Sentences with phrase «predisposed breeds include»

Predisposed breeds include the Devon Rex and the Abyssinian.
Other predisposed breeds include Bulldogs and, less commonly, Cocker Spaniels.
Predisposed breeds include the Boxer, Bull Mastiff, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Chow Chow, Cocker Spaniel, English bulldog, Golden Retriever, Great Dane, Irish Setter, Irish Setter, Labrador Retriever, Poodle, Pug, Chinese Shar Pei, Springer Spaniel, and St. Bernard.

Not exact matches

Certain breeds are genetically predisposed to hyperlipidemia, including miniature schnauzers, collies, beagles, Shetland sheepdogs, cocker spaniels, Doberman pinschers, Rottweilers, poodles and briards.
Certain breeds are known to be predisposed including the Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Beagle, Shar Pei, Chow Chow and Jack Russell Terrier.
While Bearded Collies are overall healthy dogs, some of the conditions this breed is predisposed to include hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, hip dysplasia and allergies.
Certain breeds are predisposed to elbow dysplasia, including Golden and Labrador retrievers, English setters, English Springer spaniels, Rottweilers, German shepherds, the Burnese mountain dog, Chows, the Shar - Pei, and Newfies.
Other breeds that are predisposed to HCM include Norwegian forest cats, Persians, Devon and Cornish rexes, and sphynxes, but it affects random - bred cats, too.
Certain breeds, including the dachshund, beagle, basset hound, bulldog, Dalmatian, bichon frise, miniature schnauzer, miniature poodle, cocker spaniel, Lhasa apso, Scottish terrier, Irish setter, Newfoundland and Yorkshire terrier, are predisposed to developing urolithiasis, or bladder stones.
Some breeds that seem predisposed to umbilical hernias include Beagles, Basenjis, Pekingese, and Airedale Terriers.
Breeds predisposed to patent ductus arteriosus include the German Shepherd, Miniature Poodle, Keeshond, Cocker Spaniel, Pomeranian, Collie, and Shetland Sheepdog.
The breed are predisposed to certain musculoskeletal issues including hip and elbow dysplasia, gastric torsion (or bloat), and a variety of genetic eye disorders.
This would, in most cases, include not breeding too closely so as to risk potential concentration of genes that might predispose to disease of any sort.
A wide variety of breeds are known to be predisposed to canine AD including Shar Peis, Cairn, Scottish and West Highland White T erriers, Lhasa Apso, Shi - Tzu, Dalmatians, Irish and English setters, Golden and Labrador Retrievers, French Bulldogs, Boxers, Miniature Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniels and English Bulldogs as well as associated cross breeds.
At present, it is well known that distichiasis affects many purebred dogs and occasionally some cross bred dogs as well, and the list of supposedly predisposed breeds now includes 109 different breeds [21].
Some breeds like the German shepherd, are predisposed to a variety of different skeletal disorders, including but not limited to: canine hip dysplasia, Cauda equina syndrome, and osteoarthritis.
Breeds that are predisposed to this condition include the Akita, Beagle, Doberman pinscher, German shepherd, English cocker spaniel, Smooth fox terrier and the Tibetan terrier.
Some breeds are predisposed to this condition, including Persians and Himalayans.
It can be seen in any breed, but some breeds are predisposed including Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds, Bull Mastiffs, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, and several breeds of Spaniels, among others.
Breeds predisposed to detachment include Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu, Miniature Poodle, and Labrador Retriever, among others.
Dog breeds predisposed to the development of IMHA include: cocker spaniels, poodles, Old English Sheepdogs, and Irish setters.
These breeds may be predisposed to conditions including naturally slow metabolism and hormonal disorders that make them more likely to gain weight.
Possible causes of canine seborrhea include congenital or inherited (certain breeds are predisposed), allergy, parasites or an endocrine system problem (hormonal).
Predisposed Breeds: Entropion - Breeds that are commonly seen with entropion include but are not limited to; Chow Chow, Chinese Shar - Pei, Irish Setter, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Collie, Great Dane, and Rottweiller.
However, further studies have included more breeds into the equation as dogs highly predisposed to DCM: Newfoundland, Portuguese Water dog, Boxer, Great Dane and Irish Wolfhound (source).
Most breeds predisposed to cardiomyopathy are of the large or giant breed type, including Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, and Irish Wolfhounds.
Dog breeds that are predisposed to mitral valve disease include Cavaliers, Chihuahuas, Toy Poodles, and Dachshunds, among others.
Some predisposed breeds of dogs include Boxers, Boston terriers, Bulldogs, pugs, Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, Weimaraners, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, cocker spaniels, schnauzers, Staffordshire Terriers, beagles and Shar Peis.
Breeds that are predisposed to this condition include Golden Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Labrador retrievers, Doberman Pinschers, Miniature Schnauzers, Irish Setters, Poodles, Dachshunds, Boxers, Great Danes, Shetland Sheepdogs, chows, Bulldogs, Airedales, Pomeranians, and Old English Sheepdogs.
Breeds predisposed to DCM include the Doberman Pinscher, the Great Dane, the Boxer, and the Cocker Spaniel.
Some breeds predisposed include the Cocker Spaniel, Chow Chow, Shar - Pei, Bassett Hound, Shiba Inu, and Shih Tzu.
Certain breeds are predisposed to Chronic Active Hepatitis, these include Bedlington Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, Skye Terriers, Standard Poodles, Cocker Spaniels and West Highland White Terriers.
Like most breeds, Italian Greyhounds are predisposed to certain conditions through genetics, including patellar luxation, eye problems, some autoimmune diseases and seizures.
Certain breeds are predisposed to developing hypothyroidism, including golden retrievers, Doberman pinschers and Irish setters.
Some breeds that are predisposed to osteochondritis dissecans include:
Although certain breeds of dogs are predisposed to weight problems (including Labrador retrievers,...
Although intact canine males with a median age of ten years are highly predisposed, breeds at an increased risk include Boxers, German Shepherds, Afghan Hounds, Weimaraners, and Shetland Sheepdogs.
Other breeds predisposed to develop demodex include: Afghan Hound, Beagle, Chihuahua, Chow Chow, Collie, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Old English Sheep Dog, Pointer, Pug, Shar Pei, and Shih - Tzu.
Breeds that seem predisposed to IMHA include the Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Miniature Poodle, Irish Setter, Collie, Miniature Schnauzer, Doberman Pinscher, Miniature Pinscher, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, Old English Sheepdog, Vizlsa, Scottish Terrier and Finnish Spitz.
Dogs may also inherit a deficiency in von Willebrand's factor, and breeds that are genetically predisposed to von Willebrand's Disease include German Shepherds, German Short - Haired Pointers, the Rottweiler, Golden Retrievers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers, Standard Poodles, Scottish Terriers, Shelties, and Miniature Schnauzers.
For example, if your dog is a breed that is genetically predisposed to hip and joint issues, they may recommend including a joint supplement.
It is thought to have a genetic determinant, and breeds predisposed include Rough - Coated Collies and German Shepherd.
Breeds predisposed to epilepsy include beagles, shepherds, border collies, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, Irish setters, Labrador retrievers, poodles, Saint Bernards and Siberian huskies.
Dog breeds predisposed to entropion include chow chows, Shar - Peis, mastiffs, bull mastiffs, Rottweilers, Great Danes, and St. Bernards.
White cats of any breed are predisposed to development of squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant tumor which can develop anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes, including the eyelids.
Canine breeds predisposed to develop oral osteosarcoma include Rottweilers, Saint Bernards, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, Dobermans, and Labradors.
Like seizures, the abnormal electrical activity responsible for heart arrhythmias can have a number of causes, including genetic, with some breeds predisposed to them.
«Cherry eye» is commonly seen in predisposed breeds (often as an inherited weakness) including the Cocker Spaniel, Bulldog, Beagle, Lhasa and Shih Tzu, but can occur in other breeds and in cats as well.
We have described the most common oral tumors and lesions below, including what to look for, information on what ages and breeds are most predisposed to particular cancers, and what veterinary diagnosis and treatment is available to both dog and cat owners.
Dog breeds most commonly predisposed to have malformed nostrils include the English and French Bulldogs, the Pug, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Pekingese.
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