Sentences with phrase «raise right leg»

If the left side lifts up, raise the right leg slightly and press the left palm onto the front of your left hip.
Slowly raise your right leg up and rest the sole of the foot on the left upper or lower leg.
Raise your right leg to a downward facing dog split.
See if you can be sensitive to the stretch in your left leg as you raise your right leg closer to a 90 - degree angle.
Without disturbing your left leg, stretch and raise the right leg until it forms a 60 - degree angle to the floor.
If it is difficult for you to raise your right leg so that it is well up on your arm, you'll need to work on the aforementioned standing and forward - bending poses until you have the necessary flexibility for the leg movement.
Raise your right leg and hold onto your foot.
Keeping hips square and core engaged raise your right leg up, foot flexed as high as you can.
Maintaining the knee bent at a 90 degree angle, raise your right leg out to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Pull your belly button toward the floor, then raise your right leg as you reach both arms toward your right foot at the same time.
Raise the right leg and open the right hip as the right foot falls toward the left side of the body.
Raise right leg 5 inches (or keep it on the ground if that's too challenging) and left leg straight up toward the sky.
Lizard Lunge (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, raise your right leg in the air, bending the knee to open up the hip.
Push into hands to lift chest up, coming onto left knee as you raise right leg, sole of right foot facing up and slightly in (B).
Next, raise your right leg high in the air to move through a three - legged dog, then place it down on the mat, in between your planted hands.
Push up, coming onto left knee, then raise right leg back and up (B).
Raise your right leg to hip height, then lower it back toward the ground 12 times.
Next, extend your right arm to the sky while simultaneously raising your right leg up to hip - level (c).
Hold the dumbbell in your left hand, and hinge forward, raising your right leg up behind you to hip height.

Not exact matches

In 1980, 21 - year - old Canadian Terry Fox, who three years earlier was diagnosed with bone cancer and had his right leg amputated above the knee, ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research.
Brace the abs and raise the right arm and left leg until they form a straight line with your body.
Brace the abs and raise the right arm and left leg until the form a straight line with the body.
Complete this pelvic curl movement 12 times, then repeat on the other side, with your right leg raised toward to the ceiling.
From here, keep your right leg bent and raise it to hip height to the side of your body, then lower it back down to the mat.
Standing tall, have your right leg extended back with your toe touching the floor and your arms raised above your head.
Raise your arms overhead and step forward with your right leg or left leg.
Keeping your hips and right leg glued to the floor, use the towel to raise your left leg toward your chest while keeping it straight.
Place your right hand on the mat, raise your left leg, wrap your left hand around the laces of your shoe and pull your foot toward your upper back.
Push off with your right foot and bring it forward, raising your leg, curling the dumbbells to your shoulders, then lowering the dumbbells to your side.
Loosen your hips using this kneeling hip stretch: Kneel on left leg, with right leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you; place right hand on right hip and raise left arm (A).
Once you find your center of balance, which may take a long time, slowly raise the left leg up to meet the right.
Without moving your hips or shoulders, open your raised leg to the right and raised arm to the left.
Press into the right hand while you raise the legs straight off the floor, bringing the torso toward the legs.
Keeping that same form, raise your legs up and slightly over to the right, allowing your hips to lift just a tiny bit.
Press into your left foot to come to standing one - legged on the bench while quickly raising right knee to chest level.
Keeping both legs bent, raise your right knee towards the ceiling.
-- Lie flat on your back — Put your arms straight out at your sides for some leverage — Raise your legs (you can keep your knees bent if it's too hard to keep the legs extended)-- Rotate your hips left and right to both sides like a windshield wiper.
Raise your left arm, pointing fingers toward the ceiling as you straighten your right leg and lift your straight left leg into the air, foot flexed and pointing to the side; look up at your left hand.
Raise your legs bent at the knees, making the calves parallel to the floor and forming a right angle.
Raise your legs towards the ceiling until they are at a right angle to your shoulders / neck, or perpendicular to the floor.
Once you're at the top of the movement, raise your left leg at the same time your right arm is extending.
As you inhale straighten the right leg and simultaneously raise the left leg parallel to the floor.
Come into reverse warrior by raising your right arm overhead and letting your left arm slide down the left leg.
So we might go through a squat exercise, a leg extension, a leg curl, a calf raise, we'd do a pull - down exercise for the back, a chest press, a military press for the shoulders, one bicep curl, one tricep extension, finish it up with some abdominal work, and we go right to about 15 minutes of cardiovascular interval training; quick stretch before they're done.
Breathe in and lift your legs until they are almost at a right angle with the hips, and that point, raise your hips up as well.
CrossFit Sanitas — Gymnastics Warm - up 1 min rowing just arms then 3 rds of: 10 banded pull - aparts 40m single - arm OH walk (left) 40m single - arm OH walk (right) 5 walk to «'' inchworm»» hands past shoulders Core Prep / Activation 5 x: 10 sec hanging leg raises,: 20 sec rest 4 x: 30 sec side plank,: 30 sec rest -LSB-...]
Raise your right arm and left leg out simultaneously and hold for three seconds.
Sit on the floor with your right leg straight and your left leg bent (your legs form a number four) With your back straight, raise arms then lower while reaching for your toes.
In Eka Hasta Bhujasana, bend the raised left leg and cross your left ankle over your right ankle, maintaining the stretch of the arches of both feet (Figure 3).
When left leg step on the floor, raise right knee up.
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