Sentences with phrase «overshoot day marks»

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.

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The concept has even given rise to a mock holiday, called «overshoot day,» which marks the point humans exhaust the renewable natural resources that should have sustained us for the entire year.
On Wednesday the global environmentalist movement commemorated «Earth Overshoot Day,» which marks the moment when the world population has supposedly consumed all the earth's resources allocated for the year — fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, water and wood — and so began to «overexploit» the planet.
August 19 is Earth Overshoot Day 2014, marking the date when humanity has exhausted nature's budget for the year.
1000: August 22 is said to mark this year's Earth Overshoot day — the day when humanity has exhausted nature's budget for the year.
This year, Global Footprint Network is thrilled to mark Earth Overshoot Day 2017 with the launch of a new calculator, with improvements in data, interface, and calculations.
Join GLOBE EU, the Global Legislators Organization for Balanced Environment and Global Footprint Network in marking Earth Overshoot Day — the date when humanity's annual demand for the goods and services that our land and seas can provide exceeds what Earth's ecosystems can renew in a year.
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