Sentences with phrase «overcoming social disadvantage»

The Power of Seeing Potential: Teachers» Beliefs about Overcoming Social Disadvantage and Student Achievement

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Education policy needs to take account of the differing experiences that children have in their communities and at home, and not assume that schools alone can overcome the multiple and significant challenges posed by poverty and social disadvantage.
I use novel data on teachers from the nationally representative High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 to test whether teachers» beliefs that they can overcome students» social disadvantage are related to higher student achievement, and whether associations are stronger for racial minorities and economically disadvantaged students.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda and the Co-Chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples Kirstie Parker, said the report provides hard evidence of both the successes and failure of initiatives to overcome Indigenous disadvantage.
«PHAA has been calling for the development a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Determinants of Health Policy as a key strategy in closing the gap and overcoming Indigenous disadvantage.
«As Social Justice Commissioner, I want to focus on overcoming Indigenous disadvantage through positive and meaningful relationships with the Australian community, all tiers of governments and within our communities.
The Commission is of the view that ensuring coordinated social policy across disadvantage indicators is a crucial element to overcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage.
I also argue that reinforcing the native title system with social justice measures will ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy is developed in a holistic way to close the gap and contribute to overcoming disadvantage across all social indicators.
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission («HREOC») welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to Legislative Council's Standing Committee on Social Issues for its Inquiry into overcoming Indigenous disadvantage.
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Submission to the Legislative Council's Standing Committee on Social Issues on the Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (15 August 2008).
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