Sentences with phrase «reasonably safe rate»

Focusing on withdrawal rates close to 4.5 %, I notice that the Year 15 balance is more than 30 % at the Safe Withdrawal Rate and 40 % at the Reasonably Safe Rate (80 % probability of success).
The Year 30 required Reasonably Safe Rate is 4.2 % / 0.48 = 8.75 % for P / E10 = 8.
The Reasonably Safe rate was 4.55 %.
A dividend strategy matches SwAT at the reasonably safe rate (80 % confidence level for success).
It calculates the Safe Withdrawal Rate (95 % chance of success), the Reasonably Safe Rate (80 % chance of success), the Coin Toss Rate (50 % chance of success), the Likely Failure Rate (20 % chance of success) and the Almost Certain Failure Rate (5 % chance of success).
There are different values for the Safe Withdrawal Rate, for the Reasonably Safe Rate, for the Coin Toss Rate, for the Likely Failure Rate and for the Almost Certain Failure Rate.
The best allocations for the Safe Withdrawal Rate and the Reasonably Safe Rate are both 20 %.
The Reasonably Safe Rate with at 50 % Terminal Value at year 30 is 3.9 %.
The Reasonably Safe Rate is the Calculated Rate minus 0.6 %.
The Reasonably Safe rate for a final balance of 100 % is 4.4 %.
The Reasonably Safe rates are 5.9 %, 6.0 %, 6.1 %, 4.7 %, 5.4 % and 6.0 %, respectively.
The Reasonably Safe rates for portfolios A, B, 100 % stocks, 20 % stocks, 50 % stocks and 80 % stocks were 4.6 %, 4.8 %, 3.2 %, 4.2 %, 4.1 % and 3.7 %.

Not exact matches

I'm going to assume it's not passive since 800k couldn't reasonably generate that much based on a safe withdrawal rate.
You might insist upon the full level of safety (Safe Withdrawal Rate) with the standard CPI, but permit a lesser level of safety (Reasonably Safe) when it comes to the 0.3 % to 0.4 % adjustments.
Also, when we talk about HSWR [Historical Surviving Withdrawal Rates], we are talking about the future and making probabilistic analysis based upon valuations which determine safe, reasonably safe, 50/50, likely failure, etc..
These results are comparable to the 30 Year Reasonably Safe Withdrawal Rate (see Year 30 SWR button on the left) with a high stock allocation.
Withdrawal rates between 4.20 % and 4.55 % are reasonably safe.
The Reasonably Safe (80 % chance of success) rate would be 3.96 %.
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