Sentences with phrase «people would feel»

It's easy to comprehend why people would feel this way.
Most people would feel angered at the theories of them being actors, but the student leaders are taking this as a chance to show the world the movement.
It seems the company is trying to gauge what people would feel about the next LG flagship phone if it had a notch.
He didn't want to create a barrier to entry, but wanted the Center to be a space where people would feel welcome walking in from the street.
If enough people felt strongly enough to seize government then enough people would feel strongly enough to elect a government with the necessary resolve.
Ordinary people would feel involved in fixing this mess by covering large areas of the ground with white film.
«We needed to offer a piece that people would feel happy sitting next to.
I can see why people would feel it's inappropriate, but I actually appreciate the transparency.
With founding Codelgue, De Jong and Sibrandi strived to have a fun workplace where creative people would feel at home.
I think once Nintendo makes an Amiibo - only game (non-party one that is), people would feel that they are worth it.
The U.S. was then responsible for keeping the dollar price of gold fixed, and had to adjust the supply of dollars to so people would feel confident that US$ 35 would indeed buy one ounce of gold.
More people would feel comfortable buying stocks and stocks would perform better.
Fidelity is obviously looking for customers to sign up for a plan with them, and many people would feel more comfortable working with a financial adviser to set up a blueprint.
I feel her quest for revenge is understandable, I am sure most people would feel the same way.
They consider how different people would feel in the situation and how they could manage their feelings to respond in a positive way.
At the community level, support for schools might also be enhanced under a regime of public school choice, because fewer people would feel compromised, silenced, or alienated in an environment where well - intentioned school officials are forced to accommodate conflicting constituent demands and wind up doing so in ways that favor the most vocal, affluent, or well - organized.
«I'd like to think with our movies you could put it side by side, do a back - to - back double feature and people would feel they saw two different movies.»
Whatever my religious beliefs are now, a lot of it really freaked me out because I could one hundred percent understand why incredibly pious people would feel such guilt, shame and isolation in that situation because of how I was brought up.
What we wanted to achieve with our adult personals site was a place people would feel comfortable visiting knowing that we checked each service before listing it, so to make sure as much as possible it was not a scam.
This is incredibly hurtful, and that's why the majority of people would feel greatly uncomfortable while doing it.
After that surgery, half the people would feel better.
Temperature: The way that temperature ratings are done on sleeping bags is by selecting the temperature at which most people would feel comfortable sleeping in their particular bed.
To get a sense of how people would feel about finding intelligent aliens, Varnum analyzed reports that the interstellar asteroid «Oumuamua could be an alien spaceship (SN Online: 12/18/17).
In truth, many people would feel disenfranchised if the Prime Minister was changed without there being an Election.
I think people would feel that was a good step for our democracy.
(Wish more people would feel that way about c - sections too.
I wish more people would feel okay with regifting used items.
but I would think many people would feel sensitive to someone saying they felt x parenting choice feels incestuous.
Then I re-read my own comment, and wondered if people would feel like that about my choices too?!?
Why people would feel the need to promote hate like this is beyond me.
If the US,, for example would finally decide that abortion was murder then,, I think more people would feel bad about it, keep from doing it, and then know to ask God for forgiveness.
I mean to say I can very easily understand why people would feel the way I described.
At the same time, this group of people would feel valued and appreciated, further incentivising them to promote your marketplace within their social networks.
Some people have felt relief from homeopathy, but feeling relief is not the same as proving that something is scientifically valid as medication.
«If there is a person you would feel unsafe having at formal, please utilize the Anonymous Feedback form,» the email read.
For centuries, older people have felt that the youth speak a different language, and with the rise of texting and emojis as tools of communication, that communication gap seems to widen.
To what extent do you think your experience here has been a writ small version of what the Obama administration experienced, inheriting a crisis and making measurable progress but not fast enough that people have felt it?
And finally, a lot of people have felt guilty about having sex at some point too.
This is the one issue that church people have felt they could be abusively verbal about and this abuse has done great harm.
Because, lots of people have feelings that turn out to be in error.
A loving person would FEEL my pain about the importance of those discrepancies.
They must have that problem with the forebrain where they simply can not understand that other people have feelings and are more than just shapes they can damage for fun.
Girard leaves us asking why people have a feeling of existential lack.
Only a very simpleminded person would feel that God should be any different...
Even if we were able to suspend our common sense in the area of religion in order to buy into this traditional theology — something which many people have felt forced to do because they saw no good alternatives — we would then have a spirituality that is unable to adequately fulfill its role.
Part of this is simple consideration, a recognition that other people have feelings, too, and desires and needs and dreams.
Harry Potter lied about everything, but mostly about owls being cuddly, and British people having feelings about anything that weren't «THIS IS SHITE» and «well that wasn't going to work anyway, nothing ever does.»
Studies show that we can start teaching children manners at about 18 months as they begin to be aware that other people have feelings.
When your child understands his emotions, he'll be able to start understanding that other people have feelings too.
Ask them how they would feel, how the other person would feel, what they imagine someone else might do.
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