Sentences with phrase «prodromal labor does»

It's important to remember that experiencing prodromal labor doesn't mean there's anything wrong and it doesn't cause any harm to your baby.

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This prodromal labor lasted all throughout the next day and night and though it was two weeks before my due date and I didn't feel ready, I knew that it would be soon.
And done in good timing as yesterday's shenanigans of going into prodromal labor.
I had been having prodromal labor for about month straight so when I noticed contractions starting on Sunday evening, I didn't really think much of it.
Her first birth involved several days of prodromal labor, and if you don't know what that is, you really want to listen to this episode.
Prodromal labor can also slowly dilate or efface the cervix, while BH contractions typically do not.
These techniques typically do not stop prodromal labor.
I ended up with prodromal labor for 4 weeks, and baby was born after 24 + hours of back labor (though out in 5 pushes and water didn't break until pushing.)
But I do let others know it can cause prodromal labor if baby's not in the right position.
My labor didn't leave the «prodromal» stage until I hit a 6 and my midwife decided to break my water to get my contractions consistent.
I hope this prodromal labor turns into the real thing before they do that.
One thing I've definitely figured out, though, is that my prodromal labor starts each day after a round of love - making with my husband (This may be TMI but it only results in prodromal labor if he doesn't pull out).
Many women who have had prodromal labor (labor that doesn't progress and then stops, usually at night) also have a baby who is not in the best position.
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