Sentences with phrase «recent studies questioned»

Recent studies questioned whether breastfeeding can lower rates of obesity among kids, and the latest analysis will only add to the confusion.

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According to a fascinating recent Nature article by Tom Clynes, science has been hard at work trying to figure out the answer to that question for more than four decades with the the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth.
Recent studies call this view into question.
As the debate has taken on a decidedly Asia focus, with some recent studies and popular media coverage pointing to investors from Asia as one of the drivers of Vancouver's soaring housing prices, the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada) has written a background document aggregating the available facts, outlining similar challenges in other jurisdictions, and raising the question: Is public policy required?
The following two recent studies examine these questions, with results as follows: Keep Reading
In fact, the capacity of a contemporary congregation to sustain any unified, sharply defined world view has been more frequently questioned than confirmed in recent studies of church life.
I also can't blame the asker of that question too much, because recent demographic studies have shown that some 60 percent of Orthodox in America belong to the Greek Archdiocese of America.
For example, in a recent analysis published in an edition of International Studies in Catholic Education dedicated to the question of whether there can be such a thing as a Catholic curriculum, Therese D'Orsa argues from the Australian experience that «attempts to give meaning to the concept of a Catholic curriculum... have ranged across a spectrum familiar to those who lead in Catholic schools» and that such initiatives have had a «limited impact».
Since my acquaintance of the Guild for Psychological Studies is somewhat recent, I have asked Dr. Howes to write a brief appendix for this book, outlining the Guild's approach in more precise detail and providing several examples of the kinds of questions asked.
That question was at the center of a recent conference at which more than 200 people assembled under the auspices of the Center for the Study and Religion and American Culture to discuss «public religious discourse and America's pluralistic society.»
Recent research in cognitive psychology and communication studies have called into question many of the assumptions on which modern education has been based.
By focusing on issues in the «should we» form, this book, like a number of other recent studies of theological schooling, raises questions that must be asked constantly while we are attempting to solve the real problems of any particular theological school.
However, the efficacy of carotenoid - rich foods in the prevention of vitamin A deficiency has been questioned in several recent studies, which reported little or no nutritional benefit of vitamin A from the increased consumption of dark - green or yellow vegetables (11, 12).
Rory Devine and Clair Hughes tackled this question in a recent study of theory of mind development.
Hi Dawn ~ The recent study from Norway didn't report this result — it's a great question.
This is the question at the heart of Seigel's post, where she takes into account the findings of a recent study on the topic.
These recent studies certainly won't generate the headlines the initial Duke study did, but residents in northeastern Pennsylvania now have additional scientific evidence to answer their questions about the role of oil and gas production plays in their area.
But several social - studies experts on Long Island explained that one recent debate in their field centered on the question of whether the exam's coverage should start with the Age of Enlightenment, which began around 1650, or the Industrial Age, which started around 1760.
Take for instance the recent British Election Study which questioned 30,000 actual voters about the 2015 election.
Afterward the press got a chance to ask him questions on a variety of topics including Scott Waldman's recent scoop that revealed the Cuomo administration edited and delayed parts of the a key fracking study.
Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman, an author on the study from University of Malaya, Malaysia, said: «In recent years, compulsory drug detention centres in Malaysia and across Asia have come under scrutiny and question over their lack of effectiveness in treating addiction and their human rights transgressions.
«This study raises new questions about what climate change will do to severe thunderstorms and what is responsible for recent trends,» says Tippett, who is also a member of the Data Science Institute and the Columbia Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate.
A recent study published in the December 2008 issue of the journal Neuron, by Joshua Buckholtz and his colleagues at Vanderbilt University tackles exactly this question.
A third group primarily studies basic biological questions about how the virus works — although, even before the recent outbreak, their work was starting to shift toward the translational.
Some recent studies have begun to question that conventional wisdom, though the idea that germline stem cells could still exist in women after birth is controversial (SN Online: 7/9/12).
In recent years he has specialized in studying how journalists ask questions and how presidents answer — or don't answer — them.
Recent studies have shown an increase in women with breast cancer choosing this more aggressive surgery, called contralateral prophylactic mastectomy, which raises the question of potential overtreatment among these patients.
«Inspired by recent demonstrations for the need for large subject - samples and more robust analyses in psychology and neuroscience research, we re-examined the research question of the original study.
These findings call into question the safety of the recent substitution of DiNP for DEHP in soft PVC, particularly since a shorter male AGD has been shown to be related to male genital birth defects in children (such as hypospadias and undescended testis) and impaired reproductive function in adult males (such as decreased fertility, impaired semen quality and lower serum testosterone levels) and the fact that human levels of DiNP are rapidly increasing globally, says Carl - Gustaf Bornehag, professor in Public Health Sciences at Karlstad University and responsible for the current study.
A new study by researchers from UCLA and the University of Houston reveals significant groundwater loss in California's Central Valley during the recent drought and sparks questions of sustainability for the important agricultural area.
While biofuels from crops, grasses, wood, agricultural residues and other materials emit less carbon than fossil fuels over a crop - to - vehicle life cycle, recent studies have questioned the availability of material to make fuels on a large scale.
Finch's ideas about senescence from his grad school days have also held up: The popularity of the Hayflick model has declined as other research questioned its relevance to aging in whole organisms, and recent studies in long - lived nematodes have confirmed Finch's hunch that brain hormones control aging (see Johnson Review).
To begin to grapple with those questions, the researchers involved in the new study first selected as «seeds» the nine genes that have been most strongly tied to ASDs in recent sequencing research from their labs and others.
But a recent study found that may be the wrong question.
A recent study suggests that other greenhouse gases may be the key to answering this question.
Pagoto and her team are pursuing another study to delve more deeply into who tans, asking questions about sexual orientation, given that recent research has revealed that homosexual men are just as likely to use tanning beds as young women.
In a recent study researchers answered this question for Philadelphia by mapping the places where residents are most at risk.
«Our study raises new questions about what climate change will do to severe thunderstorms and what is responsible for recent trends,» said co-author Michael K. Tippett, an associate professor at Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.
While the study conducts a sensitivity analysis that includes one scenario with higher levels of production subsidies, the fact that the model's outputs seem to barely register a tripling of production subsidies raises some questions, especially in light of the findings of the other recent U.S. study led by the Stockholm Environment Institute and EarthTrack described above.
A recent report uses cutting edge techniques to study this question in cells growing in the lab.
A recent study by Jason Steffen from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas is shedding new light on this persistently challenging question.
A study published in the recent online journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B set out to test that question with the little West Coast tidepool copepod, Tigriopus californicus, which normally shows an ability to tolerate wide ranges in temperatures.
His most recent studies are driven by outstanding and unresolved questions in materials and environmental science that require advanced characterization tools and multi - disciplinary / multi-modal approaches.
In fact, the nature and pathological relevance of the intracellularly accumulated material have been questioned in a recent study [30], raising the intriguing possibility that such material is APP, rather than Aβ.
A recent study has literally shed some light on this question.
We discuss the recent advances to address the question and characterize the developmental constraint in evolution, by integrating approaches from cell, and evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, and theoretical biophysics, and provide the future perspective in the quantitative evo - devo studies.
Researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) investigated this question, and the overall importance of enhancers to development, in two recent studies.
But Knutson's most recent study took a big step toward answering that question.
Given the recent studies linking low - sodium diets to increased illness and mortality, a clinical trial to address this question is «essential,» O'Donnell says.
In the 1960s, experts theorized that eating a low - fiber diet could cause diverticula, but recent studies have questioned that assumption.
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