Sentences with phrase «private people like»

Private people like to listen to our vision, but when it comes to action, they talk to their ordinary tradesmen.»

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The new vehicle would make investments between $ 500 million to $ 2 billion on long - term themes like diverging demographics globally, the growing middle class and millennial spending patterns, said the person, who asked not to be named because the information is private.
Money, like sex, is a private affair and something we can share if we are being asked for advice, or if we want to help another person we think could benefit from what we know.
Turner: One of the things that people in the industry often talk about when it comes to money management is this barbell, where as you said you have low - cost, passive index tracking funds and at the other end you have higher fees, higher active share, things like private debt which you mentioned, and it's those in the middle that are charging higher fees for something that looks quite a lot like beta that are really going to struggle.
(Example: A perk like membership in an exclusive private club might look odd from the outside, but a moment's reflection should reveal that an executive who is responsible for massive fundraising efforts genuinely needs to be part of the kind of clubs where he or she can network with the right sorts of people.)
It is such an integral part of so many people's social lives and patterns of communication, and it has so few real competitors, that I think it is in some ways more like a public utility than like a private company.
Rather than follow the Stalin model of turning an agrarian society of Russia into a state - owned industrial superpower like the USSR - killing millions of your own people in the process, incidentally - Myerson suggests that the government own all businesses by buying the stocks and bonds of all businesses as an «investment» in the private sector.
People often look at a company like SpaceX, a private entity that is doing some incredible things in space, and I think sometimes they don't recognize that for some of what SpaceX does, NASA's in partnership with them, supports them.
«People who do private - equity investments right are very shrewd and very driven to focus on key issues like investment return and exit strategies,» says Gary Simon, a partner at the New York City - based law firm Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin.
Sticking with our recent articles on Amazon private label selling and market traction, I thought I would talk with an actual million dollar private label brand, who is finding success, through methods like developing original products, and share that with you.I talked with Raj Jana, the Founder of JavaPresse Coffee Company, who is building a brand that creates meaningful products and experiences that help people make the most of the moments they love, which starts with the ritual of making and drinking one perfect cup of coffee every single day.
Extremely wealthy people — enabled by a series of key Supreme Court decisions as recently as yesterday — want to be able to spend gargantuan amounts of money in the political process and remain essentially private persons who don't get knocked around or criticized like everyone else in the political arena.
People like Vinod Khosla, Keith Rabois, Brian Singerman, Marc Andreessen and others have all made head - scratching private comments to me that sounded so foreign to what I thought other people were doing in VC that they caused me to challenge and ultimately change some of my own People like Vinod Khosla, Keith Rabois, Brian Singerman, Marc Andreessen and others have all made head - scratching private comments to me that sounded so foreign to what I thought other people were doing in VC that they caused me to challenge and ultimately change some of my own people were doing in VC that they caused me to challenge and ultimately change some of my own views.
Many people that teach business or coach entrepreneurs have set up private forums too, so try joining one if you've found what looks like an active community.
A lot of creators have taken to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo to gain support and funding for games that have gone on to be hugely successful, and this is now a fairly viable route to go down if you are a private game developer with an idea people will find appealing.
And I reckon, it's sort of interesting for me for private equity in terms of all we've seen, and what we have seen, where we have seen some misconduct and things like that,»cause I always think like, to my simple mind, that the people in private equity, they're the greatest, they're actually adding value to their clients, they're getting paid really really well, you know, if I was in that position, the one thing I would think to myself as I skipped to work was like just «Let's not mess it up.
Just how much will peoples» attitudes have to change to allow widespread adoption of a private cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum?
Obama has been battling some in Congress over his plans to use more private space companies, like Space X, for getting people to orbit with NASA concentrating on missions to send astronauts to new places, such as nearby asteroids.
Natalie @ Debt and the Girl writes Being an Anonymous Blogger and Compromising with Myself — I am the type of private person that likes to blog for an undisclosed amount readers and discuss personal details of my life.
If you are a private person, you can consider cashing out crypto through one of the many reputable exchange platforms like Coinbase.
In a dichotomous way of looking at the problem, many people either side with private blockchains as useful for industry or public blockchains, like Ethereum and Bitcoin, as being the only innovative technology in this space, often calling private blockchains «distributed ledgers» to differentiate them as, simply, decentralized databases, and not blockchains at all.
«I think you young people will live to see a healthcare system that looks a lot like Canada's with a better private opt out system,» Munger said.
Where we must have public goods (and public goods, like private goods, are ubiquitous), we must bring them as close to the people as possible so there is hope of accountability.
I do private lending deals (in my local area to people I know, like, and trust).
The book's strength lies in its practical advice on how to tear down obstacles to private charities (like our church's current struggle with HUD) and its sensible counsel on the kind of tough - minded compassion needed by people like Kenneth's mom.
The prophet Amos also recalls that the Ammonites have «ripped up the women with child, of Gilead, that they might enlarge their border» (1:13) In the Tale, the Handmaids» own children have been ripped from them so that these «twolegged wombs» may become the property of a state mobilized to invade all private spaces (including those «pockets of Baptist guerrillas» engaged in border warfare) In her latter days, Atwood's heroine, like the «handmaids» in Joel 2:29, prophesies against such state - sponsored terrorism, but even more against its inscription in the people's hearts (Jer.
If a person does not understand or like the rosary, for example, he is perfectly free, as a Christian, not to say it; yet for me it is a very wonderful thing, and it is my own private experience that it is said also by people of whom one would not believe it.
Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in - laws?
Until we deal with people hurting each other and reduce THAT, then we can deal with the personal imperfections, like whether I eat too much and who I spend my private time with.
According to Politico, Romney said that his cabinet «would be dominated by people from the private sector, citing Meg Whitman of Hewlett - Packard as a model for female leaders he would like to surround himself with.»
Republican Law Makers, in direct disrespect to the actual law, once again prove that their hypocritical «small government» blather is a crock of bull by seeking to invade peoples» private lives... like always showing us that they have respect for neither their own stances or this nation.
He says that there are jobs enough for people if they are willing to work, and he would like the federal government to get rid of «welfare,» leaving that to the states and private charity.
We «love our neighbor», but in private will describe gay people with words like «filthy» and «abomination».
Private Companies like these seem to use their Faith In Christianity to bash and debase people they do not agree with.
As long as the Muslim community center meets the zoning requirements of New York City (which it did), why do people like you have the right to say something shouldn't be built on private property many miles away from your home.
For its planned convenience stores, Amazon is drawing inspiration from discounters like Aldi and Lidl, as well as dollar stores, which are expanding in the U.S. with spartan stores, private - label inventory and few employees, according to the people familiar with the matter.
Within seconds of picking up the pace along the course, people in front of me fell like the opening scenes of the D - Day invasion in Saving Private Ryan.
Yep, the police HAVE to do things like remove people from private property when they're asked to do so
If people are unwilling to own their words in a public space then I feel no need to give «lotsa people told me in private that they don't like you!»
Parents can labor and give birth in the center's peaceful, home - like birthing rooms which each come equipped with a large, 2 - person birth tub, private bathroom and outdoor patio, and a comfortable family bed where the new family can cuddle, breastfeed and bond.
It makes me rage that people are subjected to such negativity (and about the idiot commenters who say things like «why was she in a shop, shouldn't she have gone somewhere private
Private tours may not be offered at every hospital, but what I like about the hospitals that do offer private tours are, the person giving the tour usually has more experience to answer your questions with more accuracy and more current information and they usually have more time to show you around and talk Private tours may not be offered at every hospital, but what I like about the hospitals that do offer private tours are, the person giving the tour usually has more experience to answer your questions with more accuracy and more current information and they usually have more time to show you around and talk private tours are, the person giving the tour usually has more experience to answer your questions with more accuracy and more current information and they usually have more time to show you around and talk to you.
As a «conservative» (probably more like «libertarian»), my position is fairly simple: I am opposed to mandates — whether from government or private sources — which tend to compel people toward compliance with the «conventional wisdom» (which is oftentimes neither conventional nor wise.)
[If you don't] You will have a higher section rate, so part of that is you need to be in attendance to keep the birth normal and some of it is just to have an opinion about the strip, some if it is literally where you feel like you're standing guard, not against bad people but against keeping the space for the woman private and without a lot of stuff going on around her that's going to distract her just being in her labour.
Keep those private time outs to provide for outlets outside Mom / Dad time, to continue feeling like a whole person and not just an appendage of the baby.
You would certainly assume that any kind of private curious about obtaining a young person kid baby stroller would certainly most absolutely take advantage of search expressions like «infant kid baby stroller» «affordable youngster baby stroller», «kid kid baby stroller sales», «baby youngster baby stroller for sale», in addition to so on
«But also, within the UK, a lot of people working in the health service are starting to move into the private sector to work in things like the pharmaceutical industry, or they've got very good transferable skills to take to other sectors.
«Like many people I believe the current benefit sanctions process can be very impersonal, however, I don't want to waste the opportunity of using a Private Members Bill purely to make a protest.
«This platform will have a policy unit which will draw on the best ideas and practical solutions, building partnerships with other organisations, in the public policy and private spheres, so that those in the frontline of politics have a bigger and better policy agenda to reflect upon; and a networking capability to join like - minded people up.
Along with most people who recognise the reality of climate change, I do not doubt that markets and private property rights have, or can have, an important role to play in handling the problem, e.g., through suitably designed emissions trading systems and the like.
Say the private sector can turn away people with genetic defects and the like, that is specifically those more likely to have larger medical bills throughout life or people who are already chronically ill.
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