Sentences with phrase «perhaps study up»

Perhaps study up on yeast before hand if you're not too confident in baking with yeast, like me.

Not exact matches

One Australian study found that micro-breaks — that is, getting up and moving every 15 minutes — were perhaps more valuable than taking long breaks.
The enthusiasm required for forming ourselves in the faith of the Church and thus, the teaching of the Lord Jesus that a study of this catechism brings can perhaps be summed up in the words of the Cure of Ars.
This need not happen from the pulpit, but perhaps a Sunday school class or Bible study addressing these issues would be helpful, not only for those new to the church but also for those who grew up in the tradition and need a refresher.
Others of my generation who had also grown up in legalism regarding or abstention from alcohol perhaps, and so were exploring their emancipation with micro-brews and homemade wine over thick theology books and bible studies and hymn - sings.
«Tithing» to the local church is one of those assumed traditions that no one likes to talk about, perhaps because the people who would really study it are the same people who benefit from proppping it up.
One of the more important purposes of a school chaplain, IMO, is to be an adult, perhaps the only adult in the kids lives, who isn't asking the kids to perform / become better / grow up / score well / study hard / etc.
The study also looks at the correlation between league position and squad value and perhaps not unsurprisingly finds that the top 4 / 5/6 / 7 places are taken up with the top 4 / 5/6 / 7 highest value squads in all the major leagues with very few exceptions.
Which is why studies such as the latest by the Institute for Family Studies, which touts the benefit of marriage over cohabitation when it comes to family instability, bother me: there's no way to know if the couples who cohabit would end up divorced if they wed or if their kids would be worse off if they stayed together — and perhaps subjected their kids to abuse, conflict, addiction or other dysfunstudies such as the latest by the Institute for Family Studies, which touts the benefit of marriage over cohabitation when it comes to family instability, bother me: there's no way to know if the couples who cohabit would end up divorced if they wed or if their kids would be worse off if they stayed together — and perhaps subjected their kids to abuse, conflict, addiction or other dysfunStudies, which touts the benefit of marriage over cohabitation when it comes to family instability, bother me: there's no way to know if the couples who cohabit would end up divorced if they wed or if their kids would be worse off if they stayed together — and perhaps subjected their kids to abuse, conflict, addiction or other dysfunctions.
The study goes on to suggest that this switch to bottles, especially with added cereal, is often done in an effort to help baby sleep longer so that perhaps mom can catch up on her sleep, too.
Perhaps breaking study time up into smaller increments would work better for your child than one solid period.
A student wanting to study art should build up a portfolio of styles, and perhaps aim to take a GCSE in Art.
A couple of Occupational Therapists completed and published a research study that compared two groups of babies, one group spent 30 minutes minimum of tummy time per day and the other group did not, the tummy time group scored higher on developmental assessments, so perhaps 30 minutes in a good goal per day; most helpful if broken up into mini sessions throughout the day.
After disemboweling hundreds of eels to find their testes, Freud threw up his hands and eventually moved on to study the human psyche, perhaps slippery enough.
In the words of Elena Galea, perhaps the most important information this study provides is that «contrary to what Alzheimer's researchers assume, the astrocytes do not break up this organisation to move towards the plaques and phagocytose them.
Tsung Dao Lee of Columbia University and Chen Ning Yang of the Institute for Advanced Study boldly faced up to an embarrassing but insistent possibility: perhaps the parity - conservation law simply broke down in the realm of particle decays like tau's and theta's!
Perhaps the least glamorous way to study whales is to race to where they just surfaced to scoop up their poop.
Perhaps because students in the study got the targeted help they needed to catch up, Ludwig said, «These effects on schooling outcomes are larger — much larger — than what we see from so many other educational strategies.»
Certain study sections — including, perhaps, the one your proposal ended up in — will NEVER fund the type of science that you do, regardless of its importance, impact, novelty, or creativity, because your topic is just not what that study section «goes for.»
Previous studies had found evidence that amphotericin opens up ion channels in membranes, perhaps making them more leaky to charged atoms that could disrupt a cell.
«Experiencing conflict or making an error is something that normally gets us worked up, perhaps by activating our fight - or - flight response, which can interfere with our ability to focus on a task,» said first author R. Becket Ebitz, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University who conducted this study as a graduate student at Duke.
«This allows the astronomical community ease of follow - up and characterisation, and picks out a few gems for first study by the James Webb Space Telescope, which could perhaps provide information about their atmospheres.»
And others believe clathrates of a whatever kind are already accelerating in their melt rates (which, paradoxically may show up better in atmospheric CO2 than methane since a recent study said 50 % of methane is converted to CO2 via methanogenesis, perhaps helping with the accounting re: last year's massive increase)...
Perhaps the study was done before Monsanto upped the amount of glyphosate on conventionally grown fruits and vegetables.
While the movie does all of its characters the favor of not condescending to them or their perspectives — a Bible Study group that might have been played for snickers is accorded, at the very least, a neutral view — its strategy of withholding both particular characters and information about their actions (the mine supervisor played by Josh Lucas doesn't show up until a half hour or so into the picture), while perhaps looking attractively, insinuatingly oblique on paper, has on the screen the general effect of blunting potential emotional impact.
Caught up somewhere in the middle of all this is Amos, who enters into an affair with the distraught Diana (who cozies up to him at a community Bible study), perhaps because she's really into him, perhaps because she's trying to prevent him from testifying against her husband, or perhaps because the screenplay needs for this to happen in order to fulfill its thesis that all of us make bad decisions and that the truth will eventually set us free.
While parents can't be expected to keep up with everything that their children are studying, STEM subjects are becoming increasingly important in international educational systems, so perhaps now is the time for parents to start getting on board with the tech movement.
Up to 45 nations participated in at least one aspect of this cooperative study of schools, teachers, students, and learning in math and science at three age levels, making it perhaps the largest survey ever undertaken in the social sciences.
Perhaps the most widely discussed critique of teacher preparation of the past decade, the hotly debated 2006 study by the National Center for Policy Analysis, Educating School Teachers, simply presumed that teacher recruitment ought to be geared toward new college graduates who would complete beefed - up versions of familiar training programs before being cleared to enter the same old jobs.
This finding backs up many other studies that show the assumptions about student loans are perhaps incorrect.
Jim @ # 16: I also recall seeing the results of a study (perhaps someone can dig up the ref), where extra CO2 was given to trees; they grew more quickly (and a think, larger) for a time, then died as a result of having depleted the soil of its nutrients.
Maybe an additional site dealing specifically with climate policy should also be set up, perhaps by economists and policy - oriented people studying the problem (e.g.: Nordhaus, Pielke, etc)?
It may well be the case (I have yet to see a comparative study) that up to a certain grid penetration — 50 or 70 % perhaps?
Russell Coope, studying bog beetles in England, turned up rapid fluctuations from cold to warm and back again, a matter of perhaps 3C, around 13,000 years ago.
So no, not nimrods, but perhaps stuck on a method of tree ring analysis they can't give up — for many of them that is their sole tool and subject of study.
Of all the points made by S&N, perhaps the most telling is in a follow - up post on the Breakthrough Institute blog: «Nearly every profession, from public health to business to law, has research studies, conferences, and peer - review journals dedicated to evaluating what's working and what's not.
An alternative method for these case studies would have been to find the posts that most exhibit stylistically distinct short writing — perhaps blogs selected for inclusion in the American Bar Association's Blawg 100 [119]-- and to hold them up as examples.
When you teach at law school, as I have, you become familiar with a variety of reasons as to why students choose to study law — perhaps there's a history of lawyers in the family; or their parents want them to do something, anything professional; or they want to right wrongs, get that BMW, enter politics, point damning fingers at witnesses... Even with those students who wound up in law school with apparently only a shrug for a reason, some explanation eventually surfaced.
By studying up on car mechanics and perhaps taking a defensive driving course, NY city and other unfriendly cities will become easier to conquer.
But studies have shown that using a smartphone right up until we go to sleep and looking at it first thing when we wake up is perhaps not a healthy lifestyle.
They know that companies are making billions of dollars through producing, advertising and selling acne treatments (teenagers all do media studies at school), but they also really want to get rid of their acne, so they will try many products, and they will try hard to look after their skin, until perhaps they give up because their acne is so bad.
In a new study, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4 the authors compare commitment level with people's perception of their own happiness in a bad relationship, and perhaps more importantly, their forecasting of future happiness should the relationship break up.
However, conclusions from Lang et al. should perhaps be interpreted with some caution because the study was of weak quality overall and retained only 31 out of 44 participants for the postpartum follow - up.
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