Sentences with phrase «patanajalis yoga sutras»

You can't think straight as an addict, the Yoga Sutra talks about eliminating the dualistic mind, you ask any addict they totally get the double mind.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describes egoism as: «The identification of the power of the Seer with that of the instrument of seeing.»
When yoga classes focus on enhancing physical prowess through asana, bodily aesthetics and even competition with the person next to us, they are feeding the very obstacle the Yoga Sutras tell us to overcome.
The amazing thing about the universal teachings in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is that the 196 threads (sutras) pertain primarily to the mind.
The Yoga Sutras, then, are a means to liberation or re-membering our deepest, truest nature... Supreme Consciousness or Pure Being.
I love talking about the 8 limbs of yoga and the Yoga Sutras, and try to weave a small excerpt throughout the class.
I went on to back this inference up as viable, by referencing the Yoga Sutras.
It is said in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that «The pain which is still to come is avoidable.»
It would seem, then, that having a bit of information on the Yoga Sutras would be beneficial if I am to legitimize my reference.
The Yoga Sutras have 8 limbs: Yama - abstentions like non-lying, non-stealing, non-harming, chastity, non-greed; Niyama - observances like contentment, cleanliness, mortification, Self - study, devotion to god; Asana - physical postures that are practiced with steadiness and ease and keep the body balanced; Pranayama - breath regulation to control prana (universal enlivening force); Pratyahara - withdrawing the mind from sense objects; Dharana - concentrated focus; Dhyana - sustained, uninterrupted focus on a single object for 2 minutes and 24 seconds or meditation; Samadhi - direct knowledge, enlightenment (this has several stages).
One main facet of the Yoga Sutras is the discussion of perceptions.
~ The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali 1:14
The teachings always encourage the practitioner to begin (aka the yoga sutras proclaim that the young, old, very sick can practice).
Hatha yoga, created in the 15th C, concentrates mainly on asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath)-- 2 of yoga's 8 limbs which are outlined by ancient sage Patanjali in Yoga Sutras.
Our bodies are a unique canvas for the true practice of the yoga sutras (and our belief system).
In Patañjali's Yoga Sutras it is explained that there are three basic types of spiritual seekers — mild, medium, and intense — and that within each of these categories are three subcategories: mildly - mild, medium - mild, intensely - mild; mildly - medium, medium - medium, intensely - medium; mildly - intense, medium - intense, and intensely - intense.5 In other words, there are roughly nine levels of spiritual seekers, and to situate ourselves correctly on this spectrum is not an easy thing.
The definition of Ahimsa I learned (handed down from Swami Satchidananda, whose translation of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is used by yoga teachers worldwide) is not causing pain to any living being — including ourselves.
The Yoga Sutras identify five obstacles to our ability to sail through life with an expansive and joyful consciousness.
During the building phase of our retreat center, adhered to the non-harming rule in the yoga sutras coined by Pantanjali as ahimsa.
He replied, «Asana is door to discovering other limbs of yoga, as outlined in the yoga sutras.
Asana, or «posture,» at least from the yoga sutra point of view, means the posture of meditation.
And while my wife Kerry and I have learned a great deal from excellent parenting books like The Happiest Kid on the Block and The Baby Sleep Solution, we believe that The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is actually the greatest baby book out there.
Another renowned bearer of the traditional yoga forms, the Ashtanga Yoga finds its niche and confluence in the ancient book — The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
By way of example, B. N. S. Iyengar gave the date of Patañjali's Yoga Sutra as» very very important — ten thousand years before christ!
Guruji often explained that the method he taught was the Aṣṭāṅga Yoga of Patanjali and Patanjali's text, The Yoga Sutras, are key to understanding both the method of practice and the state of yoga.
This yoga master teaches ancient practices that were developed from the yoga sutra of Patanjali.
In my yoga teacher training, we've been covering the yoga sutras one by one.
Learn about the ethics (yamas) and principles (niyamas) that govern the intellectual dynamics of yoga, as mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali during the Yoga Philosophy classes with us.
Tuition price includes YTT Manual, Anatomy book & Patanjali's yoga sutras for each participant.
Patañjali's Yoga Sutras open with three important statements defining the state of yoga.
I knew my 200 hour training lacked any study of the yoga sutras or yoga philosophy.
Practical implications and in - depth study of Yoga Philosophy with respect to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Yoga Upanishad and Bhagavad Gita.
In Book One of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the Samadhi Pada, we're instructed on the mysteries of the mind.
Most practices fall under the umbrella of hatha yoga, guided by the Eight Limbs of Yoga, and explained in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
While the Sanskrit word yoga is commonly defined as «to join» or «to attach», many scholars have posited that in fact the paramount definition comes from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (1:2, chitta vritti nirodhah): «The cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.»
B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, II: 47.
Learn the Yamas and Niyamas stated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and make way for a contented life.
In the Winter newsletter, I wrote about the three asana sutras found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (II: 46 - 48).
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali writes, «sthira sukham asanam,» which is often translated as, «steady comfortable posture» and interpreted to mean that the physical practice, our connection to this earth, should be steady and joyful.
In chapter one of the Yoga Sutras, after presenting an outline of the nature of a controlled and balanced mind, Patañjali lists nine obstacles that are able to scatter the controlled mind and prevent its inward movement.
The Yoga Sutra, widely regarded as the authoritative text on yoga, is a collection of aphorisms, outlining the eight limbs of yoga.
In the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, asana is described as «Sthiram Sukham Asanam», which means that which gives steadiness, stability and Joy is called Asana.
Explore all 8 limbs of yoga as outlined in the ancient yogic text The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and learn strategies for incorporating the 8 limbs into your yoga practice and daily life.
Her answer is a paraphrase of Patanjali's yoga sutra (I. 14): «practicing with earnestness over a long period of time without interruption.»
She teaches yoga classes and trains yoga teachers in kinesiology, yoga therapeutics, and the Yoga Sutra in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In the afternoons, I humbly discovered my endless enthusiasm for the Yoga Sutras of which I knew very little about.
In The Yoga Sutras, Pantanjali systematically describes the eight parts that comprise the complete yoga system and leads the practitioner (the yogi) to the true goal.
The vigilant support and guidance of yoga instructors shall help dive deeper into the teachings of traditional Ashtanga yoga as manifested in Yoga Korunta and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali transforming into an enriched human being.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras define Asana as — «Sthiram Sukham Asanam», which means Asana is a pose that is steady and comfortable.
She is also a student of Sanskrit and certified by the Himalayan Institute to teach the Yoga Sutras.
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