Sentences with phrase «preparing youth workers»

Not anyone can do this work: Preparing youth workers in a graduate school of education.

Not exact matches

As the summer winds down and students prepare to return to school, 70 youth workers from Brighton Park and the surrounding area are closing out their summer jobs with the One Summer Chicago program (OSC) and BPNC.
It focuses on ways that child welfare workers and other adults can help to prepare those children and youth whose goal is adoption; however, much of the information on preparation is also applicable to children and youth with other permanency goals.
Touchpoints: Preparing Children for Transitions (PDF - 666 KB) Coalition for Children, Youth & Families (2014) Provides people who are involved in key transition points for a child in out - of - home care such as ongoing workers, foster parents, relative caregivers, adoption workers, CASA volunteers, therapists, and Tribal workers.
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