Sentences with phrase «rrsp meltdown»

Another strategy is the so - called «RRSP meltdown
However, we've looked at a number of different RRSP meltdown strategies over the years and, for the most part, we have found that they serve the interests of the brokerage industry more than those of investors.
However, under an RRSP meltdown strategy, you would offset the additional tax by taking out an investment loan and making the interest payments from funds you withdraw from your RRSP (the withdrawals must be equal to the interest payment).
Moreover, many investors attempt the RRSP meltdown when they're at or near retirement.
Investors sometimes ask us what we think of the so - called «RRSP meltdown
Do you know anyone that has attempted to navigate an RRSP meltdown?
Sometimes the deal «guarantees» the RRSP meltdown investor a steady income.
However, RRSP meltdown arrangements often involve making RRSP withdrawals and placing the money in business or real estate deals that generate large tax deductions.
Before even considering anything like an RRSP meltdown strategy — or any kind of withdrawal for that matter — you first need to determine what kind of returns you are looking at from your RRSP.
A RRSP meltdown is a strategy some financial advisors suggest as a way to withdraw money from an RRSP while paying little or no income tax.
Investors who participate in this RRSP meltdown procedure are then left holding an illiquid, and often quite risky, investment.
Today's tip: «Despite their promise to ease your tax burden on withdrawals, RRSP meltdown strategies are usually more lucrative for brokers than for investors.»
I have looked at a number of these so - called RRSP meltdown deals over the years, and have yet to come across one that inspires my confidence.
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