Sentences with phrase «planet formation far»

Planet formation far away from a small parent star is at odds with the conventional planet - making dogma.

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For Edward Thummes, who is doing a postdoc — his third — at University of Toronto in extrasolar planet formation, science has been a waiting game so far.
That implies that planet formation in that disk was fairly far along, in the stage that involves rocks at least the size of asteroids.
Still, the collisional avalanche remains the most likely explanation, at least so far, says Zoe Leinhardt, a research fellow at the University of Bristol who studies planet formation.
The research findings add further support to the possibility water can be delivered to Earth - like planets via such bodies to create a suitable environment for the formation of life.
Theorists will have to refine their models of planet formation, but will still have to explain how systems like our own ended up with giant planets farther out and small planets in closer orbits.
Based on these conclusions for Kepler - 34, it seems likely that all of the currently known circumbinary planets have also migrated significantly from their formation locations — with the possible exception of Kepler - 47 (AB) c which is further away from the binary stars than any of the other circumbinary planets.
If confirmed by further research, the new study would challenge a theoretical model for atmosphere formation in which Earth began with two reservoirs of solar gas captured during the planet's formation and youth — one surrounding the planet, the other buried beneath the surface.
We've recently realized that planets can migrate during solar system formation, moving closer to or farther away from their central star.
So, if there is a planet in the gap and there is no dust larger than a grain of sand farther out, we have provided a challenge for traditional planet formation models.»
In all planet formation scenarios, it's difficult to make a low - mass planet far away from a low - mass star.»
Based on these conclusions for Kepler - 34, it seems likely that all of the currently known circumbinary planets have also migrated significantly from their formation locations - with the possible exception of Kepler - 47 (AB) c which is further away from the binary stars than any of the other circumbinary planets.
This is the first firm evidence of planet formation found so far from the central star in a protoplanetary disk.
Although credible models of planet formation now exist, further measurements of solar system bodies and extra-solar objects could offer insight to the origin of Earth and the solar system.
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