Sentences with phrase «please listen to the words»

Not exact matches

Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
It is the one who believes God exists, but refuses to read God's Word, listen to God's voice, and instead, simply does what one pleases, without any thought of what God might desire.
I would prefer the words «please listen to my story» rather than «don't judge me» because asking me not to judge presumes that I am going to judge and puts me on the defensive too.
If you need words of encouragement, advice, or even someone who will just listen, please don't hesitate to contact me!
While the acting is decent and many lines are abbreviated into single word responses, an option to listen to the original voice actors would have been pleasing.
Ethics December 16, 2014 at Arctic Sea Ice Blog «Finally, everyone here will be pleased to know that I caught an Arctic specialist carelessly using the r - word yesterday and got prompt agreement from him (with a couple colleagues listening in) that using it is bad, bad, bad.»
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