Sentences with phrase «read the results associated»

Read the Results associated to each Figure or Table for clarification.

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But soon it was realized — partly as a result of the remembrance of Jesus» own utter humility and denial of self, particularly as associated with his awful suffering and his uncomplaining acceptance of it as the will of God; partly under the influence of a fresh reading of the Suffering Servant passages in Isaiah; (commented on earlier) and, not least, as a consequence of the community's own experience of the forgiveness of sins — soon, I say, it was realized that the whole significance of Jesus» earthly life culminated in his death.
Their results make for important reading as a fibre - deprived gut was associated with the rise of some rather potent bacteria that seemed to enjoy dining out on the «colonic mucus barrier, which serves as a primary defense against enteric pathogens.»
From a total of 10,896,742 raw deep sequencing reads, 40,844 reads were mapped to the 22Rv1 - associated XMRV genome (Fig. 5, «LNCaP (from 2003)»), and the resulting consensus assembly was found to be identical to 22Rv1 - associated XMRV (Fig. 6, «LNCaP (from 2003, consensus)»).
Their results make for important reading as a fibre - deprived gut was associated with the rise of some rather potent bacteria that seemed to enjoy dining out on the «colonic mucus barrier, which serves as a primary defense against enteric pathogens.»
Read how to diagnose and avoid false negative screening results and discover Glutenzyme, a digestive enzyme to help avoid associated symptoms.
Hi Dr. I just read an article that posted the results of a new EPIC study - saying Saturated Fat is associated with a lower risk of heart disease???
Among the findings: (1) art activities can be integrated into classroom content and used to encourage rehearsal - type activities (such as songs) that incorporate relevant subject matter, (2) incorporating information into story, poem, song, or art form may place the knowledge in context, which can help students remember it, especially if the students are creating art that relates subject matter to themselves, (3) through artistic activities like writing a story or creating a drawing, students generate information they might otherwise have simply read, which will very likely lead to better long - term retention of that information, (4) physically acting out material, such as in a play, helps learners recall information, (5) speaking words aloud results in better retention than reading words in silence, (6) increasing the amount of effort involved in learning new information (such as being asked to discern meaning from an ambiguous sentence or to interpret a work of art) is positively associated with its retention, (7) emotionally charged content is easier to remember than content linked to events that are emotionally neutral, and (8) information presented as pictures is retained better than the same information presented as words.
The PIRLS 2016 results and questionnaire also revealed that higher levels of enjoyment of reading are associated with higher levels of achievement, so long as students have books in the home.
The results of our analysis of these «switchers,» which continues to take into account the difficulties associated with moving between schools, again indicate that students make smaller gains while enrolled in charter schools, by nearly 0.10 standard deviations in reading and 0.16 standard deviations in math.
«We read a lot in the media about how young people are using social networking sites with harmful results,» agrees Christine Greenhow, Ed.D.» 06, a postdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota who has done a new study looking into how students really use them.
These results suggest that a partial remediation of language - processing deficits, resulting in improved reading, ameliorates disrupted function in brain regions associated with phonological processing and produces additional compensatory activation in other brain regions.
As a result of this reduction in debt principal and associated reversal of accrued interest, Reading's debt should be reduced by more than $ 14.9 MM, during the current Q4 ended December 2010.
2) In spite of the title of this email, I'm well aware — as are those who read this blog — that global warming alarmists have been exposed as fearmongering chicken little liars (not to mention hypocrites) for decades, but rarely has it been on a level where you actually have «scientists» and their associates caught on paper attempting to suppress data that is contra to their pre-desired result.
If your car accident and associated injuries were the direct result of another party's negligence, reckless or unlawful activity, you might be able to pursue a personal injury lawsuit to recoup your medicalContinue reading
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