Sentences with phrase «polymatchmaker old rules»

The old rules of valuation no longer apply.»
An old rule of thumb was to think about replacing two - thirds to three - fourths of your previous income in retirement.
The internet was poised to revolutionize the world, and some spoke of a «new economy» where the old rules didn't apply.
The old rule of never discussing sex or politics is good in theory, but when the political climate gets heated it can be difficult to leave issues at the door
You know this old rule: Always leave the state of the campsite (in this case, a hot desk) just as good — or slightly better — than you found it.
The challenge for Legere to start with was to shift the organization's control away from legal and HR and towards employees — breaking the company's old rules along the way.
But within this healthcare biodome, the old rules of insurance, copays, appointment - making, and office visits are changing quickly, as customers now routinely consult with their physicians through email exchanges and video chats.
Time is now running out for business owners who want to access those sweetheart loans; the old rules return this winter.
The new rule takes the old rule's shortcomings into account.
And the bottom line — an old rule of design — complexity is the enemy.
«A television viewer's email had alerted officials to a day - old rules violation by Thompson for a one - inch ball placement error.
But big data itself is prone to systematic distortions, misplaced trust, and the oldest rule of coding: garbage in, garbage out.
It's literally the oldest rule in the game,» the «Mad Money» host said as investors» flight from the stock subsided on Friday.
But Regina now has a lot more options including noting on her website, Facebook or LinkedIn that she is seeking investors, all of which was not allowed under the old rules.
War is about to go the next level, but that doesn't mean some of the fundamental old rules shouldn't still apply.
He raised the example of an old rule that added bureaucracy to the replacement of old utility poles.
My poor dad, my biological father, struggled financially his entire life playing by the old rules of money.
Where the old rules left you in control of your brand and destiny, the new rules puts that control in the hands of your customers.
Where the old rules were «broadcast» and used various forms of mass media, the new rules are «narrowcast» and use highly targeted media.
But as marketing practices continue to evolve in the digital age, this old rule may no longer be relevant.
They could thus apply the old rules which did not require them to declare beneficial owners.
The old rules are gone.
Perhaps it is because I remember the refrain that the «old rules» — specifically, real - world economics — don't apply that I instantly cringe when someone applies the term to a new product.
The old rule of basing stock asset allocation on a formula of «100 minus your age» — leading to, say, a 40/60 stocks / bonds split if you retire at 60 — is outdated.
But he cautions that eliminating old rules is magnitudes more complex and daunting than slowing the rate of new ones.
The White House Office of Management and Budget must first approve the new transparency rules before the old rules can be formally rescinded.
The big broadband providers say that won't mater, because they actually support net neutrality, even if they didn't like the old rules.
Yesterday, I wrote about the Securities and Exchange Commission's vote to lift the ban on general solicitation, an 80 - year - old rule that prevented entrepreneurs from speaking publicly about raising funds for their businesses.
Under the old rules, Netflix, YouTube and Skype were getting free rides, because they could flood the Internet with data, slowing down everyone else's traffic in the process.
The oldest rule in the financial book is that risk and return are related.
Then, the old rule of thumb is: I find a place for everything & everything will be in its place.
Eventually, the final refuge of speculation is to abandon historically reliable measures wholesale, resting faith instead on the advent of some new era in which the old rules simply don't apply.
By constantly looking backwards, and spending limited resources on streamlining old rules, agencies will have too little time to look forward and plan future rulemakings to protect the public.
Now, so too has the academic who advised our federal minister of finance that it would be a smart idea to change the 40 - year - old rules that govern Canada's small businesses, with a mere 75 - day «consultation» process, in the dog days of summer.
If you opt for the other camp, the old rule where advertising is prohibited, will you end up having to swear your employees and investors to secrecy?
(The return you'll prepare this coming April generally will be under old rules; to get a sense of where you stand, try our tax calculator.)
«Given the significant changes to retirement saving since the passage of ERISA, it is entirely appropriate for the DOL to reevaluate the 40 - year - old rule defining the fiduciary standard for those financial professionals providing investment advice to retirement savers,» the FPC said in a statement.
Way back in the 1990s when Web marketing and PR was in its infancy, I ignored the old rules, drawing instead on my experience working at publishing companies, and created thought leadership strategies to reach buyers directly on the Web.
But the old rules may just not work anymore.
One of the old rules was that the gun - control debate was intractable.
The election of Donald Trump and shifting political power internationally reflect a political moment in which it seems like the old rules don't apply.
These individuals are likely to stick with the old rules — generally speaking, it would only make sense to change to the new tax treatment if the ex-spouse paying the support is in a lower tax bracket than the recipient.
[Update: PEHub, which regularly uses Form D filings to report on venture financing, notes that the new rules require less information that the old rules, and that they will not cite information from the revised form without corroboration.]
In today's environment many retirees are finding the old rules about portfolio management do not always work.
If you'd like to learn the New Rules of Cold Calling, you can do that by attending the no - cost Webinar Event of the Year, «Sales 2.5: Combining the New Tools with the Old Rules to Maximize Sales» Click Here to Learn More.
In addition, under the old rules of private placements (Rule 506 (b) of Regulation D), companies were prohibited from advertising their raise, requiring that they rely on their existing networks and warm introductions, further containing investment opportunities within the existing startup community.
A: The question is how much weight you put on the old rule of thumb that two quarters back - to - back of contraction is a recession.
---------- Is that a new rule?????» No, that's a really old rule.
A call for the old rules of courtship will evoke snickers, and statements about the vulnerability of nineteen - year - old girls will draw frowns.
To multitudes of people today independence does not mean Socrates, facing death and saying, «Men of Athens, I honor and love you, but I will obey God rather than you»; it means, «The heck with old rules
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