Sentences with phrase «public advocates argued»

In Renee v. Spellings, filed in a federal district court in San Francisco, Public Advocates argued that the department had flouted the law by permitting employment of teachers still in training.
The Public Advocate argued that the issues of poverty and income inequality disproportionately affect women, immigrants and people of color.

Not exact matches

An advocate for a local teachers union also expressed concern to the New York Times Magazine about the quality of the education, arguing Bridge focuses less on getting poor students to the baseline as enticing public school students to switch to Bridge schools.
Still, many economists and public policy advocates argue that in states where minimum wage is higher than the federal mandate, the economies fare better than in states where businesses stick to the federal minimum wage, which is currently not indexed to inflation and hence forces some workers to live below poverty level.
New York City Parks Advocates had argued the event was taking away public space from, well, the public, by setting up on Damrosch Park, an area of greenery on the Lincoln Center compound.
Neither John DiIulio, who now heads the White House Office of Faith - Based and Community Initiatives, nor Stephen Goldsmith, the former Indianapolis mayor who will lead the Corporation for National Service, has ever argued for total privatization of community development and social services, though both strongly advocate a new mix of public and private in which congregations figure more prominently.
I am not arguing for advocating religion in public schools.
Instead, we argue for a democratic «war of position», advocating institutional reforms that can be secured in the current context that will nonetheless advance incrementally, but irreversibly, the democratic quality of our political system and governance of our public institutions.
Cuomo's push for Democrats, they argue, is based on the primary challenge he's received from Cynthia Nixon, an actress and advocate for public education.
And she, along with Public Advocate Letitia James, who arrived at the end of the town hall, both argued that Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is the best candidate for Democratic National Committee chairman in the internal election in Atlanta this weekend.
Reform advocates argue argue that corruption will be at the forefront of the public consciousness this year, with the potential to drive reform.
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio argued the Bloomberg administration has failed to prepare for the economic future and has saddled growth with soaring small business fines, red tape, cuts to early education and a growing economic divide.
Similarly, Public Advocate Letitia James argued the party needs to get back «those Reagan Democrats, Obama Democrats» Trump peeled off with promises to restore manufacturing in the Rust Belt.
Sikora argued there is no conflict with a super P.A.C. helping de Blasio, who used his current role as the city's public advocate to fight against corporate campaign donations.
Public Advocate Letitia James, a rumored 2021 mayoral candidate, argued Johnson is an «imperfect person» — a quality she called necessary for a speaker.
Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton joined Public Advocate Letitia James for an event promoting legislation that would ban employers from asking job applicants about their salary history — a measure they argued would advance gender equity and close the male - female wage gap.
Green pioneered the use of litigation as public advocate in 1997, when he sued then - police commissioner Howard Safir to release documents that he argued should be made public.
While a majority of Moreland Commission members backed a recommendation in a preliminary report to create a public financing system, seven members joined a dissent that argued against the proposal, which is backed by labor groups and good - government advocates.
NYC Public Advocate Tish James and other officials argued in an amicus brief that a shooting victims» families should be able to sue Walmart in state court for negligence for selling handgun ammunition to a customer they charge was too young to legally buy it and visibly drunk.
Seddio argued that it's hard for any New York City official — from the mayor to the controller to the public advocate — to involve themselves in races in other parts of the state.
Mr. Rodriguez, the representative of the district where the rally took place, argued that the Assembly had given a great deal to teachers unions and public education advocates by proposing a $ 1.8 billion outlay for schools in the budget.
A Manhattan judge gave an «F» to Public Advocate Letitia James on Friday, tossing her case to shut down «co-located» charter schools after a city lawyer argued that her suit...
In the suit, they argue that the bill was only able to pass because state officials violated Open Meeting Laws, the senate suspended rules to prevent people from speaking, lobbyists and public advocates were denied access to the Senate chamber, and the Governor unjustifiably issued a message of necessity on the bill.
Wenonah Hauter, one of the nation's leading public interest advocates, argues that the rush to fracking is dangerous to the environment and treacherous to human health.
Public Advocate Letitia James argued the secrecy of the proceedings breeds mistrust in prosecutors and contempt for the justice system.
(Advocates for the bill, chiefly the Catholic Church, argued that there was no point of passing it in the Senate when it wouldn't succeed in the Democratic - led Assembly, where union - allied lawmakers argue the tax credit is a voucher that drains funds from public schools in favor of privates.)
Public Advocate Letitia James gave an emphatic «no» to the removal of the Christopher Columbus statue in Manhattan Sunday, arguing it should remain and be used as a «teaching opportunity.»
Correction officials frequently note the poor condition of the jails, which they say put staff and inmates at risk, while inmate advocates argue the jail is hard to access for families who want to visit, is far from courts where inmates must make appearances, and is out of the public eye.
Teachers» unions and public - school advocates have railed against Cuomo, arguing that he's prioritizing privately run charters over traditional public schools.
Astorino's campaign responded to Weingarten's criticisms on Friday evening, arguing he is an advocate for public schools.
The groups, including the pro-choice Family Planning Advocates, and the Christian conservative New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, had argued that making their donor lists public could pose a danger to their contributors because they lobby on controversial issues.
«They are making a mockery of the system,» said Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, who sponsored the bill as part of a larger push for legislation to close loopholes that he argues reward bad behavior.
The package, Mark - Viverito argued, would increase fairness as well as public safety; advocating for it has also raised her political profile.
Some advocates said there is no room to allow for a big jump in charter schools seeking space in traditional public school buildings, and argued against Gov. Andrew Cuomo's call to expand charters.
Gotbaum, a long - time schools advocate and father of three, sold himself as the education candidate, arguing that the city needs a stronger voice to represent public school parents.
Beginning with the Serrano court case in California, advocates for changing the way public schools were financed argued that reliance on local property taxes denied children living in property - poor communities the right to a good education.
Public Advocates Inc. argues that the California Basic Educational Skills Test, or CBEST, violates federal anti-discrimination laws because it is not an accurate way to measure a...
Charter advocates argue that charters are public schools, too, serving local children, and that they deserve a fair share of local education dollars.
Charter school advocates have for several years sought the statewide mandate, arguing that they should be funded equitably with traditional public schools and that capital money should follow the child, not be dictated by the needs of a school.
The A-F grades have received mixed reviews because public school advocates say the lower grades will unfairly stigmatize schools, while proponents argue that progress indicators need to be easy for the average public to understand.
So she teamed up with other education advocates to sue the state, arguing that Florida is violating its Constitutional obligation to provide «a uniform, efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system of free public schools.»
Ellis» ideas were mirrored by outspoken public education advocates in the legislature, who poured it on McCrory this week, arguing the governor needs to show a stronger commitment to funding schools and teachers.
Combatants on both sides of that fight could claim a measure of validation from the new research: Advocates of school choice who argue that it isn't fair to judge voucher programs based on test results from a student's first year in private school, given that it takes children time to adjust to a new environment, and critics who say vouchers drain funds from public schools without improving student achievement.
Education reform advocate Peter Cunningham shot back in a blog post that the study's premise that charters siphon money from traditional public schools «is like arguing that a younger child deprives an older child of parental attention.»
The advocates» brief argues that the state needs to reform the allocation of state funds for charter public schools, because current laws and policies threaten charter public schools» ability to provide a high - quality education to students.
Over time, conservative charter school advocates argued that having a nonunion environment in charter schools was a key advantage — perhaps the defining advantage — over regular public schools.
Choice advocates argue that this gets the government out of the driver's seat and brings market forces to bear on public schools.
FACT: Although certain voucher advocates have gone so far as to argue that attendance at DC public schools leads students to join gangs, there is no evidence that voucher schools are safer than public schools.
During my years of teaching I watched the entire understanding of what was traditional in our city's lowest - income schools get sold to the public as FAILING: in just a few short years it was impossible to find advocates who would argue that they were not.
Public voucher advocates do not simply argue for vouchers, but they argue against Labor Unions.
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