Sentences with phrase «radar reflectivity in»

Dr. Lee Hawkness - Smith, Met Office @Reading - Assimilation of Radar Reflectivity in high resolution NWP.

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Using the Shallow Radar instrument aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Holt was able to peek beneath the ice's surface for clues; in particular, the radar could pick out differences in electrical reflectivity between overlying layers, showing how the ice built up over Radar instrument aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Holt was able to peek beneath the ice's surface for clues; in particular, the radar could pick out differences in electrical reflectivity between overlying layers, showing how the ice built up over radar could pick out differences in electrical reflectivity between overlying layers, showing how the ice built up over time.
The main purpose of this radar is to determine the first three Doppler moments (reflectivity, vertical velocity, and spectral width) at a range resolution of approximately 30 meters from near - ground to nearly 20 km in altitude.
Particle probe measurements in the cirrus clouds are used to compute ice water content and radar reflectivity averages in short time periods (25 — 30 s).
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