Sentences with phrase «psychopathology as»

Temperament, childhood environment and psychopathology as risk factors for avoidant and borderline personality disorders
The first included: (L) Lie + (K) Correction for Defensiveness --(F) Unusual Psychopathology as a measure of primitive defenses.
For this research, we examined the role of maternal characteristics such as maternal substance abuse history and maternal psychopathology as potential moderators of longitudinal relations between neonatal behavioral characteristics and parenting stress.
Conduct Disorder and Psychosocial Outcomes at Age 30: Early Adult Psychopathology as a Potential Mediator.
Psychopathology will be assessed using the SDQ, a 25 - item self - report behavioural screening inventory for children and adolescents which measures positive and negative attributes of participants.33 The SDQ has been used extensively and has strong psychometric properties.25 The SDQ is also brief and multidimensional, providing information across a wide range of psychopathology as required for the current study.
The primary outcome of the study will be general psychopathology as measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.
Psychopathology as risk for adolescent substance use disorders: A developmental psychopathology perspective
Recent studies suggest the importance of individual psychopathology as a predictor of aggression for women.
There is now ample evidence from the preclinical and clinical fields that early life trauma has both dramatic and long - lasting effects on neurobiological systems and functions that are involved in different forms of psychopathology as well as on health in general.
Although the majority of literature lies in the investigation of trauma sequelae and family psychopathology as a mediating and moderating factor of trauma, there have been investigations of other psychological outcomes among child and adolescent refugee / asylum seekers.
Using cut - off scores for the specific questionnaires, we consider psychopathology as a binary variable (yes / no psychotic disorder; yes / no psychological distress)
(6) He saw psychopathology as rooted in undeveloped resources in persons: «Hidden in the neurosis is a bit of still undeveloped personality, a precious fragment of the psyche lacking which a man is condemned to resignation, bitterness, and everything else that is hostile to life.
First, we expect him to know the basic evidences of psychopathology as it appears in religious garb.

Not exact matches

In some cases, there may be people that are born with differences that are problematic when they act upon them, such as psychopathology... however even this is tricky.
In his essay, The Gospel and Culture, Voegelin explains that this deculturation doesn't manifest itself as an ideology, or as a «post-Christian» or «postmodern» age proudly positing a «new» system or a unique differentiation of myth, philosophy, or revelation that will «save» man, but rather it is a psychopathology, a disease of the mind, that reveals itself in second realities, egophanic revolt, and a host of similar disorders.
To regard the mentally diseased merely as «cases» for psychopathology is a convenient way of escaping their message about the fragile condition of the mind as such.
The state farm group showed more psychopathology, greater marital disruption, less drinking alone, and four times the sexual promiscuity associated with drinking, as compared with the clinic group.
Dr. Hafeez masterfully applies her years of experience connecting psychological implications to address some of today's common issues such as body image, social media addiction, relationships, workplace stress, parenting and psychopathology (bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, etc...).
Studies also show a range of negative developmental outcomes associated with fathers» (and father - figures») poor parenting or psychopathologyas is also the case with mothers.
Abstract Interest in mindfulness - based interventions for children and adolescents is growing, but despite substantial evidence that parental distress and psychopathology adversely affects children, there is little research on how mindfulness - based parenting interventions might benefit the child as well as the parent.
Early adverse experience as a developmental risk factor for later psychopathology.
Early adverse experience as a developmental risk factor for later psychopathology: evidence from rodent and primate models.
Neuroticism was genetically correlated with internalized psychopathologies, such as depression and anxiety.
Writing in a linked Comment, Alyssa Rheingold from the Medical University of South Carolina in the USA says, «Research suggests that risk factors among patient victims such as substance use, low socioeconomic status, type of psychopathology, and engagement in behaviours that increase risk could be targeted.
This example suggests «that almost all basic science behavioral research and experimental psychopathology research would be viewed misleadingly as a clinical trial,» wrote neuroscientist William Iacono of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in one of more than 30 comments expressing concern on the Open Mike blog of NIH extramural chief Michael Lauer.
Each webinar in the series will illustrate NIMH's Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach to studying and understanding psychopathology and NIMH's experimental therapeutics approach to developing and testing interventions, as applied to psychosocial interventions.
As of July 1, 2016, Clinical Psychological Science places a particular priority on manuscripts that are interdisciplinary and bring the best available basic science from within psychology (e.g., social psychology, cross-cultural psychology, personality psychology, cognitive psychology, affective psychology, comparative psychology, neuroscience) and outside of psychology (e.g., sociology, anthropology, genetics, microbiology) to bear on our understanding of psychopathology.
The delicate balance between the human microbiome and the development of psychopathologies is particularly interesting given the ease with which the microbiome can be altered by external factors, such as diet, 23 exposure to antimicrobials24, 25 or disrupted sleep patterns.26 For example, a link between antibiotic exposure and altered brain function is well evidenced by the psychiatric side - effects of antibiotics, which range from anxiety and panic to major depression, psychosis and delirium.1 A recent large population study reported that treatment with a single antibiotic course was associated with an increased risk for depression and anxiety, rising with multiple exposures.27 Bercik et al. 28 showed that oral administration of non-absorbable antimicrobials transiently altered the composition of the gut microbiota in adult mice and increased exploratory behaviour and hippocampal expression of brain - derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), while intraperitoneal administration had no effect on behaviour.
A perversely disturbing and highly uncomfortable film that bursts with overwhelming sexual intensity as the characters engage in a compulsive fetishistic psychopathology that is strangely telling, even if it will probably leave most viewers repelled and make them never want to see it again.
Stevens is brilliant as this Eddie Haskell - cum - Terminator (he even emerges naked from steam at one point, like the T - 800), ingratiating himself into an entirely reasonable scenario and only occasionally, in the beginning, demonstrating that little tiny bit of psychopathology that points to the picture's conclusion.
According to neurologist and educator Judy Willis (and suggested by a research - rich chapter in the second edition of Developmental Psychopathology, among many other publications), neuroplasticity is defined as the selective organizing of connections between neurons in our brains.
This revision lesson is designed for the AS / A2 Psychology (AQA) course; the focus of this lesson is: 4.1.4 - Psychopathology This session is designed to be used over the course of a one hour period; it can be used for double - lessons also.
AQA AS - Psychology - 7181 / 2 (New syllabus) Featuring: Section A: Approaches in Psychology Section B: Psychopathology Section C: Research Methods This resource demonstrates in a practical way how to get the best grade you can in your AQA AS exam for Paper 2.
«Mental Growth and Mental Health as Distinct Concepts in the Study ofDevelopmental Psychopathology: Theory, Research and Clinical Implications» (Laura Rogers and Robert Kegan).
The report concluded that support for pupils whose «behaviour challenges school systems is important» and that «timely intervention may prevent exclusion from school, as well as future psychopathology».
This revision lesson is designed for the AS / A2 Psychology (AQA) course; the focus of this lesson is: 4.1.4 - Psychopathology This session is design...
Our students learn through a combination of sequenced coursework, pertaining to the treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults in areas such as counseling theories and techniques, cross-cultural perspectives, lifespan development, psychopathology, psychological testing, research, positive psychology, and ethics, as well as through ample and diverse hands - on experiences in the field.
It's as far from Dog Whisperer psychology as Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life is to a self - help manual.
Many of these dogs experience «regular and often persistent fear or anxiety, even after years in their adoptive households» as a result of stress - induced psychopathology and inadequate socialization.
As UCLA Professor Anthony Vidler writes «Casebere's «spatial unconscious» is in photographic representation, an opening through vision into the psychopathology of lived space, a space that blurs all the traditional distinctions between the space and the space represented».
As Anthony Vidler Dean of The Cooper Union School of Architecture writes, «Casebere's «spatial unconscious» is in photographic representation, an opening through vision into the psychopathology of lived space, a space that blurs all the traditional distinctions between the space and the space represented».
The projections from Attia's library also point to the contradictions found in history and the ambivalent nature of historical progress, which can be regarded as a process of injury and repair that leaves its traces in social psychopathology.
Under the Frankfurt School's reductive Inquisition, dreams, synchronicity, the occult, and the irrational led directly to Himmler's Grail Castle, and the notion of the artist's inner life as a spiritual quest was reduced to a psychopathology.
As a teen I had the opportunity to study first hand the psychopathology of Auschwitz deniers (some of my grandpa's buddies were low rank SS men).
p.s. by the way Bob, the reason I pointed out that there were only 77 votes explicitly for Malcolm R was as a reassurance that the kind of psychopathology on display only appeals to a very limited, number of fringe dwellers.
this was received by several posters as a telling point... to me, sheerest psychopathology.
If the respondent does not disagree with any component aspect of the pathology listed on the checklist and as described in Foundations, then the respondent is essentially agreeing with an attachment - based model of parental alienation as representing an existing form of psychopathology (as elaborated in Foundations).
This greater risk of psychopathology is also likely to extend to other phenotypes associated with the opioid and serotonin systems for which there is less available data, such as antisocial behavior and substance abuse.
This increase in psychopathology following relocating to an individualistic culture among members of ethnic groups with a high proportion of social sensitivity alleles extends to other phenotypes such as social anxiety (Okazaki, 1997) and subclinical depression (Tafarodi and Smith, 2001).
His work investigates the structure and measurement of personality, mood, and psychopathology, as well as examining how personality traits relate to clinical disorders.
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