Sentences with phrase «rather than our genes»

Rather than our genes helping us survive, what if people were just around to help their genes reproduce?
Since it is proteins that do the reprogramming, rather than the genes that make them, the researchers reasoned that they simply needed to get enough of the proteins into the target cells.
Tweaking these bugs — rather than the genes themselves — may be a way to treat inherited diseases and perhaps even protect against obesity.
Yet this bedrock of theory was recently shaken when Harvard University evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson claimed altruism evolved because it benefits groups, rather than genes.
In addition, «We now have the first example of genome - scale engineering rather than gene editing or genome copying,» said Church.
«We looked at regulations of genes, rather than genes themselves, and whether the gene is expressed in certain tissues or how much the gene is expressed there.
Moreover, for the first time, they show that changes in whole - organism phenotypic responses are accompanied by changes in the expression of genes related to intracellular regulatory processes rather than genes thought to be essential for calcification.

Not exact matches

By claiming the actual gene, rather than just the test derived from the discovery of the BRCA genes, Myriad went too far with its attempted patent protection.
Rather than trying to breed a hybrid from different varieties of the fruit, Gonsalves isolated a gene from the ring - spot virus and directly inserted it into a papaya chromosome.
In the clearest possible case, the ANT - OAR cell would differ from a zygote on all of the parameters noted above: The ANT - OAR cell would have a pattern of gene expression that is clearly distinct from a zygote; it would generate a homogeneous population of cells rather than multiple cell types; it would undergo simple cleavage divisions and not produce any multicellular structures.
Rather than jamming the operon, the relevant genes were copied and placed within the reach of a genetic switch which turned them on.
Dawkins was also well known by the public as a great scientist, though his true talent was in communicating scientific ideas in books such as The Selfish Gene (Oxford University Press) rather than in his actual research.
For instance, one admits that in much of evolution (probably all above the bacteria), evolutionary changes involve enormous numbers of genes, rather than a selection of one or two particular genes (although that occurs in a few instances, possibly, for instance, in industrial melanism).
The true testing ground for the implicate - order strategy, it seems to me, may indeed be biology rather than physics, where abstract methods are so powerful as to perhaps make it dispensable: just as the old style building - block materialist was refuted not by philosophical polemic, but by the one authority in which he trusted, i.e., by physics itself, so the nothing - but reductionist in contemporary biology will modify his views should it be possible some day to provide him with a mathematical language that fills the currently existing gap between our formal knowledge of gene structure and combinations, and our intuitive apprehension of growth and shape.
A totally pure species would mean a value of 1.00, which is rather rare, as most cultivars (= cultivated varieties) contain genes from more than one species through breeding.
Clearly it makes sense to die at the age of 50 rather than 40, or maybe 40 instead of 30, in terms of bringing up the next generation and maintaining your genes and your DNA.
Rather than carry out conventional bulk analysis of cells, the research group examined individual cells, screening them for the presence of two critical gene mutations common in AML, known as FLT3 and NPM1.
Rather than rising anew in each species, the genes spread via the microbial equivalent of sexual promiscuity.
«Eventually you have to replace those genes with small molecules, with proteins, with whatever,» says Ding, who is working on cellular reprogramming methods that use small molecules, rather than viruses.
Now, new research suggests changes at the epigenetic level — specifically alterations in proteins that affect gene expression, rather than genetic mutations — could be driving childhood ependymomas.
Extracting clinically relevant information pertinent to a complex disease process, drawing from a data set of 19,000 genes, required a creative rather than systematic research approach.
It was therefore essential to determine whether a causal link exists between methylation and gene expression, rather than relying on a simple correlation.
These defects appear to be a result of the cloning process rather than the introduced gene, considering that team member Jing Kang of Harvard University has been able to breed and raise multiple generations of the mice without any such defects.
Because biological systems are so complex, it is a huge advantage to be able to tweak lots of genes simultaneously, rather than one at a time, she says.
Rather than supporting a genome duplication event at the time when yeast evolved to have twice the number of chromosomes, their data indicated that the duplicated genes had begun to diverge long before.
The discovery that a cavefish might have lost its sight because key eye genes were switched off via epigenetics, rather than mutation, will fuel an evolutionary debate
His vision of gene structure was focused on the non-repetitive nature of the code - script, rather than on the relatively simple parallel between the copying of chromosomes and the ability of crystals to replicate their structure.
To ensure the introduced protein didn't interact with other parts of the neuron, the team used the mouse version of the gene rather than the nematode's usual invertebrate version.
Significantly, the study also shows that the genes that influence longevity act independently rather than interacting with each other, a phenomenon called epistasis.
Although there are several ways to remove RB from the cellular machinery, the group found that complete loss, rather than inactivation, of the RB gene was associated with changes in gene - networks closely linked to aggressive disease.
What's more, Conboy's team actually fixed the faulty gene rather than simply disabling it, as Intellia did.
There is also the fact that Kono and Kawahara had to manipulate two genes to create their bi-maternal mice — so the differences in lifespan might be due to this genetic manipulation, rather than the absence of paternally imprinted genes.
Manton also noted Schrödinger's use of the term code - script, but she took it to mean «the sum of hereditary material» rather than a particular hypothesis about gene structure and function.
Even after the cells were taken out of microgravity for up to 30 generations before being combined with the control strain, they maintained 72 per cent of their adaptive advantage, pointing to permanent mutations in the genes rather than merely a temporary adjustment.
«It's looking at a much longer trajectory and it's also interrogating the entire genome rather than specific subsets of genes
Rather than search for changes in genes themselves, Pipes and her colleagues took an indirect approach, looking for differences in the activity of genes in the foxes» brains.
Rather than just adding the gene for CREB to the virus, this time they also inserted the gene for green fluorescent protein.
The benefit of this approach over other gene therapy techniques is that the new method can permanently correct the «defect» in a gene rather than just transiently adding a «functional» one, said Dr. Eric Olson, Director of the Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine at UT Southwestern and Chairman of Molecular Biology.
We now know how to turn fat cells into ones that burn calories as heat rather than store them — raising the prospect of a gene therapy for obesity
In the study, the team demonstrated that a biosynthetic gene cluster is capable of producing a whole range of substances, rather than just a single product.
Rather than looking at what distinguished two forms of retinitis pigmentosa, or RP, a progressive blinding disease, they looked for what they had in common: specifically, what genes were expressed at the later stages of disease.
«The genes which these miRNAs regulate also had increased levels, indicating that these gene expression, indicating that these gene products were likely targeted for storage and for possible future use within the brain cell, rather than for destruction.
Pinker says that the findings are a first step in demonstrating that intelligence relies on large numbers of genes, each with a tiny effect, rather than on single genes that have moderate or large effects, but which are so rare that none has yet been identified.
Biologists have adapted retroviruses to insert beneficial genes into the genome, rather than their own DNA.
Kingsley's research has shown that these adaptive changes are often driven by changes in the regulatory regions that surround and control gene expression, rather than within the coding regions of the genes themselves.
Rather than target a tumor - suppressor gene directly, Ideker and team took the approach of identifying genetic interactions between a tumor suppressor gene and another gene, such that simultaneous disruption of both genes selectively kills cancer cells.
Hadfield echoes Besnard's suggestion to amplify and sequence specific genes rather than whole genomes, if that will answer the research question.
Scientists have uncovered some of the genetic basis for weight - related diseases, such as the discovery of a gene that appears to cause energy from food to be stored as fat rather than be burned.
They also collected DNA to study epigenetics — changes in the activity of how a gene is expressed through environmental experiences, rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.
In gene - baiting, scientists use targeted PCR primers to amplify specific genes during the library preparation step, rather than amplifying all of the DNA fragments in the sample.
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