Sentences with phrase «please bear this in mind»

Please bear in mind that there are many more companies listed on these sites than those that drop cookies via the Website.
However, please bear in mind that volatility increases your potential risk as well as your potential reward, and you can lose more than your initial deposit.
Please bear in mind that the United States is predominantly Christian.
and please bear in mind that these words are at best hearsay written down decades or centuries after jesus was said to have existed and written by people who had never seen or heard jesus.
Please bear in mind that this was the early 70's.
Note: Prices will be higher due to the location of some of these stores, so please bear that in mind before filling your basket with non-essentials!
If you are concerned about the alcohol content of this dish please bear in mind that most of alcohol actually evaporates during the cooking procedure.
For those persons who believe 4.5 cups of olive oil is too expensive, please bear in mind that if treated properly, olive oil can be reused up to 5 times.
Please bear in mind that the recipe instruction is just a guide.
Please bear in mind that two months ago I had never cooked anything.
Please bear in mind that the Ox had one of his best ever games in his first ever game (against Man U) on the left wing until he was inexplicably substituted.
I really don't watch much NCAA basketball until February, so please bear in mind that I am an idiot and you would do better off playing chicken - shit bingo with your bracket or using it to conceal a past - due fantasy football check you keep forgetting to put in the mail.
Please bear in mind that when we are in the semi final of the Champions League, your team is in the Championship.
But there were a couple of things Iâ $ ™ d like to pick out â $ «please bear in mind that this analysis of his game is not out of spite or just to discourage his performance, but to use video footage and statistical analysis, combining the two, to have a decent look at it â $ «it is also for the purpose of seeing how well he does too.
Balls bouncing seems like a simple concept, but the science behind it is quite complicated, so please bear in mind that we have simplified it for our audience.
Also, please bear in mind, sacrificing the in - school cupcake will not necessarily a healthy child make; that is my main point.
Please bear in mind I am not sharing these birth stories to cause anyone to feel ashamed or defensive or condemned for their own birthing choices and experiences; each of my daughters are Cesarean births, and so I wanted to be able to provide you with a more natural perspective than I can give you.
Please bear in mind, though, that there may be some local differences and it's a good idea to check with the airports / airlines you'll be flying with for specific advice.
Please bear in mind our singularity of viewpoint when reading this chapter.
Please bear in mind that all ballot papers need to be returned to the PLP Office by Thursday 7 October at 5 pm.
Please bear in mind that the other compilations in our comparison table each have their own selection criteria for compiling trials.
Please bear in mind that I only ever recommend brands and products that I have personally tried, tested and loved and will never support a brand that doesn't share my philosophy and ethos.
Please bear in mind that all of the products that I consume are organically based.
However, please bear in mind that the way you nourish yourself during the first few months after childbirth is crucial.
First of all, please bear in mind that «beauty consultants» are rarely trained in color.
It fits a tad large and I am small busted so please bear in mind it will look better on someone with a fuller bust.
however please bear in mind that this site does not tolerate any spam, abuse and racially or politically motivated talk..
Please bear in mind that some of the less popular of these can also be good to explore, based upon your personal tastes.
Please bear in mind that Love, honest, and trust are always my primary concerns.
Please bear in mind that you should respect the privacy of Persian women at our chat rooms.
Is there please bear in mind you're not dating a rich Perhaps you should use your big boy rhetoric if
Director Steven Soderbergh comes onscreen before the story starts and tells us, «In the event that you find certain sequences or ideas confusing, please bear in mind that this is your fault, not ours.
Please bear in mind this is a working document and I keep adding to it.
But please bear in mind the caveat about the meaning of the illustrative allocations, and do your own work to consider what it might mean in the context of your local circumstances.
Please bear in mind that color pages are more expensive to print which leads to an increase of the retail price of your book.
Please bear in mind that even urgent requests may need a day or two to be completed, so place your orders with us as soon as you can.
My novel PROJECT THERMOCEPTION is a Sci - fi action thriller so please bear this in mind offering a reciprocal review.
Please bear in mind that Alerrandre permits only two rounds of revision.
Please bear in mind that the schedule may change and we may make changes to the format of this program or the schedule based on feasibility and opportunities.
As you can see; at night time it is awful so if you plan on picking up the 9220 please bear this in mind.
Please bear in mind while you're manufacturing these seven new BlackBerrys, RIM, that quality always trumps quantity.
Please bear in mind that you can drive your car during the entire loan repayment term.
Our Services: Please bear in mind that this service is not available in all the states of the United States.
Please bear in mind that you arrive in Athens not Mykonos.
when reading answers please bear in mind that FICO algorithms are a closely guarded trade secret of the rating agencies.
Of course, please bear that in mind if you're considering any of the shares above for your own portfolio.
Please bear in mind that you may enjoy this benefit as long as your card account is active and in a good state.
Please bear in mind that the height and weight measurement of both dogs is applicable only to fully grown dogs.
Please bear in mind that our veterinarian may be already dealing with an emergency.
For those who do not believe that the pug played a significant part in the makeup of the show bulldog, please bear in mind that at the turn of the century dog show classes for «bulldogs» were divided into «Under 20 pounds» and «Over 20 pounds»!
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