Sentences with phrase «quack also»

Addicted to Quack also took a look at the advanced statistics, and found a heavy advantage favoring the Ducks in the game.

Not exact matches

When will people realize that just as there are good doctors and quacks, good cops and rogue cops, there can also be good religions and bad religions?»
Also, God is still sending many warnings through earth quacks, tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and so on all over the world.
It also has included electric shocks to the genitals and all sorts of crazy things that desperate people would let non-mainstream therapists (aka quacks) subject them to.
I'd also say that the levels of social normalization of quack medicine are quite high.
She was also a total quack and tried to get me to hire the services of her Cranio - sacral friend to fix the problems which she said were caused by the epidural.
Featuring an old photo of her family with someone dressed as apparently as Donald Duck and apparently at a childhood birthday party («Oops, that link wasn't what it was quacked up to be»), it also includes a volunteer signup link.
Also opens another round of «I am not running although God knows I want to but I won't and I'm not» yawns from soon - unemployed Bloomberg, whose witch doctors must now either sit shiva, find a new gravy train or more ways for Lame - duck Mike to quack.
It also argues for legislation against «charlatans and quacks,» an issue that apparently arose long before the advent of infomercials.
Many steps of the holistic treatment for Candida are also recommended by allopathic doctors, so the holistic approach is not just another pseudo-scientific quack.
Well, you can also take some food with you and feed the ducks together and enjoy watching them waddling in the water and quacking around.
His brother is also a scoundrel, in thrall to the teachings of a quack guru and undertaking a life - long vow of celibacy, much to the chagrin of his tortured wife.
If it is quacking like a value fund, then it most likely also favors large - capitalization stocks.
In addition to «black swans», «ducks» (of all colors), «canards» (of all sorts), «turkeys» (both within and outside the Taleb definition), «chicken littles» (or, in Britain, «henny pennys») you also have «quacks»
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