Sentences with phrase «plus health classifications»

If you're in average to good health and can qualify for Standard, Standard Plus, Preferred or Preferred Plus health classifications, an individual term life insurance policy will be less expensive than what the AICP offers.
The healthiest policyholders are placed into the preferred plus health classification, and those policyholders typically enjoy the lowest premiums.
Luckily, most life insurance companies will approve applicants who suffer from sleep apnea, and some of these applicants may even qualify for preferred or preferred plus health classification ratings.
Although every company assigns ratings differently, most people with high cholesterol receive a rating of Standard or Standard Plus health classification.

Not exact matches

Those policyholders who fall into the health classifications known as preferred plus and preferred typically enjoy significant premium savings, while those in lower classifications generally pay higher premiums.
Unfortunately only a small percentage of insurance shoppers will qualify for the preferred plus or preferred health classifications; the remainder will be classified as regular or standard health classifications.
You can get their best health class if you quit smoking 3 years ago (most of the industry makes you wait 5 years); high blood pressure and cholesterol treated with medications can qualify for the best health classifications; if you're over 50 years old and are diabetic, you can qualify for «Standard» rates; family history of cancer doesn't exclude you from the preferred plus rating either (most companies it does).
While preferred plus is the top health classification, only a small percentage of applicants will fall into this category.
Mitral Valve Prolapse is actually a very common medical condition and under the right conditions, can qualify for the best life insurance health classification — preferred plus.
Most people believe that they're healthy and will pick automatically choose the «Preferred Plus» health classification... in fact over 65 % of quotes on our website are run at «Preferred Plus» rating.
The majority of life insurance companies will start you off at «Standard» or a «Standard Plus» health classification.
(The most common life insurance classifications, in order from highest health rating to lowest, are Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus, and Standard.
Here's a list of those health classifications from best (preferred plus) to worst.
Insurers may not consider you a Preferred or Preferred Plus classification, but they're still hung up on outdated health models that don't reflect your true status.
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