Sentences with phrase «other than the explanation»

Not exact matches

But I've yet to see a really robust version of that argument, let alone an explanation of why firing makes more sense, ethically, that this punishment alone is the right one, ethically, than all those other outcomes, or — for those who believe this is true — why he deserves everything on the menu.
«Irrational pricing,» he explains, «is one in which a given price point has no rational explanation other than «Because we can.»»
The leaders of all three nations signed a joint statement, which said there was «no plausible alternative explanation» for the Skripal poisoning other than a Kremlin hit - job.
Some parts of that sentence probably require more explanation than others.
On the call, he chided the press for «spin,» and, given his explanations, said there are «no other issues than the ones we have described, so there is no reason to have any sort - of speculations.»
Unfortunately, rather than admit a mistake, the Federal Government issued a complicated (and ultimately false) explanation why iPods and other electronic devices will not cost more.
But even more shocking than that admission is the fact that Thursday's tweets are a totally straightforward explanation of how powerful people like Trump can use their wealth to manipulate others and cover up any information they want hidden.
Good explanation of some differences between growth and dividend stocks, much better than a lot of other stuff I've read that just looks at charts and not the reasons behind them.
There can be no other explanation for how Puerto Rico has fared under the administration of #FakePresident Trump other than the virulent strain of racism he glorifies.
But since Americans aren't dramatically crazier than other nationalities, what other explanation is there?»
You have chosen to believe it's not possible for God to exist a priori so any possible indication that he may, you simply reject as not possible even when there is no other scientific explanation for credible miraculous events (ones that can not be mere coincidences) other than supernatural.
(Romans 1:20) there was no other alternative explanation for the world existing than the various supernatural creation myths.
In other words, Griffin's argument is that process theology presents a much more plausible explanation for natural evil than can classical theism.
Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking and other real scientists provide a far more likely explanation than The Babble.
You might have been among those who long ago thought that there was NO other explanation for lightning than that Zeus did it.
The explanation of this contrast lies in the fact that historic Christian thought in this regard, as in others, has been Greek rather than Hebrew.
But the real explanation of our ineffectual preaching lies much deeper: far too many of us, far too much of the time, do not recognize the terrible truth that as preachers we are engaged in nothing other than the task of confronting our listeners with the very Word of God.
For, objectively speaking, according to his explanation a special act does not express the person's inner being any more than his other actions do; it does reveal his inner being more than other actions do, but this is due to its being received in a certain way by others.
I always wandered what that verse really meant and I think your explanation is a lot better than the other alternatives I've heard
The royal commission, noting that no one seriously defended violence or denied its presence, offered 87 recommendations for control and regulation of the media, but without including any explanation of the phenomenon of increasing violence — other than passing references to economic pressures and competitive necessities.
If you can't understand my explanation above and see that as an attempt at discrediting, without pointing out where exactly it's wrong, then there isn't much more I can do, other than hope one day you'll learn something.
The point is that your explanation is no more satisfying or «possible» than any other (and less so actually).
As far as the empty tomb goes, if it actually happened, it could have several explanations other than an improbable magical resurrection.
Surely this fact of experience was the given requiring explanation, rather than the other way around.
I know a young woman seminarian whose approval for ordination was postponed for a year with the explanation by the examining committee that they knew she could stand the postponement better than other, less mature candidates.
I have a hunch that one explanation accounts for the silence of evangelical biblical scholars more than any other: the basic fear that their findings, as they deal with the text of Scripture, will conflict with the popular understanding of what inerrancy entails.
Natural selection is a far better explanation for adaptations than purposive forces, especially considering that the better adapted a species is to its environment, the more certain becomes its extinction should the environment change (or in other words, natural selection is blind to the future).
We have attempted to provide more explanation than many other study Bibles on some of the difficult passages of scripture.
If you carefully watch how a sperm unites with an egg, you will see no other explanation than God's work, AKA miracle:)
That book proves NOTHING other than the fact that people desired to have some sort of explanation for how the world and universe work and wanted to have some sort of ethical framework upon which to base their lives.
You also make a logical fallacy: The assumption that if the other person can not explain something than your explanation must be the correct one.
For sound explanation it is essential that we look for genuine congruity between God and his world, rather than that we attempt to find ways in which God can be removed from all contact with and reflection in that world and hence treated as nothing other than the great «exception».
This is true, not because it contains, as it does, more exalted religious ideas than any other book, or expresses them better (this would be an explanation of the Bible's superiority, not of its uniqueness), but because it stands in a unique relation to some unique and supremely significant events.
Just because no one can answer that quastion doesn't mean there isn't an explanation other than some mythical being.
If the conservative churches are producing more personal religious vitality than the others, the explanation is not likely to be found in one quarter only.
He explains the Theological interpretation of Scripture better than the other books, provides some examples of how to do this with Scripture, and when he does not give an explanation of «how to» do it yourself, explains why such an explanation is impossible (p. 195).
They are however, most certainly closer to an explanation than the bible or any other religious book.
Thus we have two forms of inquiry, the one restricting itself to the study of behavior, the description of behavior being austerely limited to geometrical and arithmetical properties, and the other also studying behavior, but interpreting it as far more than merely that, and as having its meaning, and perhaps also in part its causal explanation, in terms of a large class of concepts excluded from the physicists» explanations.
Once process philosophers and theologians have mastered the jargon and technical intricacies of Whitehead's thought, they generally prefer to share the intellectual excitement of their work with each other, rather than to attempt repeated explanations for the benefit of the uninitiated.
Dawkins, Krauss, Hawking, etc. develop theories and explanations and expose their theories to other scientists and the public for rigorous review, unlike religion which is no better than unproven myth and astrology.
Thus, the motion of the pendulum is taken as the standard, as a more suitable «approximation» to the uniform time flow of absolute time, and some physical explanation is then sought to account for the seasonal variation of the solar day relative to this standard.18 Were standards other than the pendulum chosen as operating «more uniformly,» then the pendulum would be abandoned in favor of a «more uniform approximation» to absolute time.
Thus, in an important essay, he argues that «freedom requires indeterminism and universal causality «56 He freely admits that there is an element of regularity and order in nature which may be partially described in the statistical laws of science; but he also confesses his inability to give a rational explanation (other than the immanence of God) of why, in a world of freedom, we have an orderly cosmos instead of sheer chaos.57
One explanation for their optimism is that Muslim Americans were hurt more than other major religious groups by the recession and have experienced more improvement in the recovery, the report said.
What in an older kind of philosophy would have been called the chain - of - cause - and - effect is here seen as being very much richer; it is a congeries of occasions, events, pressures, movements, routes, which come to focus at this or that point, and which for their explanation require some principle that has brought and still is bringing each of them, rather than some other possible occurrence, into this particular concrete moment of what we commonly style «existence».
PDX — It doesn't take a Genius to realize from my statements that i have read things other than the Bible you moron i have spent many hours reading and listening to scientists about their theories on the big bang, i have listened to ideas from the most revered scientists including Hawking and others, and they all admit that there are holes in their theories, that nothing fully explains their big bang theory, the physics doesn't add up let alone the concept, there are plenty of scientists hard at work trying to make the numbers fit and the theory hold weight but if you ask any of them they can not give you the answers and the reason being... there are none, the theory doesn't work, If by the observable laws of Physics, Matter in this Universe can not be created or destroyed, you can only change its state, i.e. solid to liquid, to gas... to energy... There is no explanation for how an entire reality full of Matter can be created out of nothing... Scientists know this... idiots that are atheists and simply would rather NOT believe that their lives and actions they take within their lifespan are being witnessed by an Omnipotent God do not WANT to believe... but Your belief in God does not change whether or not he exists you will be judged.
There is no explanation other than these people are idiots and must have IQ's of 40... Just another ridiculous example of self gratifying behavior and false grandiose beliefs of oneself.
Following other than the actual Holy Books which were replaced by other books such as that happened to «Torah» into «Talmud» and Gospel» and Old Testament into some New testaments... While some Muslims had taken other than Quran as a book or adopted some informal translations or explanations that could be misguiding and where only we are able to recognize this by the use of our Fitra as a Furqan to tell which could be which otherwise if not we will become as programed robots «Brainwashed»... Interesting informative link;
This is just a working theory, but you have to admit that it already makes more sense than any other explanation for the the way the two programs have performed since becoming conference mates.
i hope he's being pitched to because any other explanation is probably worse than «he's just struggling to start the season»
There's no other reasonable explanation for Wenger's continuous use of Flamini, Other than, keeping a future billionaire sother reasonable explanation for Wenger's continuous use of Flamini, Other than, keeping a future billionaire sOther than, keeping a future billionaire sweet!
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