Sentences with phrase «press dumbbells up»

• Alternate three sets of 15 side lunges (alternate sides) with three sets of 20 dumbbell bicep curls to shoulder press (with palms up curl dumbbells into your chest keeping your elbows close to your sides, press dumbbells up, bring your arms back down, reverse curl and repeat).
Once you reach the squat position (try to have your legs at a 90 - degree angle) press dumbbells up, stopping just before arms are straight.
Using power from your glutes and lower body, you'll press the dumbbells up overhead in one continuous movement.
Press the dumbbells up and towards each other until your arms fully extended and vertical, with your palms facing forward.
Press the dumbbells up overhead, and then bring them back down by your sides (c).
Press dumbbells up over your chest, as your arms near their full extension start to turn your palms (in) so that dumbbells meet as shown, pause, and reverse the movement to return to start.
Form: While keeping your core tight, exhale and press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling.
Forcefully press the dumbbells up in an arc (coming toward each other at the top) until your arms are fully extended above your lower chest or upper abs.
By contracting the chest muscles and pulling your shoulder blades together, press the dumbbells up directly above your shoulders, fully extending the arms.
From here, squat down until you are below parallel and stand back up as you press the dumbbells up overhead until your arms are straight.
Once they reach your shoulders, turn your palms around so they're facing you, and then press the dumbbells up overhead until your arms are straight above you.
Flip the wrists so that the palms face outwards again and press the dumbbells up, so that the arms form a straight line and the weights are positioned above the head.
Form: While keeping your core tight, exhale and press the dumbbell up towards the ceiling.

Not exact matches

Try doing dumbbell flies, chest presses, push - ups, arm raises, and chest pulls.
think pistol squat, TRX suspended lunge, Bulgarian split squat, single - leg deadlift, squats and step - ups using a bosu ball; single arm work such as one arm dumbbell or chest press on a fitball, single arm rows or renegade rows.
Incline dumbbell bench press — 3 x 10,8,6 (after the warm up, pyramid your way up to 5 reps to failure) Barbell bench press — 3 x 10,8,6 Pec - deck fly or dumbbell fly — 3 x 15 (pick a weight that you can easily do 12 - 15 reps with)
Examples: think pistol squat, TRX suspended lunge, Bulgarian split squat, single - leg deadlift, squats and step - ups using a bosu ball; single arm work such as one arm dumbbell or chest press on a fitball, single arm rows or renegade rows.
Examples of mid-range movements are: leg press, bent - over barbell rows, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell overhead press, barbell biceps curls, dips and pull - ups.
Lastly, stand straight up again and this time bring the dumbbells over your head for a shoulder press.
With your eyes on the dumbbell, lift your torso and hips as you press up with your right arm, your right hand slightly behind you (B, below).
Pressing down through your heels and focusing on pushing your knees out, push yourself back up to standing position while simultaneously pushing dumbbells straight up above your head and thrusting your hips forward.
Press through your heels and lift your torso up off the ground, using your glutes and hamstrings to push through the motion (to make it harder you can hold a dumbbell on top of your hips, as shown below).
Pause for a second at the bottom, then press upwards, bringing your chest up and out a bit and bringing the dumbbells slightly closer together as you press them over your head without allowing them to touch.
As a result he was unable to press them straight up, because the dumbbells were hitting each other.
Dumbbell shoulder press 4 x 8 reps in a superset with Pull Ups 4 x 8 - 10 reps Barbell bench press 4 x 8 reps in a superset with Bent over barbell rows 4 x 8 reps
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
A1 Barbell shoulder press * — 3 X 8 A2 Pull ups ** — 3 X 6 B1 Seated dumbbell shoulder press — 3 X 8 - 10 B2 Underhand lat pulldowns — 3 x 8 - 10 C1 Front Raise with a plate — 3 X 10 - 12 C2 Straight arms pulldown — 3 X 10 - 12
Clean & Military Press 10 reps Squat 10 reps Weighted Pullups 10 reps One - Arm Dumbbell Swing 10 reps Standing Calf Raise 10 reps Sit - Ups 10 reps
What do you think will help you build more strength and mass and where can you use bigger amount of weight — leg extensions or squats, bench presses or dumbbell flies, a biceps curl or a chin up where you lift your own body weight?
Of course you will also want to incorporate exercises like barbell and dumbbell rows, pull ups, chin ups, leg presses, shoulder presses and a few other compound exercises to get that «bodybuilder» look and give the muscles a different kind of stimulus.
A typical superset can include machine leg presses and lying leg curls, wide grip pull - ups and push - ups, cable side laterals and seated dumbbell presses, or close grip bench presses and barbell curls.
Grab a dumbbell with your left hand, using a neutral grip, and curl and press the weight overhead while keeping your head up, shoulders back and spine neutral.
Squat — 1 × 20 (do as many warm up sets as you think you will need to be well prepared) Dumbbell pullover — 1 x 20 Bench press — 2 x 8 - 10 Bent over barbell rows 2 × 8 - 10 Military press — 2 x 6 - 8 Barbell curls — 1 x 15 Crunches 2 x 20
If someone starts off by dumbbell pressing a set of 40's and gradually works their way up to pressing 90's, there's simply no way that their triceps won't grow significantly as a result.
Workout B Deadlift: 1 - 2 warm - up sets, 1 set of 5 reps Overhead press: 1 - 2 warm - up sets, 5 sets of 5 reps Trap - bar Deadlift: 3 - 4 sets of 6 - 8 reps Incline Dumbbell Presses: 1 warm - up set, 3 sets of 6 - 8 reps Chin - ups: 4 - 5 sets of whatever
Above all, don't push Front Squats, Incline Presses, Pull - Ups / Pulldowns, Dumbbell Upright Rows and Decline Triceps Extensions hard.
To do the second variation, start by pressing both dumbbells towards the ceiling, then lower one and press it back up to the top before lowering and pressing the opposite side.
As you stand up out of your squat, press those dumbbells above your head, using power from your legs to drive the weight upwards.
From push - ups and incline dumbbell presses to pec deck flyes, there are plenty of exercises to choose from.
Sample Exercise Setup: Chest — 3 exercises, 1 incline, 1 flat and 1 decline Back — 4 exercises, 1 wide chin up or latt pull, 1 row, 1 pulley or machine row, Deads or pullovers (alternate between these two) Delts — 3 exercises, overhead press, side laterals, bent laterals Triceps — 3 exercises, overhead tricep extension with bar or dumbbell, cable pressdown, machine dip Biceps — 3 exercises, preacher curl, barbell or dumbbell curl, cable curl Quads — 3 exercises, press of some kind, extension, hack or press or squat of some kind Hams — 1 exercise, leg curl Calves — 3 exercises, standing calf raise, bent lower back calf raise (like donkey calf raises where your upper body and lower body are in an «L» shape), seated calf raises Abs - 3 exercises, weighted machine crunch, hanging leg lifts, cable reverse crunches Traps — 1 exercise, shrugs
Start with the dumbbells under your chin, then rotate them out and up to an overhead press.
A good start would be to concentrate on: bench press, incline bench press, shoulder press, squats, lunges, deadlifts, chin ups, barbell and dumbbell rows.
Think T - dumbbell push - ups, rotational lunges or squat presses with weights.
Dumbbells, Barbells, Cardio Machines, Medicine Balls, Rubber Bands, Step Machine, Stationary Bike, Elliptical Machine, Spin Bike, Swiss Ball, Squat Machine, Flat Bench, Incline Bench, Decline Bench, Kettle Bell, Shoulder Press, Smith Machine, Leg Press, Hack Squat, Cables, Leg Extension Machine, Leg Curl Machine, Stair Stepper, Hip Abductor, Chin Up Machine, Pull Up Machine, Lat Pull Down Machine, W Bar, Straight Bar, Seated Leg Curl, Yoga Mat
Exercises like flyes, stiff - legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin - ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement.
6 set of 6 reps close stance dumbbell squats (press with toes to work the quads) Rest: 60 - 90 seconds (do 90 seconds if you feel too winded at 60 seconds) Tempo: 4 second negative (which is the way down), 2 second hold at the bottom, 2 seconds up, then go back down.
The dumbbell bench press is performed by lying face up on a flat bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor.
Dumbbell bench presses are an awesome way to tone up your chest, as well as the back of your arms.
For example: say my max for 10 reps on the shoulder press is 12.5 kg dumbbells, am I doing 4 sets of 8 - 10 reps of 12.5 kg or am I starting lower and working up?
MG: For beginners, I generally start them off with the most basic bodyweight exercises such as bw squats, bw lunges, bw step - ups, pushups, inverted body rows, along with basic dumbbell exercises like overhead presses, rows, etc..
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