Sentences with phrase «other than the universe»

Is it other than the universe itself?

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We have no idea what's causing this gravity, though — we haven't directly detected the theorized particles that make up this mysterious material that doesn't seem to interact (other than gravitationally) with normal matter like light and the particles that we know and love, which is what makes it invisible, and therefore «dark» to most instruments normally used to understand our universe.
Whenever we find ourselves in that depressing little place, when things are not going right and we start to feel that every other business in the universe is so much better than ours, think again.
In addition, Dash has been means to boost merchant adoption throughout the universe since Dash is more viable in bland exchange than many other cryptocurrencies.
If our world really was «designed» by something other than the natural flow of the universe, science would inevitably and naturally uncover it in time.
But I doubt you really are open to anything other than the false security of an atheistic mind set that erroneously believes the universe just happened, in all its intricacies, randomly and without intent.
In advancing these theories they disregard factors universally admitted by all scientists — that in the initial period of the «birth» of the universe, conditions of temperature, atmospheric pressure, radioactivity, and a host of other catalytic factors were totally different than those existing presently, including the fact that we don't know how single atoms or their components would bind and consolidate, which involved totally unknown processes and variables, as single atoms behave far differently than conglomerations of atoms.
So the rest of the universe is just sitting there for no other purpose than our ooh's and ahh's.
Nothing has resulted, other than a sense that I'm giving the attempt to connect with whatever runs the universe my best shot.
You say you will never see if you don't take your hands off your eyes and yet refuse to look at the world from any other perspective than your own Hebrew God derived universe and you will make or accept any excuse that allows you to keep believing you are right.
Many people do not marry in a church, even more (billions) do not celebrate the birth of Jesus, probably even more do not cry out to any gods, or may to other gods other than (yours), and many people consider life elsewhere in the universe because science and reason points to that possibility.
Science writers Carl Sagan and Fritjof Capra have pointed out similarities between the latest scientific understanding of the age of the universe, and the Hindu concept of a «day and night of Brahma», which is much closer to the current known age of the universe than other creation myths.
There is evidence for the assertion that the universe is all physical though, the complete lack of objective evidence for anything other than a physical universe.
I am not crediting God, but I'd rather have a doctor who believes in something bigger than us all, than a cold atheist who doesn't have hope, or pray and isn't driven by anything in life other than a selfish belief that he is the most intelligent thing in the universe.
The ultimate ground of the organic universe «has no name of its own, other than the names used to designate its two indissoluble aspects.
You said (paraphrasing), that in the atheists mindset, morals mean nothing to anything in the universe other than people.
Those who think God can not mean well toward us because he «sends» us suffering can prove their point only by showing that there is a way to run the universe, compatible with the existence of other real powers than just the supreme power, which would be more fully in accord with the totality of interests, or by showing that God sends us the suffering while himself remaining simply outside it, in the enjoyment of sheer bliss.
Lastly, I can honestly admit that if proven wrong today, tomorrow, or in the future and someone gave me empiracle evidence that god exists, that gravity is not constant on earth, that the sun IS actually revolving around us and not the other way around, I would be more than happy to revise my current view of the universe around me and change accordingly.
As I understand it, the relevant features of a «proposition» are these: A «proposition» is a «concrete possibility; it is abstracted from some objective event in the actual world; it is proposed as a possibility that an entity may want to consider for itself in a future moment in its process of self - creation; it is apprehended by the entity in «feeling» and so is preconceptual and largely preconsciously apprehended; it stands in a complex of relationships with other «propositions,» and the set of propositions presupposes a systematic universe; its «interest» (as «lure») is more important than its «truth.»
With uncountable galaxies in the universe, the likelihood is more than assured that there exist other forms of life.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
Indeed, no meaning is apparent in it other than this: every entity in the universe of a concrescing actuality must be involved in the actuality, so that to be an entity in that universe is to be involved in that concrescence.
In other words, with this discovery of Gravitational Waves for the first time in history, which Albert Einstein theorized about back in 1916, it is a clear indication that the universe had a beginning and expanded at a rate faster than the speed of light, right at that beginning, hence Creation Ex Nihilo.
It also confirms more than any other evidence that the universe had a beginning and expanded at a rate faster than the speed of light within less than a trillion of a trillion of a trillion of a second — less than 10 ^ -35 of a second — of the Big Bang by detecting the miniscule «light polarizations» called B - Modes caused by the Gravitational Waves — which were theorized in 1916 by Albert Einstein in his Theory of General Relativity but never detected before — of the Inflation of the Big Bang which are embedded in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation — CMB or CMBR that was discovered by American scientists back in 1964.
The idea of a spiritual, unseen world is fundamentally no different than scientific curiosity about parallel universes or other dimensions.
We'er the reason why the universe was created, we're better than any other living thing,... Ego!
this universe exists, to deny other ones exists is no different than denying other galaxies exist.
The significance of this discovery — existence of Gravitational Waves — in relation to God is that it confirms amongst other evidence that the universe had a «beginning» AND that the universe «expanded at a rate faster than the speed of light, right at the Big Bang.»
While this evidence does not make the Big Bang model a certainty, it does make it much more likely than any other model of «the early development of the universe» that has been suggested.
If you think it is amazing that evolution brought you such things as humans, just think of all the other lifeforms, many that are much more advanced than humans, that no doubt inhabit this vast universe.
Let us assume that there are two durations that satisfy the following three conditions: (1) One is later than the other; (2) they do not have members in common; and (3) the set containing all of the actual entities from both durations is a nexal set.20 In that nexal set, there are chains of actual entities, linked together by simple physical feelings, that span the entire universe.
If you look at the complexity of the universe and everything in it, to think it happened by accident from some chemicals mixing together and eventually mutating into humans and other animals is way more difficult to believe in than god.
Looking back on that experience I honestly don't think it was a spiritual event any more than many other events are (though I believe all events have a spiritual counterpart just as there are different physical levels of the universe way can overlay on any given system)
As God prehends the universe at the instant the piano teeters, he sees the various possible ways this little drama could be played out, sees all the ramifications of the possible scenarios, and realizes that some ways the action might unfold are better than others, that is, some outcomes would produce a future which when he, God, prehended it would make his experience more rich, more harmonious, more beautiful than his experience would be were alternative outcomes to produce quite different futures.
This discovery is superior to the current redshift — hence the Doppler Effect — approach of detecting the expansion of the universe, since some scientists speculate that other unknown reasons can cause the redshift while Gravitational Waves are unique to the Inflation of the Universe — expansion at faster than the speed of light at the beginning.
But then at whatever time it takes place God would already have existed for an infinite period of time; and we would be faced with the Augustinian question of why God chose to create the universe at that time rather than at some other.
We have no world taken for granted, no premodern cognitive universe in which nothing other than the given is imaginable.
While it is true that very suggestive metaphysical arguments can be drawn from the reality of form, the intelligibility of the universe, consciousness, the laws of physics, or (most importantly) ontological contingency, the mere biological complexity of this or that organism can never amount to an irrefutable proof of anything other than the incalculable complexity of that organism's phylogenic antecedents.
Somehow, a belief system that teaches people that they are the center of all the universe, created in the image of the most perfect being imaginable, strikes me as a bit more of an ego trip than accepting that we aren't destined to live forever because of our «specialness», but that we live our short lifetimes and die like every other living thing on the planet, our bodies decomposing and ultimately entering the food chain once again, on a tiny speck of a planet in an ordinary, remote backwater of the universe.
Precisely that kind of man, «transported by his passion» — in this case his being caught up into a relationship with God in Christ, although it may very well be true in other ways as well, since to be «transported» by passion is to enter upon the most profound experience possible to human beings — precisely such a man does feel and know what is nothing other than «the secret of the universe».
As to how the universe began, no one knows but Lawrence Krauss and others argue more plausibly that it started from nothing rather than something
And many other physicists now concur that the early phases of the universe have always held out much more promise for evolving into life, mind, and spirituality than earlier science had allowed.
Daleks are his enemies because they are filled with hate for anything other than themselves and want to assimilate all the wonder and unique vastness of the universe into one homogenous whole.
The Bible differs from other ancient religions of the East in holding that the Creator is immeasurably more than His creation; that He is personal but can not be limited; that He is supremely intelligent, as evidenced by the intelligibility of the universe; and, above all, that He is good.
Second Principle: Christ himself should be seen in his three principal relationships: (1) to members incorporated into his body; (2) to the human race; and (3) to the other - than - human orders of created existence In a many - planed universe.
Yet, if they could momentarily throw aside their infantile pseudo intellectual brainwashing, they would see that even though science can never prove or disprove something defined to be outside science, if we look at every other species known to man, we see that they interact with a universe that WE know to be much more complex than what they can perceive or grasp, but they can never even suspect exists but which is perfectly real to us.
That book proves NOTHING other than the fact that people desired to have some sort of explanation for how the world and universe work and wanted to have some sort of ethical framework upon which to base their lives.
But only enough to see that we are not after all the center of the universe, that our desires and ambitions have no more right to fulfillment than those of several billion other individual dreamers and workers.
So we are no different than any other object in the universe?
The program is excellent; the universe is a place where things are followed by other things that both correct and fulfill them; and a logic which gave us something like this movement of fact would express truth far better than the traditional school - logic, which never gets of its own accord from anything to anything else, and registers only predictions and subsumptions, or static resemblances and differences.
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