Sentences with phrase «paced dynamic combat»

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Wizard of Legend Wizard of Legend is a fast - paced dungeon crawler with an emphasis on dynamic magical combat.
It's an extremely simple gameplay dynamic that's very easy to learn while also being fast - paced enough to create an action - packed reaction - based combat formula that'll keep you fighting to emerge victorious.
The game will have players venturing across different worlds, battling mutated foes through «dynamic, fast - paced action» and utilizing «an arsenal of living weapons — genetic heroes with different combat abilities — and upgrade them with tens of thousands of collectible body parts and armor.»
Wizard of Legend is a fast paced dungeon crawler with an emphasis on dynamic magical combat.
Utilizing the telegraph system, combat in WildStar is dynamic, innovative and fast paced.
With magnificent over-the-top action taking place in stages that are a veritable theme park of exciting attractions, Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre, bringing to life its fast - paced, dynamic climax combat.
Inputs failed to register and characters moved around the beautiful, dynamic environments at a snail's pace, breaking the fast and deeply immersive combat.
If you are looking for a fast - paced dungeon crawler with «an emphasis on dynamic magical combat,» Wizard of Legend might be up your alley.
Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre with magnificent over-the-top action and fast - paced, dynamic climax combat.
The game features for skill trees, fast paced combat, and a dynamic story.
Accomplished measurable results while leading cross-functional teams of three to 30 military and civilian members in fast - paced, dynamic work environments to include combat zones.
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