Sentences with phrase «phd after their name»

Just because someone has MD or PhD after their name does not guarantee that everything that comes out of their mouth is reliable.
Stick a PhD after your name and all of a sudden you become an expert on whatever catches your fancy?
People with PhD after their names have a very low opinion of Mann and his science.
Get it from people with PhD after their names.
There are so many other issues, but confidence in scientists comes from the PhD after their names — yet also from their individual histories, which includes their responsibility level.

Not exact matches

A PhD, M.D. or even J.D. after a person's last name does not automatically qualify them to develop effective child protection policies.
But if they do this because they are afraid that night - weaning will somehow harm their baby or their attachment relationship, or they are afraid that a little controlled CIO will do more harm than good, then - Dr. Narvaez - we owe it to them and their infants to NOT MAKE CLAIMS UNSUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE HAVE A PHD OR MD AFTER OUR NAME AND PRESENT THESE CLAIMS AS EVIDENCE - BASED.
Peter — not his real name — found out he had an autoimmune condition similar to multiple sclerosis a year after he started his PhD programme.
This results in a glut of postdoctoral trainees who, even though they are aware that only 14.3 % of PhDs in the life sciences end up in tenure track position 5 years after receiving their PhDs, still strive to become academic researchers themselves (44 % of postdocs in the life sciences name faculty - research as their preferred career outcome - see below).
The award is named after Frederick W. Foley, PhD, professor of psychology at Yeshiva University and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology and director of Neuropsychology & Psychosocial Research at Holy Name Medical Center Multiple Sclerosis Center.
Named after its founder, biochemist Ida P. Rolf, PhD, this form of bodywork reorganizes the connective tissues — called fascia — that surround, support, and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves, and internal organs.
Stephen Hawking's PhD thesis crashes University of Cambridge website after it is made available for first time date meaning, definition, what is date: a numbered day in a month, often given with a combination of the name of the day, the....
Potterhead PhD candidate Thomas E. Saunders has named a new species of wasp after the Harry Potter character Lucius Malfoy.
If you received a Master's or PhD, it's acceptable to list the respective initials after your last name in the heading (e.g. O'Donnell, M.A.).
Add certifications: If you have an MBA, PHR, PhD, LPN, PMP... include those accomplishments after your name in your heading.
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