Sentences with phrase «pension contributions usually»

Pension contributions usually stop if a period of leave is unpaid, unless your contract says otherwise.

Not exact matches

Usually this means either a defined contribution plan [such as a 401 (k) or 403 (b) plan] or a defined benefit plan (a traditional fixed «pension» that a government employee might receive).
Pension plans, however, usually assume that all non-vested teachers take their contributions and only report the likelihood that vested teachers withdraw contributions.
However, in cases where after - tax contributions were made to an annuity or pension, only a portion of the distribution will usually be taxed.
For a defined - benefit pension plan, your employer usually makes periodic contributions, and a specified amount of funds is deposited into the plan every month.
2018/19 weekly amount: You'll get about # 164.35 (# 125.95 on the old state pension) for a single person if you have built up the full amount of National Insurance contributions (usually between 30 and 44 years depending on your sex and age).
Usually contributions are «locked in» after 2 years of contributing to your company pension plan.
In this column I'll take a careful look at the pros and cons of both types of workplace retirement savings plans, and you should prepare to be surprised: In many ways the group RRSPs and defined contribution (DC) plans which are usually regarded as the poor cousins of the traditional defined benefit (DB) pensions actually come out ahead.
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