Sentences with phrase «over time the amount»

ALSO: The lie of a 10 % return compounded over time amounts to just that, a giant lie.
Over time the amount of DNA / RNA diminish and become damaged due to increased oxidative stress and will consequently produce flawed copies of our own genetic blueprint.
Even though this doesn't seem like a lot, over time this amount can add up significantly.
Over time the amount should increase until you reach your goal.
This means over time the amount you want will change.
Graded Death Benefit Life Insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides a limited amount of life insurance to begin with, and over time the amount of life insurance coverage will increase, either gradually before leveling off, or sharply before it becomes level.
However, over time the amount of 4K Chromecast streaming options is only going to increase, and Nvidia Shield TV owners will be right there to enjoy them.

Not exact matches

Handy: Theoretically, the amount in private equity should be larger early on and taper off over time as they get closer to retirement age.
«That's not something that we had originally set out to do, but over time we got such an overwhelming amount of demand from larger companies,» says Josh Emig, WeWork's head of research.
«When it comes to major genetic improvements in crops, those are done by multinationals investing huge amounts of money over long periods of time,» says Sparling.
Not that scotch is healthy, but it's rich and complex and enjoyable in much smaller amounts over a longer time.
Over time, however, Handmaker noticed an uptick in the amount of waste and production and delivery errors: Too much excess paper was being thrown away in the production of business cards and other print jobs, and production delays and flaws were creeping up.
Over the years, I have been impressed by the close collaboration and amount of time they invest in their portfolio companies and network of relationships,» Soto added.
In addition to devoting an inordinate amount of time to all things Trump, the media has also spent quite a bit of time hand - wringing over the media's role in amplifying his message to the masses.
Lower corporate taxes and Apple comments about holding an equal amount of cash and debt over time have elevated expectations.
Tax specialists and policy makers speculate that a possible plan would allow a capped amount to be tax - free on the sale of your principal residence with any proceeds over this amount to be taxed as capital gains in your tax bracket at the time of sale.
With over a billion users, Facebook offers an unlimited amount of people to talk to if you take the time to build relationships.
«We looked at a number of alternatives, but the strategy we settled on was the one that adds the most significant amount of shareholder value over time.
«Having spare time and perceiving control over how to spend that time (i.e. discretionary time) has been shown to have a strong and consistent effect on life satisfaction and happiness, even controlling for the actual amount of free time one has.»
The amount of times I hear that a company only uses social media because they think they ought to has diminished over the years, but there are still some out there who don't get that digital is here to stay, and therefore fail to embed it deeply in their future plans.
Since our founders have been in the industry for over 15 years marketing for businesses, we know what works to start generating a great income in a short amount of time.
For some time, Verizon has been caught up in a dispute with Cogent, Netflix's CDN, over the amount of traffic it sends over its network and Verizon's desire for it to pay more for its load.
Customers buy three to four times as many books after they buy the Kindle device... That's such a remarkable increase in the amount of book purchasing, it seems pretty likely to be an increase in the rate of which people buy books [over all]... I hear this from people every day, that they're actually recapturing minutes of the day for reading.
Spending an excessive amount of time researching and pouring over materials for a basic meeting, conference, or speech is usually a waste of time.
Entrepreneurs spend an inordinate amount of time inside of our own heads — thinking, analyzing, agonizing and obsessing over every little detail of our business.
MO: You know, the U.S. still imports a tremendous amount of oil on a daily basis, and I don't think it's realistic to expect to offset that over a very short period of time, so the connection with Canada is critically important.
That amounts to about 1.2 % of all shares outstanding, which could be worth more than $ 300 million if the company is valued at $ 25 billion (its last reported private valuation) when it goes public — and a lot more than that over time if the stock goes up.
Miller High Life would have to sponsor every person in American four times just to match the amount Bud Light paid to take over the NFL sponsorship in 2011.
Over time, this reduces your amount of long - term memory as well.
If those options were exercised and the stock was then sold at, say, $ 40, it would amount to a bonus of almost $ 330 million — the market price less the strike price, times the number of options granted — paid out to Siebel employees over the next nine years.
I've never even heard of this man until today which is a little odd for me personally because he's based out of The Bahamas and I've spent considerable amounts of time there over the years.
Not only did eating chocolate immediately boost participants» test scores, the study revealed that eating small amounts of chocolate daily boosted cognitive performance over a long period of time.
Even a small amount like $ 50 each pay period adds up over time and can show that you take an interest in your employee's future.
It's a very small amount, but it does add up over time.
If you carry a balance month - to - month, even a great introductory offer on a store card will likely not make up for the amount of extra interest you'll incur over time.
It's the first watch I've spent a significant amount of time with (pun, I swear, unintended), and while wearing it over the past few months, I think I have finally begun to understand why watches are a thing.
While their strategy hasn't been to open the most locations in the shortest amount of time, their plans have changed over time.
The higher future amount has enjoyed the chance to grow in value over time.
They hope to be able to amass enough data about women's menstrual cycles, sexual behavior, mood, and diet that they can help any woman know exactly when to conceive, warn her about early problems like potential endometriosis, and over time, promote better health care for women in general by collecting large amounts of information that hasn't been collected before.
Princeton researchers, for example, assumed that using Twitter alone meant looking at consumer sentiment and not the amount of buzz, measured by the number of tweets over time.
Hastings has long squabbled with the industry over the «theatrical window» — the amount of time that theaters have exclusive rights to a film.
In countries with relatively generous data caps or unlimited access to data or where speed is used for billing as opposed to the amount of data it is not an issue or becomes less important over time.
In a conversation with this writer, Trump stated that Fortune was wildly underestimating the true number, and this is was «about four times that amount,» or over $ 600 million.
Considering the amount of time I've wasted entering passwords over the past few days, that update can not come fast enough.
The $ 40 million figure isn't off the charts when you think about the amount of profits over time that have been made.
«When you look at a company like Facebook and Snapchat, they spend an inordinate amount of time and money pouring over every single interaction in their apps.
Where Blooom advises customers to diversify their allocations, for instance, many of Costello's peers (including his own sister, Annie) were siphoning off their savings into a single money market fund, thus minimizing the amount of money that can actually accrue over time.
According to The Wall Street Journal, desktop Internet use had its highest active month over the past three years back in March of 2015 with 567 billion total minutes of measured Web activity in the U.S. Not only have we not seen that figure go up over the past year or so, but the amount of time people are spending browsing the Web on their mobile devices is trouncing desktops: more than one trillion minutes in March of this year.
So the next time you go over your paystub and see how far your gross pay has been adjusted to your take - home amount, take heart that it's probably the lesser of all evils, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Over the past four months, desktop use for Internet browsing has been consistently below the recorded amounts for the same time period last year.
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