Sentences with phrase «rendell made people feel good»

In reading this statement, making people feel good would seem core to the beverage company's reason for being.
It's not about making people feel good about themselves and loved.
But some people are remarkably charismatic: They build and maintain great relationships, consistently influence (in a good way) the people around them, consistently make people feel better about themselves — they're the kind of people everyone wants to be around... and wants to be.
Heroes make people feel good about the good they are doing.
Purpose: «To make people feel good about themselves, about others, and about the natural environment and the whole of which we are part.»
Building on Powers's principles, he preaches a model of «empowerment marketing» that makes people feel better about themselves.
«Knowing that no animals were involved in the creation of a product might make people feel better about using it.»
Heckling someone online isn't the answer to making people feel better about themselves, but it does show that not all trolls are terrible all the time.
Make people feel good about themselves.
It's positive, affirming, informative and makes people feel good about themselves and what they've accomplished.
«When the stock market goes up like it has, it makes people feel better, which feeds demand for little luxuries like dining out,» says Plunkett.
A simple log of your sexual activity is not very useful by itself, except to perhaps make people feel good or bad about themselves, said Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a specialist in female urology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
What to do instead: It makes people feel good to be complimented, so pointing out a piece of work or a post on their social media profile that you enjoyed gives your message a little something extra.
Happiness might make people feel good, but it doesn't always make them behave in good ways.
It may make people feel good to meet with the Minister but they shouldn't be deluded onto thinking that these consultations matter.
He goes out of his way to make people feel good about themselves and share his joy about life.»
«Sometimes looking at positive pictures doesn't make people feel better
Connecting with your brand on social media should make a person feel better.
The Bible is a book of fairy tales and stories intended to make people feel better about what they fear and can not understand because of ignorance.
But I guess believing anything is true, makes some people feel better than admitting they truly do not know.
Throwing bilble quotes around to make people feel better.
Religion makes people feel better about their insignificants.
And Rev. Meyer is standing by his decision, saying «Our culture breaks all the rules to make people feel good.
Sure, it might make a person feel better, but this verse as we often prescribe it is being taken completely out of context.
Religion makes people feel good to think they have a personal relationship with THE all powerful creator of the universe who takes a personal interest in them, loves them, and will protect them.
One of the participants at the research conference, an electronic church broadcaster, summed up all of the data by stating, «It looks like the research is saying that all that religious TV is doing is to make people feel good and to get them to keep on doing what they're doing!»
Over time, though, rehabilitation, protection, and deterrence can make people feel better, too, so the only question is what combination of punishment and remission of punishment makes people feel the best.
He can not distinguish retribution from revenge, viewing all punishment merely as an emotional venting which makes people feel better.
At the press conference announcing the Annenberg - Gallup study, a member of the audience, himself an electronic - church broadcaster, summed up the report by commenting, rather wistfully, «It looks like the research is saying that all that religious TV is doing is to make people feel good and to get them to keep on doing what they «re doing!»
He makes people feel better about life.
Given RCAR's insistence that there is no unborn «child,» it would seem that they are compassionately willing to go along with what they believe is a lie if it makes people feel better.
The stories of Amos and Jeremiah tell us how the prophet must often speak pleasant words, while the false prophet yields to social pressure, salves guilty consciences, and adjusts his message to make people feel good.
Perhaps this is why Uncle Gary had a reputation for making people feel good about themselves.
Of course it makes people feel good: it's designed to.
He still dismissed all ethical, metaphysical, and religious statements as having no meaning except to make people feel good
I think there's been a general trend towards only giving God credit for good things that happen to us and play down his role in the bad, which may make people feel better about the relationship with God, but is not very scriptural.
There is just something about the holidays and baking for others that makes people feel good to give.
Hilary's Eat Well is a small food manufacturing company based in Kansas whose primary reason for being is to create products that make people feel good.
«We have a triple bottom line at BAO that focuses on profits, people and planet, and our mission is to do good for people while making people feel good
As a food manufacturer, our business is driven by good people, making good food, from good ingredients - and the result is food that makes people feel good.
Two - hundred, 250, 300 pounds,» says Fridge — makes people feel good.
And being helpful would mean making you people feel better about disposing of an animal that you made a commitment to care for?
He can easily make people feel better by his many hugs, kisses, and / or smiles.
Here's hoping you can keep the discussion on eating food that makes people feel good and not on ZOMG Teh Obesity Epidemic.
But the thing is, revenge never makes a person feel better about her circumstances.
Helping others makes people feel good.
(It might sound romantic, but this is actually something that makes people feel good about themselves, and who are any of us to spoil that?)
It turns out that doing good things makes people feel good, which is one reason that we donate to churches and charities.
10:45 - What is so fiendishly clever about this Budget process is its capacity for generating headlines about good news which will make people feel better about themselves.
I believe as socialists we need societies to be societies of givers and not takers but if it makes some people feel better the lumpen generally live crap, unfulfilling lives.
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