Sentences with phrase «rofl on»

ROFL on that last one, eh kid?

Not exact matches

ROFL, so you have been supporting these companies and now you won't because they are on the Hit list.
6 But more than 70 percent of all the home pages on the Internet are in English, and more online users speak English than any other language, making it the world's lingua franca (assuming you consider brb, omg, g2g, and rofl English).
* ROFL * * eyes roll * Everyone now keeps an on - line journal or travel blog!»
* ROI * - Return On Investment * RTO * - Rent to Own * SFH * - Single Family House * SFR * - Single Family Residence * Sub2 * - Buying property subject to existing financing * T / B * - Tenant Buyer * TAA * - Texas Apartment Association * TAR * - Texas Association of Realtors * TIL * - Truth In Lending * TREC * - Texas Real Estate Commission * UBIT * - Unrelated Business Income Tax * UCC * - Uniform Commercial Code * VA * - Department of Veterans Affairs / Veterans Administration FORUM ABBREVIATIONS * AFAIK * - As Far As I Know * AFK * - Away From Keyboard * AKA * - Also Known As * BBIAM * - Be Back In a Minute * BFN * - Bye For Now * BRB * - Be Right Back * BTW * - By The Way * CUL * - See You Later * FYI * - For Your Information * G2G * - Got to Go * IMHO * - In My Humble Opinion * IMO * - In My Opinion * LMAO * - Laughing My *** Off * LOL * - Laughing Out Loud * NT * - No Text * ROFL * - Rolling on the Floor Laughing * ROTFLMAO * - Rolling on the Floor Laughing My *** Off * TIA * - Thanks In AdvanOn Investment * RTO * - Rent to Own * SFH * - Single Family House * SFR * - Single Family Residence * Sub2 * - Buying property subject to existing financing * T / B * - Tenant Buyer * TAA * - Texas Apartment Association * TAR * - Texas Association of Realtors * TIL * - Truth In Lending * TREC * - Texas Real Estate Commission * UBIT * - Unrelated Business Income Tax * UCC * - Uniform Commercial Code * VA * - Department of Veterans Affairs / Veterans Administration FORUM ABBREVIATIONS * AFAIK * - As Far As I Know * AFK * - Away From Keyboard * AKA * - Also Known As * BBIAM * - Be Back In a Minute * BFN * - Bye For Now * BRB * - Be Right Back * BTW * - By The Way * CUL * - See You Later * FYI * - For Your Information * G2G * - Got to Go * IMHO * - In My Humble Opinion * IMO * - In My Opinion * LMAO * - Laughing My *** Off * LOL * - Laughing Out Loud * NT * - No Text * ROFL * - Rolling on the Floor Laughing * ROTFLMAO * - Rolling on the Floor Laughing My *** Off * TIA * - Thanks In Advanon the Floor Laughing * ROTFLMAO * - Rolling on the Floor Laughing My *** Off * TIA * - Thanks In Advanon the Floor Laughing My *** Off * TIA * - Thanks In Advance
as they say in ON... rofl.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z