Sentences with phrase «priestly creation story»

In the Priestly creation story, persuasion was sufficient.
...» of the Priestly creation story, more adequately symbolize the dynamic character of the Word.

Not exact matches

This, along with other aids, has enabled scholars to attribute the first creation story to the so called «Elohist» source (or the Priestly source as a redactor of the Elohist source) and the second to the earlier «Yahwist» source.
Like the creation mythology of Genesis, it too reflects the work of two writers, or groups of writers, the Yahwist and Priestly Source, with different views and different versions of the story.
Concert in an Egg, in regards to Genesis 1:27, which was written by the Priestly Source, stating the first man and woman were created simultaneously, whereas the Genesis 2 creation story, written by the Yahwist, which is the older of the two creation stories, has Eve formed from Adam's rib, there are other early Jewish myths that provide an explanation, i.e., that Eve was not the first woman Yahweh provided for Adam.
It is only in the editorial expansion of the Priestly writer that the Sabbath tradition is identified with the creation story.
After restoring J's missing creation account, suppressed in favor of the Priestly version in Genesis 1, Bloom turns his attention to the Garden of Eden story, reading it not as a story of sin and punishment, not even as, in Paul Ricoeur's phrase, a myth of deviation, but as a lovingly and playfully ironic account of the unsatisfactory state of affairs in which we find ourselves and, more specifically, in which the author found herself in the twilight days of the post-Solomonic era.
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