Sentences with phrase «peak oil movement»

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«Peak oil» embraced The modern biophysical economics movement may be relatively young, but the ideas at its roots are not.
In 2003, his book «The Party's Over: Oil, War & the Fate of Industrial Societies» turned Peak Oil from an insider worry to a popular movement.
The Transition movement represents one of the most promising ways of engaging people and communities to take the far - reaching actions that are required to mitigate the effects of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis.
The transition movement is a global movement based on the premise of peak oil, and the belief that individual towns and cities can empower themselves to decrease their impact on the world and increase local self - sufficiency.
Transition Milwaukee (TM) is part of an international movement formed, in part, in response to the peak oil crisis and more generally around issues of climate change, economic security and permaculture principles.Peak oil is a non-controversial acknowledgement from government, academic and industry experts that fossil fuels, a finite resource, reach a peak moment of production and necessarily...
As part of that reinvention he urges Transition Movements to convey the sense of urgency around climate change and peak oil to their communities — arguing that within a few short years we will begin facing stark choices about «how we live, where we live, and even who lives.»
When I posted the trailer for In Transition — the documentary about the Transition Towns movement as a response to peak oil and climate change — commenter CB was less than enamored with the film making style.
But the debate swelling in the Transition movement — the community - focused response to peak oil and climate change that has been spreading globally — is an entirely different matter.
Peak Oil Educators Embark on World Tour On Tuesday I wrote about an article in the Times newspaper documenting the incredible spread of the Transition Towns movement, and anyone who has been
He claims that movement founder Rob Hopkins (see my interview with Rob Hopkins for more on his philosophy) talks «almost cheerfully about passing peak oil, widespread food shortages and the idea of globalization crashing suddenly» and he quotes Jennifer Gray, founder of the US arm of Transition, as telling the New York Times that she expects a «a big population die - off.»
And read on for more information about peak oil and the Transition movement.
While not everyone is as pessimistic as the sexy yet depressing Oliy Cassandra, many if not most people in the Peak Oil / transition town movements not only believe that refocusing our economies to a more local level is inevitable, but also that it is desirable.
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