Sentences with phrase «outdated thinking based»

Outdated thinking based on scientific research of captive wolves in the 1970s.

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While I think most of us recognize that the round - the - bases approach to sex is outdated, many of us don't recognize the subtle ways it dictates our sexual dynamic.
Dr. Scripp's most influential writings include the essay An Overview of Research on Music and Learning in the Critical Links Compendium (, his innovative research - based Music PLUS Music Integration education practices as reported in the International Handbook on Innovation (Pergamon) and Thinking Beyond the Myths and Misconceptions of Talent, a treatise published by Arts Education Policy Review (May 2013) that articulates the challenges that outdated conceptions of innate talent pose to music «s evolving role in 21st Century education.
This sort of thinking is based on outdated theories and will only serve to damage your relationship with your dog and lead to more serious problems down the line.
Sarah Jane Ahmed, an energy expert for US - based think tank Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), wrote a study in 2017 on how small islands in the Philippines can effectively replace outdated, polluting diesel fuel electricity - generation systems with solar and wind - powered grids.
With the C - ROM firmware you will think that you have a high end Android based smartphone and not an outdated one.
Sadly, I think that the bureaucracies known as CREA, OREA et al have been nicely co-opted by the United Nations levelling syndrome of group - think policies in favour of following theory driven initiatives, guinea pig style, vs paying serious attention to so - called «outdated» tried and true policies based upon empirical evidence.
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