Sentences with phrase «payzant established order»

OPINION: Supersized big - box retail is throwing down the gauntlet to the established order in Australia.
With blockchain - based records, companies could easily establish the order of possession for any given document, preventing nasty surprises (such as fraudulent or accidental modification of records) that can accompany transactions.
That seems odd, given Trump's attack on the established order.
Establish order and routine on the job so all workers know where they stand and what is expected of them.
The established order in Silicon Valley is used to funding disruptive ideas, not getting crushed by them.
The character of God is establishing order, moral codes (they fail to keep) and restraining evil according to their fictional writings.
Even in modern times new religions that might compete with established order are typically under threat of persecution.
When the rebel blasphemes against the «old god» who sanctions the established order ruled over by death, it is to make God share «in the same humiliating adventure as mankind's» (Rb 24).
People are allowed to believe what they want, but when they act together in public, they must abide by the beliefs of the established order.
Nevertheless, at specific points such as the time and manner of creation and the expectancy of divine intervention in an established order, the defenders of traditional Christian belief have had to make more adjustments than have the exponents of the scientific spirit.
Before it does anything else it must establish order — such is the first great rule for states.
Thus it is our responsibility to prove that to be a Christian does not mean to be the defender of the established order.
The king can not tolerate disruption of the established order, and he is right, for he has been instituted precisely to protect and uphold this divinely willed order.
While this spiritual ferment does not threaten the established order, it does signal a shift in the main line of American culture.
For the sake of human tranquillity, in the name of Fact, and in defence of the sacred Established Order, the immobilists forbid the earth to move.
The essence of life is to be found in the frustrations of established order.
According to these writers, the established order is in very bad shape indeed.
For others, being homosexual, and especially making a public issue of it, is the entree to a culture of insurrection against the established order.
One answer has been that of revolutionary transformation, in which established orders of society are challenged and overthrown, and traditional modes of grouping people are discarded.
The deification of the established order, however, is the smug invention of the lazy, secular mentality that wants to settle down and fancy that now there is total peace and security, now we have achieved the highest.»
When these established orders are all at once demolished, the injury to civilized values may be fatal.
In communism and the new nationalisms of the present century established orders are being upset at an unparalleled rate, in the name of democracy.
Upset the established order
Sexual love may exist for its own sake in the Song, but... Proverbs relativizes human love by placing it within the established order of life and questions of prudence.
See Practice in Christianity, 88:»... this deification of the established order is the perpetual revolt, the continual mutiny against God.
From this point of view the mere rejection of the established order, even if flamboyantly symbolized, has a strictly limited utility.
Although in recent times there has been a decline in vocations to the long established orders and congregations, it is noticeable that the newly established movements like Focolare, the Neo-Catechumenate, Communion and Liberation, Youth 2000, Emmanuel Community, Sant» Egidio Community, Community of St John, Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and many others have been much more successful in attracting followers.
Marx's criticism is that the church taught the masses that the established order is willed by God and that, as obedient and submissive subjects, they should resign themselves to it.
It is therefore our responsibility to prove that to be a Christian does not mean to be the defender of the established order.
The love that drives the world toward lawfulness provides the world with a tendency between the poles of spontaneity, of indeterminate and unlawful occurrence, and established order.
For a number of reasons he is convinced that the established order today can be neither overthrown nor effectively challenged — the primary reason being that «the relevant decisions are made neither by the people at large nor by the official government, but by the private governments where effective power rests.»
The established order in all areas of life is weakened.
This is to live in a shalom that corresponds to the divinely established order.
Niebuhr (in a rather inexact way) wanted the concept of the devil to act as a symbol of the mysterious offer presented to man to take the alternative to God's established order of human existence.
Disrup the establish order an everythin becomes kaos.
We are being faced not just with gradual shifts in our understanding of ourselves and the world; people experience not just a sense of rapid alteration but of a continual breaking with the past, a perpetual overturning of the established order of things.
It is misleading to read Augustine as an «owl» whose eschatological caution expresses a bias toward the established order.
Colin William points Out that the direction of ecclesiology in the sixties was a movement away from yesterday's question of where the true church is to be found within the established order of Christendom, to today's question of where the living church must occur as witness to Christ's presence in the secular world.
The picture is less clear with regard to work and the economic order, but again the gospel, moving within the established order without radical challenge, was destined to be a revolutionary force.
However, there seems to be a general consensus among Christians that the civil government has a general duty and obligation to establish order within society for the purpose of protecting its citizenry from physical harm intentionally inflicted by others.
If the decision that establishes the order among possibilities makes possible the growth of value in the world, it seems to be for the benefit of the creatures, and hence to express love for them.
Is this not a replication of the demand of the Third Reich that its policies be accepted by the Volk under pain of undermining the established order?
As the competition for a share of the world's limited goods becomes more bitter, justice will vanish in the desperate struggle for survival, and tyrants and bureaucracies will arise to establish some order among the needy and fearful people.
This would make the life of love impossible within the established orders of the world.
The relativist who acts only on his own desires can easily be exposed as a «nihilist» or «anarchist» or «dangerous deviant» (or, assuming him to be a benign influence on the established order of things, a mere eccentric).
In the most familiar Western creation myth, that of Genesis, God establishes this order by an act of will or command.
The sermon is a «site» for performance where the preacher may enter a free space created for serious play and unmask established orders and structures.
Nonetheless, there is an expectation on the part of society that the law will speak from on high as well as in the people's midst, and that it will make straight what would otherwise remain twisted, crooked lines; it will establish order in the stead of anarchy and chaos; it will retain a semblance of purity amid vile motives and human deceits; it will speak with godlike authority and power in a godless age.
In Luther there is the danger of complacency about the established order, and a deflection of the Christian from radical reforming improvements in the struggle for justice.
The mass media thus tend to be servants of the established order and legitimizers of the status quo whether they glamorize British royalty, urge higher Russian production quotas, encourage smaller Chinese families, or happiness - through - purchase in America.
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