Sentences with phrase «public discourse increasingly»

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In truth, social media is not a telescopic lens — as the telephone actually was — but an opinion - fracturing prism that shatters social cohesion by replacing a shared public sphere and its dynamically overlapping discourse with a wall of increasingly concentrated filter bubbles.
Voices on all sides of the religious and political spectrum have begun to recognize — not least because of the increased presence of Islam in Western societies — that a purely secular, liberal approach to public discourse is not sustainable in a world increasingly shaped by religions.
It was one more voice attempting to inject religiously informed wisdom into a public discourse that is increasingly debased by major media that are as morally ignorant as they are religiously indifferent.
Increasingly in our media, in our politics, in public discourse, in education we treat the absence of god and the absence of the belief in god as the centre ground, the assumed default position, the neutral state.
Research by the all - party inquiry on anti-Semitism finds that not only are attacks and desecration of Jewish property on the rise, but anti-Jewish sentiment is increasingly present in mainstream public and political discourse.
As financial restraint becomes increasingly apparent and the effects play out in local communities, doorstep evidence appears to be indicating that local issues dominate public discourse.
Postcommodity works to forge new metaphors capable of rationalizing our shared experiences within this increasingly challenging contemporary environment; promote a constructive discourse that challenges the social, political and economic processes that are destabilizing communities and geographies; and connect Indigenous narratives of cultural self - determination with the broader public sphere.
A fan of * MORE * discourse: The scientific community, the Vatican, the mediac... and (increasingly) the general public... have grasped the main ideas of climate - change science 100 % correctly, eh Matthew R Marler?
What can you do to inject reason and scientific evidence into an increasingly politicized discourse about public health?
Mental health is increasingly gaining the spotlight in the media and public discourse of industrialized countries.
Fortunately, with widespread recognition of the importance of early childhood development for later school achievement (fostered by advances in brain development research and studies of the long - term benefits of high quality early child care), public discourse concerning child care quality is increasingly regarding child care as an important developmental influence warranting public investment.
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