Sentences with phrase «perform reps»

In addition to following the principles for training safely during weight lifting routines, ensure, too, that you warm - up correctly and perform reps perfectly, which we explain how to do in the Strength section that is listed on the menu buttons.
OK, now that you have the weight lifting tips and understand how to warm - up correctly and how to perform reps perfectly, have a look at protein shakes to maximize the benefits from your training.
Here we show you how to perform reps perfectly.
Perform reps until fatigue, and three sets of maximum repetition is also recommended per workout.
Perform your reps in front of a mirror so you can make sure you are following the proper form to get results.
This should take you under 10 minutes, so choose a weight that's challenging but will allow you to perform the reps with no rest periods.
Slowly reverse the motions to complete 1 rep. Perform all reps on the same side before switching sides.
You're welcome to perform your reps with a bit more time in between them.
Perform reps until you can not extend your arms to the necessary range of motion.
Perform all reps with that arm, then switch arms.
Because of the isometric nature of the plank exercise, you can not perform reps in the standard way as with the other body weight exercises.
Perform all your reps one side and then switch sides and repeat.
Perform all reps of each exercise in group A before moving onto the next exercise.
You want to rest enough where you can perform the reps with proper form, but not so much that you lose your rhythm and start to realize how exhausted you are.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto next exercise.
Never perform reps jerkily or rapidly.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next group.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next.
On the other hand, perform the reps faster and use rest less between sets for optimal fat burning.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving to next exercise.
Once you can perform your reps through the full minute without stopping, it's time to bump up the weight.
You need to be sure that you are focusing on good form and then perform the reps diligently and meticulously.
That is one rep. Perform all reps on 1 leg before switching to the next.
Please don't perform reps with poor form.
When you perform reps until momentary failure, you force the muscle to adapt themselves, building up strength for future increase in reps and weight.
Perform all reps with proper form, with a slow and controlled pace on the way down and explosive on the way up.
Just perform all reps for one side then switch and do the allotted number of reps for the other.
Perform your reps then repeat on other side.
When you perform the reps at fast tempo, you also reduce their range of motion.
The key to the Body by Science approach is to perform reps reaaallly slowly, keeping muscles under load for an extended period of time, and to keeping working until failure — which is even tougher in practice than it sounds in theory.
Warm up properly before the working sets and perform each rep with perfect form to enhance the benefits and keep your shoulders safe.
Make sure to perform each rep in a smooth and controlled manner, in order to keep constant tension on your lats.
In that context, we can differentiate between positive failure — the point when you can no longer perform another rep with proper form and full range of motion and negative, or total failure — the point when after a few forced reps, you can't even lower the weight without assistance from a spotter anymore.
A trainer's job is to give you personal attention during exercise and make sure you perform each rep in a safe manner with proper form and technique, which is a crucial component of success.
Performing the reps with partial movements can be highly beneficial for increasing your muscle strength.
If the weight you're working with limits your range of motion, drop it by a few pounds and aim to perform every rep from maximal stretch to maximal contraction.
And although things are not as black and white as this «rule» make them appear, it's true that many of the guys who also incorporate slow tempo lifting tend to add more mass than those who strictly use fast lifting speeds and perform their every rep in an explosive manner.
For example, seeing myself perform each rep of a set and vividly imagining what it will feel like, especially the last couple reps. I see and feel the struggle and myself successful in overcoming it.
The most common examples are positive failure, which happens when you've reached failure right before hitting the top part of the motion and thereby can no longer perform another rep with proper form without a spotter's assistance, and negative failure or total failure, which refers to failing in the bottom part of the motion.
For kettlebell side lateral raises, be sure to perform each rep slower than you would with a dumbbell.
Perform every rep in a slow and controlled fashion and hold the bottom position for a few moments before returning back to the top.
You should focus on performing the reps of every exercise from full stretch to full contraction, turning to partial reps only when your strength starts to fail you.
Always perform each rep in a smooth and controlled motion.
The beauty of concentration curls is that they force you to perform each rep with perfect form, thereby maximizing muscle activation, so it's really important to concentrate on the contraction and on being strict to get the most out of the exercise.
And by muscular failure, I mean the point where you physically can't perform another rep WITH GOOD FORM - reps done with terrible form don't count!
It requires much more concentration to perform each rep,...
It can be just as effective at building beneficial grip strength by performing lifts with a lighter dumbbell and then adding weight, such as a chain wrapped around it or attached with a magnet, and then performing reps, or doing hand to hand transfers, hulas, or figure 8's.
Rest as little as possible during the set (with the goal of performing all reps without stopping).
In this protocol, the athlete performs reps until the velocity drops by 0.1 ms from the highest velocity achieved within the set.
«But Keir, I don't have the money to afford a velocity based training tool» - well, you can get around this with lower body jump variations by performing all reps on a jump mat (typically far more affordable).
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