Sentences with phrase «other types of seizures»

Other types of seizures can be caused by chemicals, poisoning etc..
Therefore, you should not use fennel if you have epilepsy or any other type of seizure disorder.
The next step is to find choke points for other types of seizure disorders and see if they have the same powerful effect.
The main issue in canine seizures, as well as any other type of seizure, is that there is an abnormal firing of nerve impulses originating from the neurons of the brain.
When seizures are the suspected cause of aggression, the veterinarian should do the typical medical evaluation for any other type of seizure.

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But Mucke, director of the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease at the University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues believe they may finally have pinpointed the cause of these puzzling personality twists as well as other cognitive deficits associated with Alzheimer's: petite mal (nonconvulsive) seizures similar to those exhibited in some types of epilepsy.
Due to the build - up of toxic glycogen clumps in neurons and other cell types, patients with this disease commonly experience severe epileptic seizures, motor impairment, muscle spasms, and dementia.
Know about the many benefits of having a Ketogenic Diet and find out how this type of diet can help in improving overall health and other conditions like cancer and seizure.
Other types of assistance dogs who have participated in the free eye exam program have included «Seeing eye» dogs or seizure alert dogs.
Refractory seizures, or uncontrolled or intractable seizures, are a type of seizure that has not responded favorably to other types of medications.
However, this well - defined form of epilepsy (not idiopathic), which is characterized by myoclonic type seizures with rapid, progressive mental deterioration and polyglucosan intracellular inclusions 35, is clearly distinct from the form or forms of epilepsy observed in Irish wolfhounds and other breeds.
Allergies do seem to be able to precipitate seizure activity and they can mimic other conditions at times but it can be very frustrating to document allergic reactions of this type and I suspect it doesn't get done very often due to that.
They can be trained to work with people who use power or manual wheelchairs, have balance issues, have various types of autism, need seizure alert or response, need to be alerted to other medical issues like low blood sugar, or have psychiatric disabilities.
Restlessness or caffeine - type jitters, dizziness, fast heartbeat, stomach ache and possible seizures at high doses Seizures can occur in patients with prior seizure history If your pet shows any of these symptoms, is especially restless or you notice anything else unusual, contact your veterinarian Can this drug be given with otheseizures at high doses Seizures can occur in patients with prior seizure history If your pet shows any of these symptoms, is especially restless or you notice anything else unusual, contact your veterinarian Can this drug be given with otheSeizures can occur in patients with prior seizure history If your pet shows any of these symptoms, is especially restless or you notice anything else unusual, contact your veterinarian Can this drug be given with other drugs?
By self - publishing books filled with stories of these dogs — the majority of them blind, some deaf, and others suffering from health conditions like seizures or deprived of the use of their legs — she began her own type of movement to raise awareness for the adoption of dogs that typically get passed over.
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