Sentences with phrase «real research shows»

Real research shows that faith is rather resilient from one generation to the next — but that does not sell the books, I know!

Not exact matches

Research by commercial real estate brokerage CBRE shows that in major Canadian markets, the average square footage of office space per worker has fallen from 225 to 170 over the past 10 years.
You have already shown the thoughtfulness of taking the time to research and ask important questions; now you build a connection, a real relationship.
The Iodine story goes something like this: Every day, medicine fails people — people in real pain, mentally and physically — because they are given prescriptions that, research has shown, are unlikely to work for them.
For example, several research teams have criticised medical dramas showing heart resuscitation techniques for conveying misinformation about their effectiveness, such as far higher survival rates from a heart attack, or more younger people experiencing attacks than in real life.
«Research shows that 30 % in a candidate pool is a real tipping point,» says Stacy.
It's closer to an immersive film than a fully interactive simulation, but as Fortune reported when we first checked in on StriVR in 2015, research shows that seeing real humans in action helps the brain refine its timing and stay focused.
We certainly get a mental boost from seeing them, but that can be a bad thing: Research has shown these motivational pick - me - ups can trigger the same kind of psychological reward as doing the work itself, treating us with endorphins we don't deserve and actually reducing our capacity to do real work.
Prodding your people to be less conflict adverse can lead to real benefits, according to Thompson who cites recent research that shows, «brainstorming groups that engage in open debate, challenging each other in benevolent ways, perform better than groups that don't have any debate at all.
Many research studies have shown optimism has a real impact on the ultimate success or failure of your business.
The real estate firm had previously raised $ 530,000 from early - stage venture capital companies Beenext and Pravega Ventures Trust in October 2016, data on VCCEdge, the research platform of News Corp VCCircle shows.
Canada poured $ 12.1 - billion into the U.S. commercial real estate market in 2014, the most since 2006, data from real estate research firm Real Capital Analytics shreal estate market in 2014, the most since 2006, data from real estate research firm Real Capital Analytics shreal estate research firm Real Capital Analytics shReal Capital Analytics shows.
The company said it would focus it's home - building efforts on the $ 300,000 to $ 500,000 price point, «which research has shown is underserved in the Dallas real estate market.»
A spokesman for the History Channel, which commissioned the research to mark the launch of its new show Robert Powell on The Real Jesus of Nazareth, told the Independent: «For many of us, Christmas is a festivity we all look forward to celebrating with our loved ones.
While there's still much learning to be done, I have found the light in teh grace of Jesus Go out and do real research if you're truly intersted in learning and gaining knowledge, posting stupid arguments on these boards accomplishes nothing and only shows people's willful ignorance.
But the subsequent discussion showed that Bultmann was concerned to minimize this element of continuity for the following reasons: (1) he was fearful that historical research might come to be used to legitimate the kerygma, which would be a denial of its nature as kerygma; and (2) he insisted that there can be no real material continuity, because the kerygma lays major emphasis upon a particular understanding of the death of Jesus, whereas we can never know how the historical Jesus understood his own death, and must always face the possibility that he simply broke down before it.
«U.S. Organic Hotspots and their Benefit to Local Economies» is conclusive research that links economic health at the county level to organic agriculture, and shows that organic food and crop production — and the business activities accompanying organic agriculture — creates real and long - lasting regional economic opportunities.
It's her choice to make, but I feel like the reporting certainly didn't show that they'd done very much research on the REAL risks of c - sections vs. vaginal births and VBACS.
This muddying of the waters would make the results of the research meaningless, and could well mean that some of the real benefits of BLW don't show up.
As a result, research has shown that homeschooled children tend to develop better social skills than those who spend a large part of their days in a classroom, rather than out in the «real» world.
In US there is a belief this is safer when reality is that no research, data or real life experience show this to be true.
There is no research, data or real life experiences showing this.
Research shows us that teething does not cause real fever.
The show provides unconditional support to all moms, regardless of parenting philosophies, through real life advice, research, tools, tricks, and interviews with leading health experts.
Statistics, data, research and real life experiences accumulated over all these years show children almost never die or become seriously injured in correctly installed Swedish seats.
Sweden has been rear facing children since 1965 and have a tremendous amount of research and real life experience showing just how great rear facing is.
Research and real life experiences show rear facing children are also extremely safe in collisions from the rear.
My hope here is that by looking at the research that is being used to form opinions on bedsharing, I can show you what is involved in the research and allow you to come to your own conclusion about the real risks inherent in bedsharing versus the risks of other factors interacting with bedsharing.
But as research from the Congressional Management Foundation shows, form emails are just about the least influential way to contact Congress, with many staffers believing (though without any real evidence) that they're often generated without citizens» knowledge.
Which is basically not that big of a problem (PM, NxO are an issue), as research shows that it's non-exhaust-PM pollution that's the problem... Like I said: tests are the real shenanigans, as well as norms.
He released «stark» new research from focus groups around the UK which shows that Labour voters think that politics and politicians are disconnected from the real world and believe there is «real anger about perceived dodgy deals in Whitehall».
The experience showed him what real research was like, O'Connell says, but it didn't leave much room for creativity.
And actually in academia, you know, there are — I don't think there's one really good academic journal in China, for example, because it's so corrupt right now and so, you know, whether without a, you know, free flow of information exchange of ideas, if everyone is always being careful about what they say, you know, in a kind of environment like that really faster innovation, real research and development, China hasn't been able to show that yet.
Kilger's research utilizes his talents as a social psychologist to show that at the beginning of any digital threat is a real person with unique motivations.
Previous research has shown that BMIs can precisely decode hand movements in real time.
This research shows that individual animals» behaviors can increase their chances of survival by allowing flexible, real - time adjustments to the many different microhabitats encountered in the wild.
«What our research shows is that it's not one kind of odor or stimulus that's attracting mosquitoes, it's a real combination of cues.»
The symbolic Einstein showed that physicists need not be remote and detached from the real world; the scientific Einstein showed that their research need not be, either.
Now, a research group at the University of Tokyo (Professor Takuya Ueda, Professor Yukihide Tomari, Researcher Chunyan Yao and Research Associate Hiroshi M Sasaki,) and at Kyoto University (Researcher Hisashi Tadakuma), has developed a single - molecule imaging assay for observing target RNA cleavage by RISC in a test tube in real time for the first time, showing how RISC accurately cleaves and releases research group at the University of Tokyo (Professor Takuya Ueda, Professor Yukihide Tomari, Researcher Chunyan Yao and Research Associate Hiroshi M Sasaki,) and at Kyoto University (Researcher Hisashi Tadakuma), has developed a single - molecule imaging assay for observing target RNA cleavage by RISC in a test tube in real time for the first time, showing how RISC accurately cleaves and releases Research Associate Hiroshi M Sasaki,) and at Kyoto University (Researcher Hisashi Tadakuma), has developed a single - molecule imaging assay for observing target RNA cleavage by RISC in a test tube in real time for the first time, showing how RISC accurately cleaves and releases targets.
New University of Florida research shows growers can keep using both their current sprinkler spacing and low pressure or enhanced real - time irrigation control to save water — and they can produce the same strawberry crop yield during mild freezes.
Dr Walid Magdy, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics, who led the research, said: «The introduction of skin tone choices for emojis has been a success in representing diversity and their extensive use shows that they meet a real demand from users.»
You might think that plants grow according to how much nutrition, water and sunlight they are exposed to, but new research by Dr Nick Pullen and a team from the John Innes Centre, UK shows that the plant's own genetics may be the real limiting factor.
This research — which shows chemical reactions happening in real time at one hundred - millionth of a centimeter — has the potential to revolutionise the study and development of new materials.
«Detailed research — particularly that done at Harvard — shows that the total amount of fat in the diet, whether high or low, has no real link with disease.
There is considerable research showing that this condition is real, and that most memories of trauma are generally accurate.
Research published in Nature Communications shows how scientists can measure, in real - time, the time that it takes and the separation distance of two atoms when the bond is broken in the simplest diatomic molecule.
Study lead author Professor Martyn Chipperfield, from the School of Earth & Environment at the University of Leeds, said: «Our research confirms the importance of the Montreal Protocol and shows that we have already had real benefits.
Research from Wageningen University in the Netherlands shows — for the first time — real time data of the brain, the stomach, and people's feelings of satiety measured simultaneously during a meal, in a study to be reported this week at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, held in Porto, Portugal.
The split between basic and applied research proved real, as did the significantly higher earnings of industrial scientists, who, the survey shows, generally place a greater value on income than academics do.
«This research shows that heat stroke is a real threat to marathon and long - distance runners; however, there are no clinical studies of potential strategies to prevent heat stroke during these types of events,» said Sami Viskin, MD, senior author of the study and a cardiologist at Tel Aviv Medical Center.
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