Sentences with phrase «piece of crap from»

Not exact matches

They spent 20 million dollars to build it while 42,000 children were dying every day from hunger and contaminated water for a piece of crap.
The Mormon then takes the crap pieces from the toilet and studies them in a special baseball cap made of yak pubes, and quotes the text from the crap pieces to another who writes them down on legal note pads.
and Rush Noballs is a piece of Crap that only cares about where His next Million is coming from so of course He would not agree with the pope.
That being said, he clearly is a piece of crap who doesn't deserve any sympathy from you, so I wouldn't stress over it too much.
Maybe this piece of crap would work as a 12 minute Tales From The Crypt you would watch for the actors and a neat digital effect.
The piece of crap known as TMZ have a new image from Machete Kills, as well as details on his character...
Freed from restrictions imposed on him by the necessities of a mainstream audience, creator Dan Milano is finally allowed to reveal how embittered he was by his network experiences — the latest (read: second) volume of the new show presents the IFC pilot, «Fur on the Asphalt,» which hilariously recasts the Fox sitcom as a hopelessly compromised, formulaic piece of crap co-starring Clint Howard — and responds by lowering the budget drastically and throwing his felt creations into a new line of work parodying movies.
highlights the mentality of the thing: That's not a joke anyone under the age of 35 will understand in the slightest (indeed, the packed opening - night crowd was dead silent before it), nor is it a joke for the intended audience of this piece of crap (it's the Soupy Sales bit from Juno, right?).
Btw, Tim from Double Fine said himself that without the additional money and the revised game plan that came with it, Broken Age, or whatever game would have taken its place, was going to be a piece of crap.
I put a flower painting in from the late 1960s and I was really scared that it was going to look like a piece of crap there.
I could also say that your fee - for - service «agent «is also a leech, waiting for you to show up again in order for him / her to boiler plate another offer on another phantom property; if only I could have been able to do that to make a nice income without feeling just a little bit cheap with my expertise and most importantly, my time regarding letting my client in on the negatives of said property as I saw them... from an objective point of view, and not from a subjective, already - emotionally - attached - to - the - property point of view of the buyer, being something like a person falling in love with a piece - of - crap used car because it is a favourite colour.
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