Sentences with phrase «reddit community»

It seems that way and the game's Reddit community agrees.
Beginning over two weeks ago, reports have trickled in on Reddit community «r / btc» — the de facto hub for supporters of bitcoin rival bitcoin cash (BCH)-- of accounts being compromised by a new and worrying attack vector.
We also have the Artist's Guide to reddit Communities, which has a detailed list of reddit communities for artists.
There was a bit of confusion in the Ethereum Reddit community since Mastercard was not listed among the new members in EEA's press release.
About Site - A Reddit community for the sharing, and discussing, science - based psychological materials.
Reddit community engaging in the creation of content and sharing conversation for all blue and bluesy music, artists and instruments.
The debate has effectively split bitcoin's active Reddit community in two, and further debate has taken place on Twitter as well as individual Slack channels dedicated to Core and Classic.
The publication said yesterday that Luckey had confirmed that he was behind the now - deleted «NimbleRichMan» handle, a particularly vocal member of the Nimble America Reddit community who spoke of his appreciation for Donald Trump, conservative «shitposting» and other political ideals.
The entire reddit community was then sitting on pins and needles wondering if Maggio would make it in time.
Just be sure to have friends to play it with, or if that's not an option, please stop by the official thread on the Gear VR Reddit Community as there are sure to be others who would be interesting in playing via Skype or other VOIP.
However, with the recently uncovered XP throttling mechanism, those who purchased the Pop - Tarts specifically to gain experience faster in Destiny 2 feel that Bungie betrayed their trust and they are venting their frustration on what's currently the top upvoted post on the game's huge Reddit community.
Part of the new ARG includes 16 cassette tapes being sent out to members of the NMS Reddit community, who have been busy decrypting them.
Don't miss out on your chance to play with 8 decks created, and voted for, by our very own Clash Royale reddit community!
For the past two years I have been writing about reddit on my blog and helping clients engage various reddit communities.
The litecoin Reddit community now has more than 118,200 subscribers.
And here's a handy guide on what each DLC does and which ones are the most notable according to the game's dedicated Reddit community.
Following the announcement, bitcoin's vibrant Reddit community was quick to speculate what the news could mean for Gyft's long - popular service and what, if anything, the acquisition inferred about First Data's interest in the bitcoin space.
When the original proposal was closed, the Ethereum Reddit community responded positively in a thread that congratulated the community, one user calling it a «big win for the Ethereum community and network.»
Reddit community r / CryptoCurrency is directing US - based community members to the Suicide Hotline while panic ensues.
Android users don't yet have access to these new characters and the Android Reddit community is not happy about it.
Karma Those numbers posted next to your username are a measure of Reddit community cred.
But when a Redditor named «kerovon» asked Huffman in the thread whether he had any plans to try to address the fact «the Reddit community has become more bitter and divided, with some groups actively protesting against moderators and large communities,» Huffman (who on Reddit goes as spez) wrote:
The product and design teams collected feedback for months, both in private and on a Reddit community they created called r / redesign.
The Reddit community voted on a winner, who received a free holiday prize.
The Reddit community is also substantially male: About 70 % of users are men and 56 % are between the ages of 18 and 29.
The Reddit community is fiercely pro-net neutrality, and has been up in arms about the plans.
A Reddit community devoted to ketogenic eating recently soared to over 400,000 users.
About Site - Discover all the things related to vegetarian food, diet and much more in this Reddit community.
About Blog Discussions and articles on machine learning shared by the Reddit community.
The Reddit community felt he left a few choice questions unanswered — naturally, the difficult or controversial ones — and was none too pleased about it.
San Francisco, CA About Blog Explore all about superfoods in this Reddit community.
Thanks to the Reddit community, data miners digging into the PC version of the game uncovered what appears to be concept art for five of the fighters.
There's much work ahead, but Double Fine CEO Tim Schafer took some time to speak to the Reddit community earlier today, offering up some tidbits on the game, including the game's first story details.
About Blog Discussions and articles on machine learning shared by the Reddit community.
San Francisco, CA About Blog Explore all about superfoods in this Reddit community.
Battlefront 2's executive producer John Wasilczyk, associate design director Dennis Brannvall, and producer Paul Keslin were all on - hand to answer questions from the reddit community, and the whole thing passed on by with the effortlessly evasive slickness of a well - oiled corporate PR machine.
Minecraft is also another phenomenon that has spawned several YouTube channels, servers, and a reddit community with almost 1/2 a million members.
The going theory among the Reddit community is that the XM - LAR is evidence that Activision is planning to release DLC for the game.
Thanks, btw, to the Reddit community for fighting off Sopa and PIPA.
Note the detailed information in this user - rewritten headline, which gives the Reddit user a quicker look at the key data point from the article and I would say that likely had a positive impact on it being so well - read by the Reddit community.
On the whole, the Reddit community can actually be pretty good about censoring itself and making sure that only the best content makes it to the top of any comment chain.
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