding today looks different than it did for moms in the past.
Some moms may need a more portable pump than others, especially those who spend workdays out and about without reliable access to a wall outlet or private space in which to pump.
The side - by - side pump comparisons and user - submitted reviews from fellow pumpers will help you to determine which pumps are proven more successful than others.
But as many as five percent of all women have medical conditions that prevent or seriously hinder lactation (hypoplasia, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, insufficient glandular tissue, among others) and the lack of medical interventions and understanding sucks harder than a double electric breast pump.
The suction capability of this pump is stronger than most other breast pumps.
Funky, colourful design is more stylish than other pumps, although some mums say the handle is stiff and makes your hand ache until you're used to it — and it makes a squeaking noise.
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