Sentences with phrase «pagan holiday for»

But the fact is, there is a pagan holiday for this time of year, and the ancient church usurped it to bring focus on the Christian event at this time of year — the Ressurection of Christ.
Its a pagan holiday for the winter solstice and has everything to do with sun worship and nothing to do with Jesus.
Christians have been telling us to «celebrate Jesus» on this stolen Pagan holiday for centuries.

Not exact matches

A decade ago, the «war on Christmas», I'd have to educate many people that X-mas was a CHRISTIAN abbreviation for Christmas, based on Christ's true name, not a secular insult, the fact that it was based on many pagan holidays.
Christmas is a pagan holiday, on a pagan date for the winter solstice, Easter began as a celebration of the pagan god Ester.
Since Christians show no respect for others, why should we show any respect for their (stolen from pagans) holiday?
It was a very common tactic for christians to «repurpose» pagan holidays and rituals to meet christian needs.
If she was hired as a gift wrapper for the holiday season, she would have also expected to decorate packages with Santas, elves, pagan seasonal symbols like holly, and probably a lot of things that refer to the Christian tradition of Christmas — angels, doves, 3 wise men and stuff like that.
I know of none of my atheist friends who celebrate Easter with bunnies and eggs and know of no Christians who don't except maybe the JW's, but for the sake of argument I will concede that if they do then yes, they are also co-opting a pagan holiday.
Im waiting for more attacks on Christians in your articles, I'm sure Christmas is coming so you can dissect that holiday and search for pagan roots as you do in everything.
I don't mean that they have become Pagan, and we must «put Christ back into Christmas» to retake the holiday for Jesus.
I have never understood the point of looking for evil, pagan roots or whatever in holidays so we can avoid them.
Pagan holidays reveal a longing for what was lost.
For example, my family I celebrate Christmas with as much gusto as possible... because Jesus has redeemed the pagan holiday.
The error that I believe that the ancient church made was to substitute supposedly Christian observance for the pagan ones and hoping that eventually the reason for the pagan holiday would be forgotten.
Are they going to do the same for Wiccan, pagan and holidays for ALL religions?
It for sure isn't Dec. 25, the day of the Pagan sun holiday usurped by Christianity.
It may very well have replaced a pagan holiday, but it's called Christmas for a reason.
Most Christian holidays and traditions are based on early Pagan traditions, and were melded together to ease the transitions for the Masses.
He and his wife, Joy Feasley, built a solar oven in a greenhouse for use in a celebration of the pagan holiday Imbolc.
Most Christian holidays and traditions are based on early Pagan traditions, and were melded together to ease the transitions for the Masses.
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